Birthday • 1991-04-10 Gender •
Female Location • Sur la lune, ( translate roughly to: "on the moon") Member Since • 2004-04-13 Occupation • Being myself Real Name • Akiko,or Luna, or Looney
Achievements • Not killing a certain someone who shall not be mentioned. Anime Fan Since • I have no i dea Favorite Anime •
Inu yasha
Cardcaptor Sakura
Tokyo Mew Mew
Peach girl
Samuri Champloo
Princess Mononoke
My Neighbor Totoro
Howl's Moving Castle
Milenium Actress Goals • Graduat highschool with a shred of sanity left, that's all I ask. Hobbies • draw, go on the internet, listen to my iPod....ect Ialso like hugs
Talents • after 2 people saying I must have a talent i decided to rakle(sp?) my bran. Then I slapped myself on the forehead and screamed "duh!!!". I speak fluen french and got to a french school w/ my pal angelickisses. ^-^ demonskiss
Thursday, May 4, 2006
In Case Anyone gives a crap
well, here I go, If you hate rambling leave now
I have all these presentations to do in French, I have to read Great expectations, aaaaand, the grades in my best class fell dramaticaly because of one goddamn test, I studeid but didn't know what to answer. i F***** the human body, WHO GIVES HOW IT WORKS?!?!?!!?!?!?!?
I'm hoping I can convince him to give me extra credit work.
cuz otherwise my gpa might drop and I wont be part of some association that gives out scholarships. (I would really reealy like a scholarship, it would make my college life soooooooooooo much easier)
Not only that, I only have 1 month to study for this huge test that will determin if I get to pass into the 10th grade.
Please note that this test consist of three of my worst classes.
It's really really important and I'm scared I won't pass, but the teachers say I will no prob. WHAT THE HELL DO THEY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!