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Friday, October 21, 2005
rhymes with "LEP"... artemis fowl rox
anyway today was our "pep rally" for the "homecoming" which was "cancelled" because of "rain"...
did i ever mention how much i love "quotations"? ~_~ gomen, it does get kind of annoying. ANYWAY they had the pep rally sort of kinda maybe in our HALLWAYS... needless to say it was very loud and passed by rather quickly.
kinda like a freak storm. sure felt like it ~_~ the "other" parade is tomorrw and i do hope it pours because that means me, the orchestra violinist won't have to march for some odd miles playing the SAME song, over and over, and will instead go to my private violin group class which isn't much better considering how i have to my play solo in front of a buncha of kids who are younger than me but frighteningly more talented. go figure. ~_~ BUT ITS THE WEEKEND AND THAT RAWKS.
... on another note, i feel super blessed today because 1: i seem to not have a cold anymore and 2: there is no running out of otaku at my school ~_~ even the people who don't like it even know abouts it. strange huh? Esp, in my orchestra class I usually waste alot of time yammering on abut anime than playing ~_~;;;
yay for my and my otaku rich highschool. sort of.
sorry if that made you feel bad :( to make up for it, i'll have you know that our sports teams suck, our lunch is too short, and people JUST WON'T STOP TALKING ABOUT HOMECOMING. ARGHz.
.. for the record i'm not going this year [probably not next year either] because they said glowstringing wasn't allowed.
'tards >_>
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
rhymes with tick.
SICK!!! so veeeeeerrry ILL. and dying. okay so maybe not that far, but i sure felt like it 6 in the morning. hence, i didn't go to school~ sheyah but the funnier thing is that my OTHER friend, stayed home and was suffering from the EXACT SAME symtoms!:
congestion and runny nose
sinus headache
limb fatigue
and stress.
THEREFORE we can all draw the conclusion a DEADLY epidemic is among the youth of today!
called highschool >_>
contagious otaku OUT!
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
rhymes with "granola"
I feel like major crapola today T_T But i kinda had to stick thru school since there wasn't really anyone to pick me up =/ but i had to sacrifice my anime club because the crapola feeling steadily worsened.
... and i have a CONCERT tomorrow T_T;;; ALSO have to run the mile, which sucks. but i digress, I watched "le portrait de petite cossette" which despite the title IS NOT french and is infact a 3 part anime movie @___@;;; but it's REALLY REALLY good. If you like .hack, elfen lied, X/1999 or dark stuff like that, Cossette is a good movie to see, BONUS yuki kajiura does the music. anything with kajiura's music makes it downright creepy ~_~ story for anyone who'sinterested:
this kid, who's name i forgot, works at an antique store, and one day finds this venetian glass with surprise, the soul of a young (french) girl named cossette, who's tragic life plays out in his eyes, and his eyes only. So he slowly goes crazy (maybe) worrying all his friends, but he keeps talking to her in the glass, watching, and sees that she was KILLED! DUN DUN DUNNN.. in some events later she tells him the objects in the room witnessed her death and held a grudge and she had to bring back her killers soul for them to get his revenge [hence the guy... is her killer reincarnated yeah!]............. and yeah!! *didn't wanna spoil the whole show* T_T
but the animation is top notch and I WISH IC OULD REVIEW BUT I CAN'T. darn.
uhh.. off to mope in my crapola state -__-;
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
*twitch twitch*
I'm reading battle royale nowadays. and all i can say is...
This is the sickest, bloodiest, most disturbing manga i have ever read, and it's TOTALLY addicting. T_T and graphic. but addicting. and funny. to the morbid little demon inside all of us. yes morbid humor. that's the word T_T;;;
but it is, really really good. like, elfen lied good. but without the cuteness/latin chorale opening. @___@
anyone seen the live action battle royale? I don't know much about it except it exists.
In other happier (not really) news, I thought of -some- sort of plot for my NaNoWriMo story, if i ever manage one of those "nano journals" i'll let anyone who cares knows. now i have an orchestra concert this thursday and a dress rehersal today and my bio test tomorrow as well as my oedipus rex worksheets and OMGBLARGH
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
uhh.. yeah! i joined NaNoWriMo today. it's this "contest" thing where you try to write a 50,000 word novel in the entire month of november yeah! you can only start on the first and it totally ends on the last day [30th]!! it's actuallymore about quantity and having fun instead of quality and killing yourself.
it starts this november and i -still- am working on a plot/idea/thing. blah.
on another note.. GAARA LIVES@!!!!!!111ONEONEELVENTYONE.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
*dejected sigh*
remember that anime name that tune contest? T_T the top three categories were obviously 10/10, 9/10 and 8/10 >_> the correct songs were
1. FLCL - The Pillows - Ride on Shooting Star[GOT IT]
2. Bleach - Orange Range - Asterisk [GOT IT]
3. Fullmetal Alchemist - Porno Graffiti - Melissa [GOT IT]
4. Honey and Clover - Suneohair - Waltz [DIDN"T GET IT. never seen this show either]
5. Naruto - Asian Kung-fu Generation - Haruka Kanata (Far Away Distance) [GOT IT]
6. Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid - Shimokawa Mikuni - Minamikaze [I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN THIS BUT I DIDN'T. see i had loads of shimokawa mikuni's songs before my mp3 player went under, BUT I COULD HAVE GOTTEN IT :(]
7. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Origa - Inner Universe [DIDN'T GET IT. proof i should watch more anime]
8. Full Moon wo Sagashite - Changin' My Life - Eternal Snow [see above]
9. Tsubasa Chronicle - Sakamoto Maaya - Loop [i only got this out of pure luck and my undying love of tsubasa chronicle and yuki kajiura, second only to my friend who is creazier :P]
10. Fruits Basket - Ritsuko Okazaki - For Fruits Basket [GOT IT. it was a pretty song :)]
and to everyone else, good night coz it's late and i have a bio test that i DIDN'T STUDY FOR!
surprise surprise my friends :P
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Monday, October 10, 2005
lazy hazy daisy day
.... everythign in the subject line is TRUE except for daisies. I haven't seen daisies since 3rd grade -___-;; they don't really grow [indigenously] in VA, or at least where i am since everything is basically the work of proffesional landscape. oh what i'd give for expanse of wild flowers and/or the ocean. both were where i used to live T_T;; but enough of that! Time to move onto .... PICTURES!!!
yakitate japan is my new favoritest obsession. notice my new background >_>;; it follows the adventures of a kid named azuma, and while he may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, he has an amazing talent in baking bread [but no other food really] .... and the show just takes off from there with various fiends, villains, plots, competetions and over-the-top reactions from people who eat his bread. o_o; first a manga now an anime alot of fun!

