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hot hot hot i live in a middle of the desert woot
Member Since
can you sleep for a job
Real Name
ummmm sometimes known as the seth
hehe ummm ahhh too much stress ahh
Anime Fan Since
since the dawn of time ahhhh
Favorite Anime
TRIGUN,cowboy Bebop. FMA, Bleach, s-cry-ed and a couple others (: i love them all
Goals Goals i have none of these Goals that you speak of I do not like the pressure of actually having to do something
sleeping,playing x box and saxaphone, theater what else what else nevermind
hmmmmmm talents talents im going to have to get back to you on that one oh though a play a good bit of sax....aphone he he
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/15/06:
What sort of Weapon best Represents your Personality? (anime pics!)
 Your personality is best represented by the Japanese dagger, called a Tanto. A person who wields a Tanto knows better than anyone that you cant judge on appearance alone. You have the unique ability to see the full potential in people and objects long before anyone else has a clue. You are clever and are probably underestimated a lot by others, but YOU know who you are and exactly what you are capable of. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/15/06:
What Time of Day Best Represents your Personality? (anime pics!)
 Sunset is the time of day that best describes your personality. You are the definition of loner. Its not that you dont like hanging out with friends and meeting new people, you'd just rather be by yourself. You may not show much emotion, but you are kind to everyone and know how to make people feel comfortable. The saying "still waters run deep" describes you very accurately. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/15/06:
What season are you? (pics)
 You're a Spring. You usually are very close-knit with your friends and value everyone friendship you have. You're a real people person and everyone loves how friendly you are. You're good with encouraging people but usually don't like to be the center of attention. You are a social butterfly and probably are in several circles of friends but it's just because you're well liked and you make people comfortable. You're both fun and wise but you are very realistic about life.(If you can't see the pics, go to my homepage) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/15/06:
~What type of soul resides in you?(Enchanting ANIME pictures!!!)~
 Type of soul Musical!!! You love to listen and play music, it makes you happy and relifes stress from your life! You love to play instruments, and enjoy them very much! You are into most types of music! You are well liked, and dependable, you love to let people listen to your music and tell you they think of it! You probably play in choir and your favourite class is probably music! You are sweet, and thoughtful! You have may have friends who share your intrests! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/15/06:
If you were in an anime what kind of girl would you be?(anime pics and MANY results)
Result Posted on 07/11/06:
Result Posted on 07/11/06:
Who exactly ARE you? (AnImE PiCs)
Result Posted on 07/08/06:
What Are Your Wings? (Anime Pictures)
Result Posted on 07/08/06:
Witches, Faeries, Angels, Warriors, Demi-humans, Demons and Sorcerers... Which one is you? (With pretty pics!)
Result Posted on 07/08/06:
Which Emotion do you represent?(AWESOME anime pics)
 You symbolize Happiness. You absolutly love the world and all the people in it. You are never seen with a frown on your face. If someone were to try to put you down, you'd brush it off as if it were a compliment. Take it easy on the happy pills! Take this quiz!
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