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yuki kajiura fangirl
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i have black hair. wait, this was for my real name! oops
watching loads of anime
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noob otaku: 1998 pro otaku: 2001
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what sort of dumb question is this?
what, are you my school conselor?
talking to myself
you are definitely my school conselor
| derangedkikyo
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
see, i normally don't do "thank you for [insert number] of hits!" pictures... because..
well, look here and you'll know. It would have been a better quality, but all i have on this laptop of mine is paint T_T and even some people can do better than that! the other computer with the wacom tablet and the 1337 software is currently in use...
but anyway: 
and to help your eyes recover..

ph33r the leather
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submitted a review for the naruto movie, if it gets accepted I"m gonna write a Howl's moving castle one.....
if not, then i'll give up writing forever!!
ROFL, just kidding, actually, adam wrote a pretty spiffy review on it ANYWAY, but i guess i can add more crap?
i loved the movie btw ^___^ probably should write it while people are still searching for a download of it..
loves to everyone!q
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
howl's moving castle
as a ghibli die hard, despite the legal lines i crossed, i downloaded the cam rip of "Howl's moving castle" . and regardless of future incarcerations, it was ToTALLY WORTH IT. alot of people had mean things to say about thte graphics, but i really liked miyazaki's rendition of the book, which i also read [by diana wynn jones]. ironically, today is when howl's moving castle premieres in MoMA, in english [haha]. domestic release anyone? we can hope. but i noticed some differences in the book and movie, miyazaki's strong anti-war message dominating it over ... crap, i forgot the original message in the book ^_^ [maybe i twas the same? 0_o] all in all, it was excellent.
look out for a dvd, i'm gonna be the first to get my hands on them >_>; YAY HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE!
if we get that hub, i'm writing a review!! gaaaaaah T_T;;;
btw, went back to school today, it sucked. what else is new?
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Monday, June 6, 2005
tsubasa resevoir chronicle
now this anime, tsubasa was released as a manga by CLAMP, one of their newer works.. a mix of comedy, shoujo, and shonen [think swords magic and adventure], and was recently aired as an anime in japan. So i've been watching whatever episodes that have been released by fansubs... and... well i do have a few things to say about, but seeing how it isn't done airing, i'm in no position to write a review. but moving on, the thing that struck me powerfully was the music. Tsubasa seems to take on a more serious tone than the manga, leaving out some funnier gags and putting in more internal monologue+good music. I have not yet figured out who did it, I'm going to go do that now.
[sometime later]
WOMG I'M RIGHT!! IT WAS YUKI KAJIURA! I prety much knew that as soon as I heard the distinctive gothic type singing that i noticed alot in .hack and whatnot. wewt, i'm just surprised i'm right ^_^ I must be getting to be a real anime nerd. moving on..... besides the music being awsome, the SFX and graphics are very nice, clean, and following the artistic style of the manga
what bugged me was when they were in the dimension of Koryo, which is basically midieval korea, they took out alot of cultural aspects that were int he manga. For example, the clothing in the manga was distinctly pre war korean, but in the anime they were just some funky dresses and stuff. and they took out the korean names, such as omoni [mother] and a'men osa [the police people] and replaced them with somethign
0.o dunno why, but ALSO, for some reason they spell [mybe it's the fansubbers? i saw this on official sites too] Fai D Flowright's name, as Fye.
but in the manga it was Fai.
I think Fai is cuter.
also some of the voices aren't so great, fai and syaraon's fit, but mokona don't sound cute enough!!!!
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gooood morning!
mwahaha did i mention i have no school today?
I HAVE NO SCHOOL TODAY2@!!!!@!!! ^_^; okay so now i'm acting like a total idiot.
that's ok. right? let's see.. funny.. funny..
very very amusing flash.
i am too lazy to type up a URL html.
yes, i am that lazy and/or i forgot ^_^;;; but anyway, today i plan on -maybe- getting my mask done... and other things [like homework] well enough about that.
