Birthday 1991-04-10 Gender
Female Location Sur la lune, ( translate roughly to: "on the moon") Member Since 2004-04-13 Occupation Being myself Real Name Akiko,or Luna, or Looney
Achievements Not killing a certain someone who shall not be mentioned. Anime Fan Since I have no i dea Favorite Anime
Inu yasha
Cardcaptor Sakura
Tokyo Mew Mew
Peach girl
Samuri Champloo
Princess Mononoke
My Neighbor Totoro
Howl's Moving Castle
Milenium Actress Goals Graduat highschool with a shred of sanity left, that's all I ask. Hobbies draw, go on the internet, listen to my iPod....ect Ialso like hugs
Talents after 2 people saying I must have a talent i decided to rakle(sp?) my bran. Then I slapped myself on the forehead and screamed "duh!!!". I speak fluen french and got to a french school w/ my pal angelickisses. ^-^ demonskiss
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
I apologize for not visiting peoples sites yesterday. I tried. ButI couldn't get to them >.<
School was peachy as always. we're doing secret santa in French class. i'm hoping that it won't end up liek last year where 3/4 of teh students forgot so I got nothing until the last day. Some peopl only got old candy which is digusting and stupid. But so far I got a clue today.
I'm happy to hear that thier are more people who agree taht shopping bites butt. And yes no store has realised that it is winter. Theyr'e selling new tanks and short sleeves. >.< it's annoying.
Some kid pulled the fir alarm today, and if Mrs.Ritter (the Dean of Students/college counsler) finds out who did they're going to get expelled at will find it impossible for them to get into a private school.
I dispise shoppping with the firey passion of a thousand burning suns. I went fhopping for 4 hours in the city today I went to 5 stores and what did I find...NOTHING ZIP NADA! I needed to find was just 2 long sleeved shirts cuz frankly I only have 4, 2 of which need to be washed speratley. So i'm basically alternating between 2 shirts all week, and they're basically the same shirt tto. They're both thin and black. >.< OIf course I din't have alot of time to look very hard in most of the stores. (I had to go to the maximum stores and not miss my ride home) I'm gonna try agian next week end with my mom.
One good thing did come out of it though. I met a honest to God gay. Or maybe he wasn't gay but jsut acted it. My firend andI where walking down the strret, ant his guy comes up to us and asks us to volunteer for this campaign ( which we couldn't cuz of school) bu mid sentence he telle my friend "omg I love your shirt, it's a fabulous shade of blue" (or something like that) It was awesome.
I did absolutly nothing today it was great. All I did was watch Bleach up utnil episode 63, which had a really sweet ending, but the series goes into the 100's. It's like inuyasha.
I also learned what Edward Elric is calle din French, cuzI have alot of French friends who are into anime, cuz anime is really big thier. So Ed is called Edo in France. I think it's awwesome.
Yesterday (saturday) I also signed up for my first driving class. So excited. I also tried to color in my witch, but I cannot finnish cuz I lost my skin toned pencil and I will not finnish it until I acquire a toned colored pencil.
i also made chocolate turtles. My bors friends are over. I'm the only girl in the house...the testastorone level is sofocating me. *cough cough**gasps for air*
you all remember my crazy economics teacher, his names is Mr. Prelle (pronounced preh-luh)
so today he was giving an example on what precentages mean. He was giving an example, here is the dialogue:
(note in the french systeme from grades 6th to twelth they count backwards, it goes 6 5 4 3 2 1 then "terminal" (no not like an basically means the end)
M.Prelle: so lets say clas 2B has 15 students..
Camille (who is a guy...I know sad right?): Mr 2B has 14, our class, 2A has 15
M.Prelle: I'm always thinking about hem, u know they're my favorite class.
Yasmine: you know sir, we have other teachers too, ur not our favorite either.
M.Prelle: (totally goes to the side and is laughing his butt off, returns) Yasmine, if I was cappable of human emotions, I would cry right now.
In Audio Visuelle we finnished making comercials, we got to make comemricals for projects, it was fun, Nat-chan Yasmine and I made a bubbleicious Comemcial, but we spooffed (sp?) the mac comemricals and the fabreze quote.
Nat-chan and I are are jsut standing in front of a white background (which is really a white wall)
Me: Hi I'm bubblelicious
Nat-chan: Hi I'm trident and I'm fresh and minty
Me: no you're not, you're hard and nasty
Nat-chan: Don't burst my bubble.
Me: What bubble.
Nat-chan: this one (fails to make a bubble)
Me: Want a bubblelicous ( I walk off amking a hige bubble which natchan pops.)
Zoom in on my face blowing a bubble
Nat-chan's voice: Blow on bubble lovers, blow on.
we're so clever aren't we ^-^ Right now we're gonna make a music video, it's called "More Bounce in Califonia" Which is perfect cuz we live in Cali, and we do got more bounce offence to others.
Ihave to write a story in French class for a international contest.
