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myOtaku.com: Demonsprite

Tuesday, January 4, 2005

Happy Belated Birthday to Panda ^^v
I believe I'll be getting a new computer before the end of this week... ^^ I called Dell and told them I would pay with two credit cards... my mom's, and mine. The woman punched in the card numbers and said everything was fine now. I hope it's true... *crosses her fingers*

Thanks for all your comments. ^^ I went and replied to all of them yesterday.

Mr. Allens from Master and Commander... is he the same Mr. Andrews from Titanic? I forgot to look at the credits, and I don't want to put in the DVD right now. But.. if it is the same guy, he's put on quite a bit or weight; never-the-less, he's still a great actor. ^^ I love the music from Master and Commander. It's so lovely. ^^ Oh yeah, and:

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This quiz from Sailor Firestar's featured quizzes. ^^ Although... this is my least favorite holiday. XD

You are Valentines...

-| What holiday do you represent ? |-
brought to you by Quizilla

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