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Thursday, September 29, 2005
anime name that tune?
:P have their own anime name that tune contest, which clips from 10 different anime songs in one file........ and yeah you have to guess them, each one is roughly 2-3 seconds long which obviously doesn't give you much to go onXD however 5 out of the ten are basic giveaways, the op or ed for a very popular series ..... as long as you pay attention ;) and then the other 5 i guess are the more challenging ones, at least for me cuz i only got 1 of the 5 harder ones >_>;;;
6/10 saaaaaaaad nyo oh well, overall too bad. XD It's like an obsession that i got to all the anime name that tune contests at cons i go to XD; speaking of which, in 49 odd days or so animeUSA will be held, and i am going yeah! :)
finally, an opinion question for everyone: do you think that graphics make a game inherently better, or is just a plus of the future?
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
*diez* argh.
uhhh yeah. i have tons of stuff to do, but you know when you just feel like NOT DOING IT?
yeah I'm not doing it [right now] @_@ besides that... uhh.. right! visuel novels, are sort of like bishoujo games, but range in player control:
Narcissu, is a very story driven visuel novel and so basically all you do is click for the little picture and voices for the next line of text, voice, and picture, but the music is great and i guess that's why they call it a visuel novel ^^; Some people call games like true love story a visuel novel, since those ren'ai [also known as dating sims to some] games revolve around the choices you make.
so there's a big variety >_> i won't pretend to be an expert, coz i'm not, especially since ALOT of them are only in japanese. I was lucky that narcisuu was translated in english, because it's a really touching story >_> not quite for the faint of heart, here's the link for those with nothing better to do [UNLIKE me >_>]
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
aaaah mou~
ah i had a test/quiz in every class i had today!!! [aka english, orchestra, geometry, and bio] T_T my brain feels like it's literally been through a fruit juicer grrwerwnfalsjkf.
OMGSAD T_T I watched/read/played this visuel novel called "narcissu" and it was OMG SAD. T_T like sad sad sad sad sad sad saaaaad. and it was free. and translated to english. and SAAAD and OMG T_T *whimper* sad.
err nuff about that anyhoo ^^;;;; yeah.. s'going slow here. sloowwwww. nyow.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
imagine bread so good you -nearly- die. yeah that happens in Yakitate!Japan, number 1 shonen about the number 1 random thing: BREAD! more specifically, the baking and competetition n' stuff. OMGSQUEE LOVE. It's good to have something to take your mind of school n' stuff ne? ^_^;
er besides that... yeah school is super tough :( tomorrow i have a test/quiz IN EVERY CLASS!! including orchestra! that's rough nyo. alas the highschool ife -_-;
oh well. checkitout! brian clevinger of 8-bit theater has intiated a hostile takeoverof tim buckley, the artist of ctrl-alt-del!!
a hoax or a grudge gone wrong?? NO ONE KNOWS!! dun dun dunnn...
but yeah, webcomic artists like doing this every now and then, to break the monotony XDDD
i.e. penny arcades claims that they have the copyrights to all video game webcomics XDDD
i guess it's why we love these guys *snerk*
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
aaaah the weekend..
u_u bliss! it's saturday!!!....
BUT WHY DID I STILL WAKE UP AT 6 AM?? argh i hate it i can't sleep in even if i -wanted- to -_-;;;
but that's not important! what -is- is that penny arcade has a funny comic which I'm prompty putting up here to 1) save you time from going thru their archive and finding it and 4) it's pretty funny. sorry if it messes up your screen format.
*snerk* anyon else notice i went from 1 to 4? meh, just read the comic >_>

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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
konnichiwa minna!
so i got a ton of homework, waht else is new?
@_@ Of course i didn't not just watch the advent children movie that twas most definitely not blatantly pirated. And who dares to think it was one of the most mind blowing movies in a while?
Certainly not me friends >_>;
... OF COURSE I'M BUYING THE ENGLISH DVD![provided it has subtitles!]
ff7 rox over and out~
PS: In the naruto dub, they're taking THE Kiss OUT. horrid absolutely horrid! [fyi for non narutards its a scene (gag) where naruto and sasuke accidentally kiss eachother, and are both equally disgusted about it]. HOW WILL THE FANGRILS SUPPORT THEIR SHIP NOW??
well, all that's left to do is find that screencap and wave it in every non-sub watcher's face just to see their reaction :D
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Monday, September 12, 2005
advent children leak
argh! i'm really mad how the advent children movie got leaked coz it ruined it FOR THE WORLD. THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!! T_T
*sobs* there isn't anythign to live for anymore!!!!