Anime riddles:
kagome and inuyasha can gather 1 and 1/2 shikon shards every 2 day, and there are 52 shikon shards in all. However, it takes 4 days to fight/defeat sesshoumaru, abut 18 days for the plot to develop, around a week of relationship troubles, and a fortnight of wandering around aimlessly because they are lost. Also, because kagome had to prepare for her exams, they lst 3 days for her tostudy. add those days up, and subtract them from the total days they've travelled so far because the show isn't finished [145 days], and then tell me how many shikon shards they SHOULD have.
note: this isn't really accurate
two: you're gonna need paper.
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
ugh, car trips
so this weekend i went to north carolina to visit relatives who i conviniently forgot how they were related to me.
go figure ^_^;
since they had no internet, my lappy was virtually useless. most of my games 9gunbound, maple story, PSO) are all online, and i finished off all the anime on it in the car.
so what did i do? i reinstalled the default 'age of empires II' and started taking over the world.
wewt. ^_^; the cool thing about the trip was that my grand something owns a WIG SHOP, and as a future cosplayer, i took advantage of that fact and got some free hair pieces for my up coming cosplay (november)
LUCKYYY!! ^_^;;; but besides that...
i spend alot of time taking over the world ^_^;;;;;;
loves to everyone!!
except zero. you get a rasengan-uber-kancho.
everyone else gets more love! <3
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
1000 years of pain?
well, this morning my sister tried to kancho me....
for those who don't know what kancho [or dong chim if you're korena] is, it's clasping your hands together, sticking out your index fingers, finding a suitable victim, creep up behind them and give 'em a good asspoke...
under normal circumstances, it would have hurt alot.
thank god for baggy pants ^_^
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Friday, June 3, 2005
wow how long have i been away?
>_>;;;;; LOOK WHO'S BACK!!!!! to stay too! ^_^; end of the year is approaching, and [most] of the worst is over!!! yeeeeah!!
time to go see everyone else's MO to make sure they haven't forgotten me!
^____^ yes, deranged kikyo is back, more deranged, and hungry!
*goes off to make breakfast*
haha no school today!
or monday! I am now a narutard, AND a bleachtard, a fullmetaltard, and.... tsubasatard XD;;
WHY IS HIS NAME STRAWBERRY? [bleach mini essay]
At first i wondered "who was crazy enough to name their kid STRAWBERRY!?!?" [ichigo]. Because, I mean, your kid is a GUY, and a rather masochistic [is that the right word? more like grouchy. but whatever], and you give him a cute pink name STRAWBERRY? [ichigo]. S'like, naming your kid who'll be some big football player one day DAISY... 0_o;;;; and what about the translations? Usually when they dub anime they either
1) give them an entirely new name
2) keep the original name and pronounce it HORRIBLY
3) SOMETIMES on occasion they translate the literal meaning of the name...
that would be sorta freaky for ichigo [strawberry's]'s case naa?
^_^ correction: Ichigo's name comes from the words "ichini" or number one! and go, which means guardian angel.
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
this is the week of dreaded standards of learning
day one: complete!
I got to write my name 5 million times. joy to the world -___-;;;
2 more days to go, [technically 3 more] and then a blaze of tests and quizzes on friday to finish me off.
what sort of cheat/hack are schools using!?
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Sunday, May 15, 2005
*fangirl squee*
@_____@ project GU will be revealed at E3, in 3 days!!!
of course I can't GO but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna bug thepeople i know going to tell me if project GU is related to .hack or not. *spazz*
you guys all remember .hack right?
c'mon, you're all older than me, you hAVE to.
-_______-;;; yes it IS a bit old. like 2000 old, hey, it's not like NGe or bebop that was older than that >_>;
*sigh* go play the ps2 games then XD; but back to my point: project GU had BETTER be .hack related and BETTER be for the ps2.
considering how i just bought one >_>;
yay more FFX time lol.....
I promise to get to your sites today! >_>; mebbe... have lotsa homework.
*stomach makes squelchy noises* ew.
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