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myOtaku.com: derangedkikyo

Saturday, January 15, 2005

a friend of mine let us know today just about how many people come to her site everyday, according to her number of hits, and it's a pretty impressive number.

I'm not sure how my friend figured her out but maybe it has something to do with dividing the number of hits by the number of days in the year.

following that track of thought... 560 divided by 365 is... *does it on her TI*

So, 1.534246575 people/persons come to my site everyday for the past year. What exactly is .534246575 of a person? Well lets think about it....

2 legs w/ feet
1 kidney
and throw in the eyeballs for that 575.

Right, *holds these all in a bucket* ^_^;;; This poor user has alot of trouble making it to my otaku... Poor guy hahaha.

Get more people to visit so this poor user can have this head, torso, arms, pancreas, bladder, ribs, spinal cord, nervs, brain, asophaghas, and digestive track back!!!

Oooh and his intestines.

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