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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
happy day! not
heheh so I'm at school AGAIN. yeah another research day, another wasted period ^_^
finally theO's servers are now all patched together and I can finally access the site! happy day! XD; it' doesn't quite help that I'm pretty much banned from my compy at home. -_-
After this whole extremely hard to get into high school admission fiasco is over, I'll be returning to my abode on the net.
as well as gunbound XD;
and writing something for this site. -_-; I need more visits! haha not like that is really important or not.
Today we appreciate frazzles. exactly what they are I'm not really sure what they are...
but they sure sound cool ^_^
soemthing fun to do at school with those around you on computers (and you're running windows) you can send people 'ims' with just the computers
just run cmd.exe, type in net send and the student ID for the person logged on (if the student ID is required, it won't work unless there is an ID like that) and then type in soemthing insulting.
happy days.
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Monday, February 14, 2005
w00t! magic b33r +2
heheheheh im in civics class!!!!!!!!!! using their computers. of course I'm not really suppose to do this... but who cares? we have this stupid project on congress..ect ect. You have to pick a district ect ect. heheh i got a congresswoman named eddie.
eddie=ed ed=edward edward= a bunch of anime charactesr names, also one of the best names evar! XD;
I even use the alias radical edward.... of course that brings alot of people to believe im a guy and that gets a little annoying ^^;
And the kid next to me is commenting on how I type really fast.
that gets old real quick too.
Sooo now I have to go back to changing desktops and running the screen savers to 'all your base are belongs to us'.
heheh I did that at staples once. they got sooooo mad at me but it was pretty funny when all the screensavesr ran that in bright neon letters.
Oh, and by the way, today is ummm.... tanooki appreciation day. for those who don't know... tanooki's are shapeshifting japanese mythical creatures.... who mario dresses up as in almost every game..
*cough cough* also, todayi s saint valenTINO(s) day. Lemme tell ya a little story kids:
once there were 3 guys who lived in different periods of history except they all had the same name (valentino, and some other variations of that).
One because a priest and lived happily ever after.
the second one did the exact same thing.
(and since we're going backwards in time, this guy is from a long time ago) he gets his head chopped off.
and so now on the 14th we celebrate saint valentines day because somehow they couldn't pronounce valentino.... or something like that...
another little valentines story:
it was usually boy gives girl whatever. when they dragged this custom to japan, the guys changed it so the girls have to give them whatever. nowadays, it doesn't matter anymore. :P
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
appreciate tacos for tomorrow~
I actually don't like tacos.
Today we appreciate concrete.
what would we be without it? seriously, it's either concrete or asphalt (or limestone) which makes up alot of structues (oh and steel as well)
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*head splode*
>_< myO has been down for awhile, but apparently for some people it wasnt...
GRRR! i missed an update! *sniffle* hey it's 808 right now.
yeah I point out weird things like that..
Tomorrow is valentines! more importantly i got hooked on gunbound! XDDD;; yeah took me that long. I just hate playing as a girl because of some obvious reasons -_- they either think you're a girl and hit on you OR think you're a guy and call you gay.
OR they can be nice to you which is good ^_^;;; That comes in handy since I MISS quite often... >_>;
Pain from braces= 120%
Panic from lost time of getting schoolwork and practice done= 200%
if these were Super smash bros. percentages, I'll get KO'd pretty soon :p
have a good night every1
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Friday, February 11, 2005
owie times 100
hmmm i'd let you know how getting the braces on felt but... first there was the mouth stretching and that was annoying.
and then i fell asleep. ^_^ but i'll say having difficultly chewing is NOT fun at all
PITY ME! XDDDD; actually alot of people have to go through this so I'll just deal.
I just don't like it's for 2 whole years -__-
Anyhoos, today we appreciate kittens! ^___^ I really wish I had a cat cept im allergic
And todays little linkage is... ORISINAL. Very Very very very cute games on
go and play~ just don't try to get a high score coz it's virtually impossible
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
pirates yarrr!
-_-; it's been an age old question of who's better? pirates or ninjas.
