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Wednesday, October 20, 2010
When I started my college career back in fall 2007, I wanted to do something with art. So I pursued a degree in art. A year and a half later, I changed it to science. I felt like doing something with biology. Namely, I wanted to be a dentist. So now I'm a biology major with pre-dentistry as my goal. That major change definitely held me back a year... I'm supposed to be a senior now. Nope, definitely a junior...
It's fall again, and I want to change my major. Yet again T.T But this time something not as drastic. Like... anthropology, or neuroscience but still on the pre-dentistry track. Yeah... we'll see...
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Thursday, October 14, 2010
*sigh*... so hopefully nobody here knows me in real life... There are just some things that I need to get out and that I can't really say on other public forums.
Recently there seems to be a lot of drama among my friends. All have different problems and I feel helpless. I recently moved to Chicago so I'm far away from them and can't help them. I've been taking the buses and trains here so I didn't bring my car. Some of the drama has nothing to do with me, but I still can't do anything about the problem. Some drama involves me as a third party or indirectly so I in turn feel shitty... Boo...
Drama should stay on the TV screens.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Apparently exams at UIC are called midterms... so instead of having one midterm and one final exam, all exams (with the exception of the final) are dubbed 'midterms." :/ Hmm...
Well, anyways, my point is, I just finished taking 3 midterms in the past 2 weeks. In another couple weeks, I'm going to have more midterms to take.. boo!
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Thursday, September 30, 2010
Is it just me... or does nobody use MyO anymore? I'm so sad... It feels like I've been asleep for a couple years and wake up to a whole new place. Somebody come visit me~!!
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Monday, September 27, 2010
So as I was walking to the CTA station, I was debating what I should eat.
It was a tie between Ramen and Pizza.
Then... in front of me walks this guy with 3 boxes of pizza. 3! So it's decided. I've got a pizza baking in the oven right now ( ^ o ^)/
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Friday, September 24, 2010
About to go into work in like... 5 minutes :p
Just thought I'd make a quick post.
So you know how sometimes something doesn't go according to plan.. or something in your day makes everything seem bad?
At least I'm trying to convince myself of that :3
Keep your head up and smile~
 What Popular Voice Actor Quote Request Are You? Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime
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Thursday, September 23, 2010
Yay~! Banzai~!!
So Zefie is back! Just saw her post a couple minutes ago :3
I was just commenting on how many years have passed since we've updated our MyO page. The last time I posted something was when I was a senior in high school. I remember starting posting at the beginning of my high school career. Then I took a 3 year hiatus, and now I'm back and in college.
Wow... I feel so old... XD
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Out with the old, in with the new...?
It seems like the members I used to comment with on MyO have all disappeared. Only a handful have updated in 2010, and only two updated recently in August and September. But neither of them have replied back... T.T Sad...
I noticed that MyO has changed a lot. I mean, a lot. Some good some not... I guess I just miss the senior members. Firestar, Willow, Lucifers Wife, Beyblader, Lestat, Snow Fox, Phoenix Clawth, Chie, Curi, Millenium Chaos, ParnoidPerson, etc. Sorry if I missed you... I've been going around to all the sites I used to comment on and left comments.
Hope you remember me!
Hope to see you around~
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Here they come! And there they go...
Another weekend has passed me by... Which is totally fine by me. I would rather the weeks pass by as fast as they can. I would like the next 6 years to just fly by. If not 6 then I'll settle for 2. What I'm talking about is school. Don't get me wrong, I actually like learning and if I like the professor, I'm excited to go to class. But lectures with 500 students... It's severly overwhelming. The professor got mad today and slammed his fist on the projector, breaking the glass. Scary... So far, the only class I enjoy is the one that's totally unrelated to my major.
"Life... Is full of disappointments." ~Dan in Real Life
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Saturday, September 18, 2010
No way...
My water isn't working. It was, like 15 minutes ago. Then I decide to eat an apple, so I take one out of the fridge. I go to wash it, and there's no water coming from the spout. What...? I go to the bathroom to try the sink. Nothing. What!? I call the building engineer and no one picks up. I go downstairs to his apartment only to find out...
... that he JUST left to catch a plane out of the country!!
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