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somewhere in the darkness.....
Member Since
high school student
Real Name
Nichole (aka Niki)
umm... let me get back at u at that...
Anime Fan Since
umm... since 2002 or when ever pokemon came out i guess
Favorite Anime
Case Cosed/Detective Conan, Tales of Symphonia (yeah i know it's a game), Naruto, Chrono Crusade, Wolf's Rain, Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X, .Hack, Pokemon, and many more that i can't remember ;p
to become more sociable and to graduate high school
sleep, drawing, write fanfics, play video games, oh and did i mention sleep :P
umm... draw, video games, sleep, playing the trumpet and other stuff i can't remember
| DemonWolfDragon
Sup'! My name is DemonWolfDragon and welcome. I hope you like it. Oh yeah and darkness rules! (heheh) If u want to sign my guestbook and add me as a friend then go right ahead. I don't mind at all.

Thursday, February 2, 2006
*sigh* Once again I haven't been here in a long time again. I've been too busy with other stuff and totally forgot about this since I go on xanga and myspace way too much. Well for this week nothing has really happened, except for school giving me way too much hw and I also have to plan out my schedule for my Junior year in school. Then next Tuesday and Wednesday, all the Sophomores have to take the Math and English Highschool Exit Exam. I'm really nervous and I hope I'll pass it so I don't have to take it again during my Junior and Senior years. Well hope ya all been doing well and laters!
Here's a drawing I did below (also found in my xanga site) to make up for not posting much:

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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
I'm back again.... but for a short while.... maybe.
Wow, I haven't been posting anything for like... a long while. I was extremely busy, especially with my geometry E class this year. It sucks the teacher doesn't even teach the class and I'm like stuck good thing my sis had it last year so i could get some of the answers from her. *evil grins* (jk). Oh and also I'm like alittle used to posting things in my xanga site (if n e one wants to see it, just click on the link under 'website'in contact me) too.... oh yeah I've also uploaded a fanart (finally) and yeah, it's on Case Closed/Detective Conan, I'm like very obsessed with that anime now, ooooo I wish they'll make the english version of it faster. I hate waiting. But then again, I do have the chinese version of it, but with no subtitles and I don't have a clue what they're talking about. It sucks. Oh well.... I guess that's all for now. Laters everyone!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
I'm back!
*phew* I haven't been here in a long time. I just got back from vacation and it was ok, wasn't really that exciting. *sigh* now today at 5 I have to go to my school band camp which really suxs. then school starts tomorrow and I don't want to go T-T. summer vacation always passes by sooooo quickly, why is that? oh well at least I'm seeing my friends again (that's the only reason why I like going to school cause they live in another town than I do). I really wish that summer vacation could last alittle longer...
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
Hiya! I'm back! And the end of summer school!
Wow! I haven't been here in a long time. I've been too busy with summer school (hw every single day). But finally I can relax, NO MORE SCHOOL FOR 3 WEEKS!!!!! YES!!! I'm glad I could finally sleep in late and stay awake late at night and get back to doing things I've wanted to do during vacation. *sigh* I'm getting really tired now. *takes nap* Laters!
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
Summer Vacation!!!
Yes no more school for the rest of the summer! Though I wish that it ended earlier... it would had been great *sigh*. But starting Tuesday, I have summer school, but just to get classes out of the way for more elective classes ^_^ But hopefully after the six weeks of summer school, my family and I get to go to San Diego, I really wanna go! Well I hope everyone have a cool summer!
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