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Thursday, December 15, 2005
some good and some bad news
well the good news is the lady at the cashier's desk at school hadn't started dropping people yet when i got there yesterday morning, so i was able to pay my tuition and get my classes. the bad news is i somehow didn't get into one of the classes i'd originally registered for. i think the registrations office removed me for not paying because there was a wait list. ah well, i got the class that i really needed to get (digital logic). it's only offered once a year, so if i missed it i'd have to wait another full year at this school (already been there 4 years). the math class (differential equations) i can take any quarter, so maybe i'll pick it up in the spring.
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
i'm fucking pissed
my day started out great (sarcasm)...ok, so i get to work last night at 10pm like normal and look at my watch...i notice it's the 13th...then i realize tuition was due on the 13th and i haven't paid i'm gonna go in today and see if i can still pay it late or if they've already dropped my classes...i hope i can still pay. if not, i'll have to use the late registration and hope the classes i was already in aren't filled up.
so a few hours go by and i'm working, then we go on our first break...i look around for my jacket, but it's nowhere to be found. at first i think someone moved it (i leave it on a checkstand while i'm working), but no one's seen it. i search every inch of the store for the next 6 hours and never find my either someone hid it really well and isn't telling me...or some damn customer stole it between the time i got there and 1am when the store closed. the thing originally cost $160, but i got it on sale for $80 and i've only had it for maybe a month and some douchebag walks off with it. and to make matters worse, it keeps getting colder all's 33degrees when i get to work and it's 27degrees when i get off. i gotta scrape the ice off my car for 30 minutes (layered on real thick) in the freezing air with no jacket coughing on the exhaust (defroster going) and shivering the whole time. i hope i don't get sick because of it. i told the opening people at work to keep an eye out for my jacket in case i'm wrong and it's just hiding somewhere, but i have a bad feeling they won't find it. luckily, i still have my old's not as warm, but it's better than nothing.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
i'm so bored
i finally figured out what to get my sister for i still needa find something for my dad and ashley. =/ ah well...if i can't figure anything out for dad, i can just get him a gift certificate to sears or home depot and he'll be happy...but i got him one to home depot last year, so would rather not do that, i guess i gotta figure something out or get one for sears...or maybe an office store...he just started renovating his office and is trying to find stuff for it. as for ashley, i have no idea. i know she likes socks, shoes, and green day...but she already has all the green day stuff, and i'd rather not buy socks/shoes for idea if they'd fit or they'd like the socks. oh well, guess i'll have to keep thinking of something else.
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Friday, December 9, 2005
inventory hell
last night was absolute chaos at work. we had the inventory crew coming in this morning at 6 to scan everything in the store to track our inventory. apparently if more than 5% of our total merchandise (by price) is in the backroom or on the sky shelves (the shelves above the top shelf on the aisle with all the back stock of junk) we get in trouble, so our foreman and his assistant were running around like madmen trying to get us all to do different tasks....kinda reminded me of a buncha ants running around. it looks like utter chaos, but in the end everything gets done. we had so much crap laying around in the back and on the skyshelves. ordinarily it takes us four hours to stock the grocery and frozen and four hours to face the store with 3-4 people. last night it took eight hours with 7 people. there was one good thing that came outta the night though...the store paid for our lunch...we got a buncha pizza :) that's one of very few times the store's actually done something for the employees and remembered night crew...and it is the first time they've done something for night crew only. granted pizza's not a huge deal, it is still nice to actually be remembered and appreciated once in a while.
i finally updated my myspace page. for those of you have one, click on the link on the left to check it out. if you don't have one, you can still see the front page of it...i have the most awesomest background ever.
and now for something fun....i stole this from a friend's myspace...what're you guys? i'm a virgo....kinda strange how "the virgin" can be really good at fucking, eh?
Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners
Very Good in bed. Lover not a Fighter But
Still Punch Your Lights Out. Trustworthy
Great Kisser. Very high sex appeal.
Great in bed. Most horny.
Caring. Smart. Center of attention. Too Sexy, DAMN IT.
Very high sex appeal. Has the last word.
Very gentle. Nice. Love is one of a kind. Silly and fun!
Have own unique sexiness. Most caring person you will ever meet!
GREAT in Bed.
Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Predict future.
Irrestible, awesome kisser. Great talker.
Always gets what he or she wants.
Trustworthy. Sexy. Rare to find. Loves being
in long relationships. Extremly energetic.
Amazing in bed, the BEST lovers.
Outgoing. Spontanious. No one to fuck with.
Have own unique sexiness. Unpredictable. Erotic.
Funny. Addictive. Take you on trips to the moon in bed.
Aggressive. freak in bed. rare to find. loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight for what they want.
Extremly outgoing. Outstanding kisser.
Dominant in relationships. Horny. Freak in bed.
Always want the last word. Quiet. Caring. Smart.
Great talker. Sexy. Always Horny.
Laid back. Knows how to have fun.
Is really good at fucking. Great kisser.
Very sexy. Talkative.
Energetic. Predict future.
Most erotic.
Spontanious. Horny. Sexy. High sex appeal.
good in bed. Rare to find. Good when found.
Outstanding kisser.Loves being in long relationships
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
just something i found on a friend's's very true
You Know You're From Washington When... |
You know the state flower (Mildew)
You feel guilty when you don't recycle.
You use the phrase "sun break" and know what it means.
You know more than 10 ways to order coffee.
You know more people who own boats than air conditioners.
You feel overdressed wearing a suit to a nice restaurant.
You've stood on a deserted corner in the rain waiting for the "Walk" Signal.
You understand that if it has no snow or has not erupted, it is not a real mountain.
You can taste the difference between Starbuck's, Seattle's Best, Veneto's, Peet's, and Tully's.
