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Wherever I happen to be at the moment. Right now, it's Japan.
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I laid my eyes on Sailor Moon. [way back when]
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A lot... But I am a die hard Miyazaki fan.
To be the Junior Editor of VIZ. And to be a loving wife and mother.
Anime, T.V., Anime, Art, and... Anime. ^^;;
Art....? o.O;;
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
This is going to be a short post. Like... really short.
I've been watching E.R. Didn't sleep until 600 last [this morning] night 'cause I was watching it. XD And I'm still watching it! Ch-ea! XD
So, I named this post after someone. And here are some avatars. Their theme: Vidoll. Inspired by the person whom this post is named after. XP

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Tuesday, January 9, 2007
I had today's post in mind yesterday. I mean, I was thinking about today's post yesterday. But now that it's today, I forget what it is.
Oh well. Change of plans.
Today, I had to go to the Sister Cities Committee's office for our monthly meeting. After the meeting, I saw that they had Eleven seasons of ER...!! XD So I borrowed the first season. I've seen mixed episodes of ER, but not all of it. Now that I have the chance, I wanna see ALL of it! I haven't seen the last episode either... and that's one that I really want to watch. =]
Post Script: About the Skype thing. The reason why I'm [trying] to use it is because it costs 60 cents a minute to call from Japan to the States. Hella expensive. Last time I checked, Skype costs 2 cents a minute. And I there's no where to buy phone cards here, besides at the airport. XD
Today's avatar theme: Edward Scissorhands

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Monday, January 8, 2007
Personally, I never really liked Skype.. mainly because everyone kept pushing it on me.
"It's so easy to use. Just download it and there you go!"
"You should use Skype. It's cheap and the best way to go."
"Use Skype, it's faster and easier."
Etc etc. Yeah.. okay.. right. No! Sometime over Christmas, no one in another country has been able to reach me at this house. I'm thinking something's wrong with the phone line? I don't know. So I decided to download Skype and call people. [Since it's so "easy" to use.] Well, poopy. It doesn't work. I've tried numerous times to call the States and even my own cellie here. Neither work. So then I went out and bought a headset, to see if that would change things. Nope. Same thing. "Call failed" is all I get.
I'm not trying to bad mouth Skype. I mean, it seems to work for my Unc and everyone else. Just not for me. Here. Maybe it's the phone lines...

What about you:

Which Nana Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Sunday, January 7, 2007
Nani Ongaku da na...?
There's this one song that I'm searching for, but I forget what it's called and who it's by; But I know there're two guys who sing it. I remember listening to it on the radio way back in 5th or 6th grade. So like... 1999, 2000-ish? Give or take a year. All I remember is what the song's about. This guy is driving and he sees this girl driving next to him. He [or was it the girl?] rolls down his window and tries to talk over the traffic noise. Then later on in the song, he wonders if she even remembers him.
Does that sound familiar at all?
Edit: I found it. After three hours of searching. XD It's "Crazy for this Girl" by Evan & Jaron. Now I just have to find and download it...
My host sister is packing for her exchange trip. She's going to New Zealand for three months. Sad... but good for her. =]

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Saturday, January 6, 2007
I've been with MyO for a little over three years now. Out of those three years, I've taken one year off. XD And over the course of that one year hiatus, I've noticed a lot has changed with MyO.
1. A LOT more people have joined. Like.. a lot! When I first joined, there was only a handful of people.
2. Labels. Otakuite, Senior Otaku, Legend Otaku, Mod Team, etc etc. Something new and funky. =]
3. Ranking. I remember that everytime I went into the backroom, I could always see what my rank was. Now, it's not there anymore; only on the members list section.
4. Comments everywhere! You can not only comment on fan art and posts, but e-cards and wallpaper. Maybe I just didn't notice it before.. but I certainly noticed now!
5. Comment manager. Definitely something that was added while I was gone. XD
6. Cosplay and fan manga. Two very new sections to me. We're really becoming a community. ^^
7. A lot of people I used to visit [site-wise] everyday have either deleted their account, or gone on hiatus. Sad..
There's more, but that's all I can ramble off the top of my head without thinking. =]
A couple of teasers for my next quiz:

If you use, please credit. =]
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Friday, January 5, 2007
Honestly, I hate drama and romance. I love action and comedy. Even sci-fi and horror. But it can't be teen comedy or teen horror. [Like Scary Movie or House of Wax.]
Well, my point for saying all that is... well, I've got this love-hate relationship with the series Nana. I LOVE it because I love Yazawa Ai. Her artwork is so beautiful. And she never ceases to amaze me with all the twists in her stories. But what I don't like about Nana is the drama and romance themes. It drives me crazy that I like something like Nana. And this make Yazawa Ai an even greater mangaka. XD
So, in honor of Nana, I've gone back to making avatars. I haven't made them in so long... and recently, I've gotten really into simple looking avatars.