The rules are that the story has to be in a correct french (no slang) And The story has to be fantasy, but it has to be fantasy fallowing the French structure of fantasy.
1)the story has to take place in an average place ( like no unicorns popping out of nowhere)
2)Then something happens that is completly wierd but the main character can rationalize away (like I was soooo drunk last night...)
3)Then the character finds a lil trace of what happens (like a scar or something) That the reader wonder
oh and the person has to be scared out of thier mind ^-^
The writing is actualy kinda fun, it's beter then the last contest wherwe had to write a mystery stroy...Mine bit hard btw...and all traces of it are lost forever thank God!!!
(note: all those that can't be that bad obivously have not read it..count your blessings)
I've decided to color in my witch picture.... but smoe other time like tomorrow night. or maybe tomorrow morning on the bus. ^-^
but so far my story is comming out ok, I'm only making an outline first (which is taking forever) to ask the teacher to make sure that it follows what is asked, I dont' want to write something to find out that it doesn't follow the rules then have to rewrite it 2 days before I have to turn the story into the teacher.
I think our french teacher thinks some of su our on som kinda drug. Some girls in the back wher elaughing thier asses off. the when the teacher was gving one of the miss behaving students an "evil eye" the evil eye made me laugh, andI couldn't stop.
I'm so sorry I didn't get to anyones page yesterday. >.< My computer wasn't working for awhile. I got 3 guestbooks signings today. That' truly shocks me, I don't know why.
I don't want to go out w/ Carl. I mean he's a nice guy, but he's kinda wierd, and he lieks money a li ltooo mcuh. Liek the boys in my clas only like him cuz he would shove five pens in his mouth for $1. WTV, I jsut wanted to make tha clear, i'm not really interested in anyone. I'm kinda boring like that, it drives all me friends crazy ^-^.
Their was this Cross Country tournament at me school on wednesday, ididn't attend because of an early thanksgiving. But Our class has always hated this, and accor ding to the sports teachr who everyon agress is a total @$$ h0!#. His words where " The 10th grade class ws the least motivated out of all the school" 9 middle school and high school.
The he accused our class of cheating, because obviously when u don't care about winning or losing, or the thing in it's self u cheat. I don't knwo how that works out but wtv.
dude my school can be so wierd sometimes. My Economics teacher can be so funny sometimes.
First as her enters the classroom he kicks open the dorrs and say " hello students!"
We had read an old article about how hard it is for successful women to find husbands because there normaly arent' young men aroudn her that make as much money as they do.
Then My ecnomics teacher was saying that as he was waiting at his gym, he was reading glamour. Yes my economics teacher reads glamour magazine. There was an article saying women make more money than their spouse in 32% of marriages. This is the same teacher who told us that The egyptians didn't make the pyramds, the Aliens brought them.
Do u guys remeber me telling u about Carl...wel some guys in my class are droping hints that we should go out.
like "Luna you and Carl should really go out toghether"
I aske dthem why they said because Carl is col and I'm coll. >-< Give me a break. We also tried to define life in Biology class.
So that's a day in the life of my crazy ass school I hope u enjoyed.
Yes French is a hard language, been speaking it for 13 years, still dont' have it down pat. >.<, and no their is no boy x boy actin in Tenchi Ja Nai, I know ur all disapointed, their is nothing I can do.
I had borrowed Tench Ja Nai from one of my friends at school. I ewas returning it to her today. But on the bus the new Girl, Anne (she's a doll, I love her ^-^, and she likes manga) She can't speak english very well, but on the back of the manga it says for 16 or older.
On guy that I know was sitting behind us, he also like manga.
He says asked me what I was reading.
anne says: It's a book for perverts (she was kidding)
The guy gets all excited: can I see?!?!?
Me: If u want.
Anne:It's a book for girl
Guy: I know, I just want tosee the things that makes it for perverts h-h
We all started laughing, he skimed the book but he couldn't find any boobs. We all started laughing. It was all in good french humor.
My mommy Loves The Santa Clause, the 1st movie, it makes her laugh so hard, it's hilarious to watch my mom get so overly excited over something so silly. ^-^
I am one bothered to look at my witch to tell me whether or not to color it in or not. My Witch
I think i'll try to color it in anyway. Not much happened today. I tutored in French, watched some Bleach, and I drew Rinika for Masterkoga's contest. It's not great but it kept me occupied. I'll give it to Masterkoga, then i'll add it as fanart.
My Mom thinks I look like Audrey Tautou, a french actress.
Audrey Tautou
I kinda see it, but not really.
Well I don't hink i'm gonna be a Senior Otaku let alone an Otaku Legend...Reason one...I don't get nearly enough comments max so far has been 10! Why this happens I don't know, I post almost everyday, and I basically visit everyone's page when I get a chance.
Aside that...should I color in my fanart???? I posted up some fanart yesterday, adn I really wnted to know if I should color it in or not. My Witch