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myOtaku.com: demonskiss

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

   Secret Santa

I apologize for not visiting peoples sites yesterday. I tried. ButI couldn't get to them >.<
School was peachy as always. we're doing secret santa in French class. i'm hoping that it won't end up liek last year where 3/4 of teh students forgot so I got nothing until the last day. Some peopl only got old candy which is digusting and stupid. But so far I got a clue today.

I'm happy to hear that thier are more people who agree taht shopping bites butt. And yes no store has realised that it is winter. Theyr'e selling new tanks and short sleeves. >.< it's annoying.

Some kid pulled the fir alarm today, and if Mrs.Ritter (the Dean of Students/college counsler) finds out who did they're going to get expelled at will find it impossible for them to get into a private school.

Island In The Sun - Weezer

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