You know the difference between Chinook, Coho, and Sockeye salmon.
You consider swimming an indoor sport.
You are well versed in the difference between Japanese, Chinese and Thai food.
In winter, you go to work in the dark and come home in the dark -- while only working eight-hour days.
You never go camping without waterproof matches and a poncho.
You are not fazed by "Today's forecast: showers followed by rain," and "Tomorrow's forecast: rain followed by showers."
You have no concept of humidity without precipitation.
You can point to at least two volcanoes, even if you cannot see through the cloud cover.
You notice "the mountain is out" when it is a pretty day and you can actually see it.
You put on your shorts when the temperature gets above 50, but still wear your hiking boots and parka.
You switch to your sandals when it gets about 60, but keep the socks on.
You've actually used your mountain bike on a mountain.
You think people who use umbrellas are either wimps or tourists.
You knew immediately that the view out of Frasier's window was fake.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Washington.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
well, i'm proud to say i have finally figured out a favorite band. HIM...i just bought two more of their cds today..."dark light" and "deep shadows and brilliant highlights"...i already had "razorblade romance". i can't seem to pick a favorite song, but "razorblade romance" is definitely my favorite album.
and now from Razorblade Romance is:
"Razorblade Kiss"
I taste death in every kiss we share
Every sundown seems to be the last we have
Your breath on my skin has the scent of our end
I'm drunk on your tears, Baby, can't you see it's hurting
Mmhhh mmmhhhh
Every time we touch we get closer to heaven
And at every sunrise our sins are forgiven
You on my skin this must be the end
The only way you can love me ist to hurt me again
And again
And again
And again
Your love is a razorblade kiss
Sweetest is the taste from your lips
Your love is a razorblade kiss
Sweetest is the taste from your lips
Oh the taste from your lips, my Darling
Taste from your lips, oh my Love
Only inside I'm free
I'm tired of waiting
You've got to let me dream
Inside Baby
I'm not afraid to feel
I want your to love me
Cause you are the one
Cause you are the one
Cause you are the one
Your love is a razorblade kiss
Sweetest is the taste from your lips
Your love is a razorblade kiss
Sweetest is the taste from your lips
Your love is a razorblade kiss
Sweetest is the taste from your lips
Your love is a razorblade kiss
Sweetest is the taste from your lips

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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
work was actually pretty easy last night. i got there about 3 minutes early and the closing PIC (troy) had already thrown most of the load (nice to see management actually doing some kinda work)...not that it was much work...the load was only one pallet...maybe 50 pieces...we usually have 5-8 pallets around 300 pieces or so...and best of all, there was no frozen last night. i just threw one aisle, then cleaned up a buncha boxes...and since some customer asked us to save boxes for her, we didn't even have to clean up much...just gather 'em all in one spot and leave a bailing big boxes (just the little trays). then we went to lunch (i had some kinda beef and barley soup...won't be having that again...barley's only good for makin' beer) and then we went back and faced the store and built an olive display, then went home. and now i'm off to bed...sweet dreams all.
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Friday, December 2, 2005
hurray, last day of school!
yup, that's was my last day of school until next quarter starts on jan 3. i only have to go back there one more time to pay my tuition and then a whole month to do a whole lotta nothing (kinda like what i did while i was still in school). we hadda test today though, so that kinda sucked, but oh well. there were a few problems i wasn't sure on...and i decided to make up my own rules to finish one of the proofs...the logic behind it makes sense, but i dunno what formal rule it's called to prove that line of the proof, so i just called it some random thing and hoped it's right. it was one of those tests where you spend thirty minutes staring at the page and erasing everything over and over again and getting nowhere until you have some epiphany in the last two minutes and know how to solve all of 'em and have to rush to write it all down fast enough. oh well, good thing i'm a quick writer, eh.
and to celebrate the end of fall quarter...quite possibly my favorite song of all time:
Psychic spies from China
Try to steal your mind elation
Little girls from Sweden
Dream of silver screen quotations
And if you want these kind of dreams
Its Californication
It's the edge of the world
And all of western civilization
The sun may rise in the east
At least it settles in a final location
It's understood that Hollywood
Sells Californication
Pay your surgeon very well
To break the signs of aging
Celebrity skin is this your chin
Or is it war your waging
First born unicorn
Hard core soft porn
Dream of Californication
Dream of Cailfornication
Marry me girl be the fairy to my world
Be my very own constellation
A teenage bride with a baby inside
Getting high on information
And buy me a star on the boulevard
It's Californication
Space may be the final frontier
But it's made in a Hollywood basement
Cobain can you hear the spheres
Singing songs off station to station
And Alderon's not far away
It's Californication
Born and raised by those who praise
Control of population everybody's been there and
I don't mean on vacation
First born unicorn
Hard core soft porn
Dream of Californication
Dream of Cailfornication
Destruction leads to a very rough road
But it also breeds creation
And earthquakes are to a girl's guitar
They are just another good vibration
And tidal waves couldn't save the world
From Califonication
Pay your sugeon very well
To break the signs of aging
Sicker then the rest
There is no test
But this is what you're craving
First born unicorn
Hard core soft porn
Dream of Californication
Dream of Cailfornication
-Red Hot Chili Peppers
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Thursday, December 1, 2005
ok, i gotta theory about why i date the women i do...there's something about the pain involved. some people release their pain by cutting or abusing their body...i somehow manage to do it by abusing my heart and soul by constantly dating girls that hurt me...just about every girlfriend i've ever had has hurt me in some way...mostly by cheating on me. i wonder if i can somehow sense the ones that're going to and am attracted to them on some subconscious level. if so i fear i'm doomed to a life of constant heartache. anyway, i dunno why i bothered writing this, but i figured someone might find it interesting or at least mildly entertaining to read my mindless ramblings. blah
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
was bored
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