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Thursday, September 8, 2005
whooo alive!
made it past the first 3 days of highschool! only 177 left to go!
check out the ugly fanart yo :)
~_~ gawd, my gym teachers were like: YOU MUST PASS THIS CLASS TO GO TO DRIVERS ED!!!!! .... i'm gonna failyou now!
english teacher: essay! due on monday!
french: bonjour!
history: yeah do whatever you want kids :)
hope everyoneis having a better week than i am. altho hs is boring, it seems mostly harmless.
only mostly
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
quest for adventure and glory!!!
errr... right so on tuesday i start my freshman year of highschool. i'm also going to draw alot more. what does that equal? i probably won't be able to be on alot. will that impair my ability to visit everyone's site? only maye since that'll always come as first priority [next to the drawing XD]
secondly, i'm going to start OBSURE ANIME HUB PROMOTION CAMPAIGN!!!! aka, draw alot of pictures from animes that don't have hubs here. therefore maybe a few new ones will be added and i can write more reviews. 2 birds with 1 bullet! ^_^;;; yea. so if you can draw [better than me, which ISN'T HARD AT ALL], draw something. thats not from one of those animes on the top hit list.
coz they have too much fanart ANYWAY >D not to be cruel to them or anything.
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
wheeeeeee highschool! NOT
so i got to go to my freshman orientation yesterday for mclean blah blah blah blah. bought school supplies.
BUT! the more important thing is that i'm printing anime/VG stickers for them all!!!!!! i LOVE sticker paper!!!! ^____^ i have a full metal alchemist page, hxh page, and a naruto page so far. I'm gonna have cowboy bebop and trigun and neongeneisis evangelion and final fantasy and legendofzelda
... i might run out ofpaper by then T_T I really ought to buy a new pack since these are the leftover pages from.... 2 years ago, when i did the same thing XD
[all the little newbsthought i was totally nuts. foo them.]
^^ *salutes end of summer* T_T
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
Mildly upset over a comment about my HxH review, of course critism is expected, and it's not half as bad as some of the crap people pull out there, but just for my sake, some "omg naruto!" fan wrote this:
"NOTHING can compare to naruto. and neway if it could, than don'y you think that it would have by itself and wouldn't need a post on the to become the next naruto?"
Well, if they had read the review, they would have known that naruto over hxh or whatever WASN'T EVEN THE POINT!!!
that would qualify as an ARTICLE/editorial. sheesh. plus it was adam who posed the question anyway. I just did the anime review. *sigh* but alot of other people liked it.. i think..
i'm doing a writing break and working on drawing a little bit more. Yeah i'm a bad dabbler >D Can never stay in one place very long...
~_~ whooo boy. my drawing sucks >)<
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
1st: my review got up! yay :) I really liked Hunter X Hunter, and coincidentally ijust finished the last OAV this morning, like 5 minutes before i came on MyO @_@
secondly, i'm having a katamari deathmatch!!!!!! later today. and if you don't know what katamari damacy is, SHAME ON YOU!!!!
@_@ now go click your broswer, go to the url box, and write "wiki katamari damacy" :) it wouldn't hurt to get teh uber themesong either. which i have.
later that day: *thinks to self* hmm i better get a katamari damacy background soon....
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
cosplay=done!!! ^_^ yea i changed it around n' stuff...... blargh >_<;;;
torrents torrents torrents of rain!!!
@___@;;; noofcoursei'mnotapirate... at any rate..
PS: comment on my cosplay @TheO if you have the time. but not mandatory :)
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
m' back. went to digital edge expo in DC. basically a geek con. but with less geeks. cool robotics competitions. wish i had pictures. don't.
bought lightup magic knights rayearth keychains. hikaru, umi, fuu and mokona. they light up! yay. while that and a subaru action figure for sale were about the only anime related junk for sale, there was the "gamers pavilion" with plenty of fun stuff to do once i got bored of riding space sims and umm.... looking at new computers >_<; they had some DDR stuff, taiko drumming, eyetoys, ect ect ect. someone saw my NERV messenger bag, waved their NERV wallet frantically and we cheered. A misinformed gamer who thought there was a BIG game expo here, stuck around and played DDR [the whole thing was free].
Number of people i got hugs from tho i do not know who they are: 2.
yeah, anime/gamer-ness is like this invisible thing that ties us all together.
thus, random hugging of people who's bags you like. [they had cool robots!]
all in all, i'm pretty much flat broke, but had a good time.
how's everyone else been?
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
cosplay: you guys wanted ot see what i had done of my cosplay so far right?
here it is: 
erm yeah, i've only done the jacket, obi, and pants T_T;;;; still need the nailpolish, mask, geta sandals, pointy needles [senbon], and teh fake hair. ^__^ oh! and the turtle neck of the same color of the pants. GODDAMNIT THAT'S THE HARD THING I HAVEN'T MANAGED YET!!!
yeah. it's novice material -_-'
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afk yeah
^_^;;; so i was a bit out of it for awhile, finishing up Hunter X Hunter, one of THE greatest shonen animes on this planet.
~_~ anyone else heard of it? i submitted a review, so eventually you'll have to [provided it's accepted n' whatever] But because of that, hunter x hunter is now my new background! horray!
*sigh* erm... digital edge expo next week! which is coincidentally right after otakon WHICH IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.
i wanna goooooooooooo *sob* T__T;;;; 18 days till school starts.
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Monday, August 15, 2005
^_^ sorry for being so horribly absent. IT WASN'T MY FAULT... i think. well, firstly my parents tried to wean me off the internet, didn't work. and then i got sick. that worked. and then i started reading vampire books [anne rice] .... taht worked too T_T;
oh yeah n' my cosplay. and my bonsai. T_T;;; Maybe i'll upload pictures of both -later- *snicker* im soooo lazy.
well, about my cosplay, it's looking a sight better than a month ago, but i was missing fabric -and still am!- . thatmeans today i MIGHT be FINALLY able to go to the fabric store.
grr, being unable to drive myself sucks!!!! XD;;; aaand about my bonsai, sasuke sassy-pants wasn't looking too good, i bought chips [not the potato kind!], repotted it, braced the roots with plastic, and started watering only with rain water.
.... now my question is, is anyone suppose to care about this drivel? hehehehe I suppose you need SOMETHING funny from me. alors: 
in short, i'm a dumb fool
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