azuma, age 6. ... that's his sister, quite violent, and first proves to azuma bread isn't all "dry and gross"

awww isn't he cute? that's his "Japan #16" a type of nan you can eat curry with!

Azuma works at the Pantasia southern tokyo branch. afro guy is the manager, the girl tsukino is a very talented baker who is 2nd in command, and there is azuma and kawachi, his best friend and rival. the other employee mushroom head isn't depicted *laughs*

that is kawachi, in france. he's azuma's best friend ^_^ the peacock is a friend of theirs actually ^_^

this is one of the strange reactions you can get from eating really good bread!!! kawachi made a yakisoba "hot dog" ... thus kuro-yan, the examiner made the "dog" kanji...uhh... yeah don't ask ^_^
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
gomen gomen ^^
sorry for being a bit dead, school is super busy!!! o_o BUT IT'S A THREE DAY WEEKEND!!! YESSS..
Basically, the only good columbus ever did was give kids in grades k-12 a day off from school >D ... which is true -____-;;; but anyway, i read the saiyuki manga n' stuff, which i then noticed the anime which i saw had alot of stuff censored from it >_>;;;;
the frequent flipping of other people off by characters for one XDDDD;;; oh well, that happens with everything y'know, naruto included.
naruto fighting game coming in 2006!! yesssssss :) that and the new legend of zelda before the end of this year, fragment and .hack//GU, and ookami (plus we love katamari but i'm gonna wait a bit for that one) means that I have to save alot of money >_>
in the meantime i think i have to start final fantasy X over again because i really messed up T_T;;; I CAN'T EVEN BEAT THE FINAL BOSS WHO IS REALLY EASY TO BEAT.
arghs >_>;;
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
fake monday!!!!!
so today i woke up and throught it was tuesday. later i thoughti t was monday. and now someone told me it was tuesday.
@___@ week doesn't get better till thursday nyo
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
yes this is my shirt...

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