Birthday • 1991-04-10 Gender •
Female Location • Sur la lune, ( translate roughly to: "on the moon") Member Since • 2004-04-13 Occupation • Being myself Real Name • Akiko,or Luna, or Looney
Achievements • Not killing a certain someone who shall not be mentioned. Anime Fan Since • I have no i dea Favorite Anime •
Inu yasha
Cardcaptor Sakura
Tokyo Mew Mew
Peach girl
Samuri Champloo
Princess Mononoke
My Neighbor Totoro
Howl's Moving Castle
Milenium Actress Goals • Graduat highschool with a shred of sanity left, that's all I ask. Hobbies • draw, go on the internet, listen to my iPod....ect Ialso like hugs
Talents • after 2 people saying I must have a talent i decided to rakle(sp?) my bran. Then I slapped myself on the forehead and screamed "duh!!!". I speak fluen french and got to a french school w/ my pal angelickisses. ^-^ demonskiss
Friday, August 17, 2007
Running Errands
Sorry I haven't been on in awhile, kinda lazy. ><
Thanks you everyone for all of the suggestions. I'll be quite busy for awhile.
Today I drove my mommmy around cuz we where runnig errands. I went and saw my Grandfather for physical Therapy (he got knee surgery ago), then we went and got the final Harry Potter book (yes I knowI'm a disgrace to Harry Potter fans everwhere). The we stopped at Baja Fresh and got lunch. We went to the paint store and got magnetic paint and those little samples and jumbo swatches. Then I stopped by the cleaners to drop off my prom dress ( got deodorant stains on it ><. And got a copy of the house key for my bro.
Then when we finaly got hom I made dinner. So my mommmy got me a chocolate chip cookie ^^.
Tomorrow one of my mom's friends is comming down form Oregon and is taking my room. But it's alright cuz I actualy enjoy sleeping on the couch.