*gets ready for seppuku*
naaahjust kidding :( but i am super pissed and feel bad for alot ofpeople and am a little madder at china than i was before ~_~
have a good week everyone
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
*wears earmuffs*
so theO brats are sobbing and bitching again in the Naruto release commentz thread. And since I don't wanna write a huge essay up there, i'm writing it here!
>D so I don't have cable at my apartment place, buuut the recroom/leasing office/clubhouse place DOES. do the math my friends! So my 11year old sister and I dash down to the clubhouse around 8:30 to "reserve it" [normally ya gotta pay!]. My sister sat around watching Zatch Bell [the show previous- i STILL don't get the point], I sat and read my fruits basket manga [~_~]. Then it comes on at 9 pm, and here are my commentz in order of appearance:
9:00- *pops popcorn* hey it's the kyuubi! nice seein' ya man.
9:03- WHERE THE HECK HAVE MY OPS GONE!?! it's like a steaming pile of crap. for crying shame rocks wasn't -that- bad! just fyi the op was just a jumping of rock/BGM that sucked.
9:05- take it easy, the voices are good... so far. I mean as someone who has seen ALOT of bad dubs, and had switched almost entirely to subs, this dub was okay! [almost]. People whine about naruto's voice but really, they could have made him sound like a teen ager or something.
9:10 - whoaamg iruka and mizuki sound like SUCH creepy pervs X_X okay back on schedule!
9:15 - commercial=ded T_T since when have there been so many? *sigh* well the animation got cleaned up I'll say, i'm SO GLAD they kept the sexy no jutsu complete with image... but they got rid of the nosebleed blood o_0 that like jumps out at you.... they kept all the other stabbity blood but not the nosebleed?! wtf mates.
9:20 - i just realize they replaced naruto's "dattebayo!" with "believe it!" which i must say is uber cute X/////X. yay for end of first episode! but woamg if there's another thign i can complain about it's the pronuncation of somethings...
"I'M A JOE NIN! THAT'S THE HOEKAGAY!" literally, it sounded like that. but the other stuff was okay. i mean, tolerable. at least they didn't use the word "doppleganger".
9:30 - nooooo they took out WIND!! that song was in english for miyamoto's sake! T_T soooo not fair >_>
9:04 - still mad about no op/ed. will write protest letter first thing tomorrow.
9:07 - konohamaru is the cutest thing evar. his voice=awsome. so is ebisu, the little closet pervert/drama queen.
9:10: "cattra" vs "chakra"=priceless believe it!
9:15: I am actually really proud at the level of editing which was zero to none [except for the nosebleed ;_;].
9:25 - I am so watching this next week :)
9:30 - came up with the idea to blast rocks/wind at the beginning/end of each episode just to comfort herself.
>D i'm nucking futs i know, if you didn't end up reading all that, it's OK.
I'll make up for it with this:

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Saturday, September 10, 2005
it's saturday and i'm pullin' out my hair over one lousy paper to write -_- about a book, that i read over summer vacation, waht the deep meaning was blah blah blah @_@
if i could do it about an anime, i'd be DONE ALREADY. but it's harder to remember stuff from a book you read 4 weeks ago *sigh* me and my short term memory... ~_~ guess i'll just have to read it again.. IF I DIDN'T RETURN IT TO THE LIBRARY. T_T
aaaaah this is hard. u_u
well naruto airs today! hope i can catch it ~_~ i saw the trailer, and woamg i am going to have fun tonight! :D
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Friday, September 9, 2005
spirit rally!
so today i THOUGHT we were rallying spirits to help us in order to overthrow the school government n' cool crap like that, but it turns out it just meant you sat in the bleachers and stared ahead blankly.
They could have just called it a pep rally -_-;;;;
>_>;; it's gonna be awsome. in that bad awsome way. huh. :) i'm makin popcorn! ^_^
QUESTION: if you could have a 1000$ OR your summer vacation back, what would you pick ?
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