I refuse to input my opinion. but there IS some guy with WAY to much time who build a pirate keyboard
checkit out:

Seriously, I think there isn't a ninja one... except maybe for the . button. so they can go ...
haha I'm so witty -_-; anyhow I gots violin class..... my teacher has us all do a by ear tune (meaning, listen to a song then play it back) and we can pick any song we like so I've been doing some anime tunes ^_^; nothing too complicated or I can't play it.
Sometimes I cheat and look up sheet music tho >_<;; sssh don't tell XD Today is an azumanga tune, the school thing I think. very kawaii XD; I just wish I could play it right *sigh*
Anyhow happy chinese new year~
crap gotta go! my dad is driving and he ALWAYS gets lost. always. X_X
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early in ta morning! :D Now I have some happiness for everyone! or... interesting... whatever.
I'm still sleepy XD anyhow, that nadia and atlantis thing.... there were several, but this is my favorite (it comes with pictures!)
so here it is, CLICK HERE mwahahah!
Now thats thats over,here's to appreciating goldfish. -_- they never live tooo long.... I've had like... 3 ;_; anyone else here attempt to raise one?
and now lastly, our cute little picture .... ENVY FROM FMA! and to top it off it was the marker scribble ed drew ^_^

awww isn't he cute?
psst.. he's a he right?
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Hug the piranas
or not... but seriously, piranas are one of the coolest fish(es?) next to dory. (I admit, I watched finding nemo! it was so cute tho ^_^; kinda like a totoro ripoff)
Didja know disney ripped off alot of japanese stuff? there was a website comparing some examples but I can't find it anymore >_<;;;;
But the most rippedoff one I thought was the Atlantis movie produced by disney some years ago...
It was taken almost concept for concept by a 26 (8?) episode series called Nadia... kinda old too, prolly why no one really thought of that.
or the americans would XDDDDD;;; Anyone here see it?
Annnyway... Didja know:
Pocky was named after pokkin, the sound effect of biting into a stick of pocky? 0_o;;
Quote of the day: "I WAS OUT OF CONVINIENCE STORES SO I WENT TO THE ERASER! 0_0" -mihama chiyo-cho, azumanga daioh.
Thats all nyo! (I have a crapload of schoolwork and make up tests to study for so I got no time to waste! >_<; Love to tho, I have the 1st panyo panyo digi charact dvd sitting right here T_T *sob*
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
new moon
so I forgot to mention... TODAY IS THE NEW MOON! That's why it's dog demon appreciation day ^_^
This site gets SOOOOO much inuyasha traffic >_<;;; not that that's bad but....
Can't someone come here for .hack or cowboy bebop or kenshin...
the good ol 90's anime? (there's eva and trigun too)
*sigh*-ness oh well ^_^ New moon days are good for robberies. (people can't see you!)
Thats only in non urban areas tho ^_^;;;; So anyway, appreciate the dog demons! (including our cuddly inuyasha. Personally he reminds me of this kid at my old school who I used to beat up all the time coz he was an arrogant prick. but thats beside the point ^_^
Heheheheh, a friend of mine was at a ff7 fan art site and saw a link for the 'shonen' gallery...
little did she know it was actually 'shonen ai' she just didn't read the 'ai' part.
cloudxleon anybody? heheheheeh mental scarring is the worst.
ja ne minna san
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//alot of confusion
seems alot of people misinterpreted that the baka song only had the word baka in it.... baka mostly makes up the chorus of the song, I'll add the translated lyrics to it here because well.... they're pretty funny even without the words ^_^;
You're really- You're totally-
By all means you're stupid, stupid stupid
What do you want to say So what is it
Eei! Stupid, stupid stupid
March 3 is Girl's Festival May 5 is Boy's Festival
If you're a man or a woman make it clear If you like me or not make it clear
Go ahead and die!
You're so annoying You're so cheeky
What the heck! Shameless Stupid, stupid stupid
and so on and so forth ^_^
akane sure has alot to say ne? well I gotta go eat breakfast now ^^; bbl with some crunchy posts!!!!
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