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myOtaku.com: demonskiss

Monday, June 12, 2006

   Vampires ^,,^

I'm going on a vampire fetish. Yay vampires. Woooooooooo. I'm reading Interview with the Vampire. I't quite good actualy. I only just started but I like it.

You'll never guess what I found in " The Worst Case Scenario: Extreme Edition" book. How to avoid a vampire attack. Lets see if I can remember.

You must have a cross on you.
The Cross burns the skin of the Vampire, but only of the wearer of the cross believes in it's power.

Holy water.
Holy water turns florescent in the presence of the undead.

Carry a stake and a Mallet.
A stake through the heart kills the vampire, but it has the be in one swoop, hence the mallet. (because we all carry stakes and mallets with us all the time.)

keep garlic on you.
Garlic repels vampires, so carry some on you. But if you feel that you'll look ridiculous you can eat a heavy garlic meal. (Italian food).
You can even string garlic around your door so that no vampire can come in, even vampires that were all ready invited in.

Finaly, don't look a vampire in the eyes.
I can't remember why though.

Yhere yougo lady's and gents, now you know how to defend yourself if a vmapire ever tries to bite your neck off.

oh more great news. I have renctly reached 5 comments on more than on occasion. Yay!!!

Island In The Sun - Weezer

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