If you use them, please credit me.
Post Script: There was some confusion yesterday about my nail ring getting stuck between my keyboard keys. Here's a pikkie of my nail ring. It'll probably clear things up:

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Thursday, January 4, 2007
I don't know what to post about today.
Well, I'll tell you what JUST happened.
Like, just now.
My nail ring got stuck between my keyboard keys.
I hate being girly... Like, the typicals: skirts, pink, cake face, obsessing over hair, flirting shamelessly. Don't get me wrong, though. I wear skirts to formal outtings. I add touches of pink here and there; I just don't go all out pink. I'll put on eyeshadow and lip gloss, the occassional eye liner. I'll blow dry my hair. And if I like a guy, I'll talk to him.
But there is one thing that I do that is really girly. That's doing my nails. I love making my nails all pretty and shit.. XD I don't use color nailpolish though. Just clear. Jewels, stones, and nail rings are a definite add. Gotta love them.
So, basically, this whole post/rant goes back to what I did JUST a few minutes ago. Don't remember? Oh well. XD
Post Script:
I've NEVER been deemed a coward before...
nn nWhat Super Mario Bros Enemy Are You?n nHosted by Anime. Done right.n
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Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Kinou no onaji da.
So, continuation from yesterday. About the whole school system in Japan... I mean, I guess it works because it pumps out a lot of smart kids. I just don't like how they go about it. Let me explain...
The teachers in Japan get paid a lot better than in the U.S. So, unlike the teachers in the states who teach because they love their job and not their meager salaries, the teachers in Japan... you get it. I mean, I'm sure some of them teach because they like it. [That and looking up girls skirts.] The school I go to is actually not that great of a school. I was placed in one of the more... let's just say that my school isn't ranked that high. [It's really low on the charts.] The teachers worry more about my skirt length than about how I'm doing educationally and personally. God forbid that my knees are showing because my skirt is too short. [I'm just too tall...] God forbid that I tied my tie wrong. And oh my god, let's have a fit because I left a button unbottoned on my blouse. They told me that they're not going to grade me on my educational abilities; instead, they're going to grade me on how diligent I am to the school. As in coming everyday, abiding by the rules, etc. Nothing about my tests and homework. Not that I have any homework...
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Monday, January 1, 2007
Phshaw! Nani kore...
Merry New Year! ^^ And Happy New Year for those who want to conform. =]
I went to a shrine today to pray/wish for the new year. The day before yesterday, for me, was New Years Eve. Right before the countdown, I called my family back home and screamed "Happy New Year!" into the phone. XD It was wicked timing. I did it again today when the States had New Years. It was fun, actually. I didn't think I'd make it before the countdown.
So... about the later thing. [From my last post.] The whole issue with me is that I'm really not making an effort to get used to my school. I mean.. I'm Chinese. I've grown up with Asian customs, so I can get used to the Japanese life and traditions. But the school... is another thing entirely. They really lower your self-esteem and take away your confidence. I mean, I can pick out two teachers that don't do that. But the others, they don't even realize they do it. They just say things or make little gestures that really... it's no good. More on that tomorrow. This post is getting a little long. =]
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Saturday, December 30, 2006
Mo Chotto..
Tomorrow [for me] is New Years Eve. You know... I came to Japan in July. And like everyone else, it was fine. But slowly, the little irks set in. Especially on school. Definately. There are so many things I want to change there. My goal: Be king of Ryoun High. Oh yeah.
Anyways... it's almost New Years. Christmas just passed. It feels weird. Like.. I'm living with a hsot family, and everyone's home for the holidays, you know? But I feel like an intruder. My host brother from college came home, and everyone's been doing things together; no work, no school, just togetherness. I mean, I'll go where they go and do what they do, but I feel out of place. I have no beef with them. They're so nice and so accomodating. It's just me. The whole Holidays away from home thing is kind of getting at me. And other personal issues. XD More about that later.
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