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Montreal, Qubec, Canada, planet earth... You see where it is? O.o
Member Since
Always at school...
Real Name
Vanessa, it means butterfly~
Improved my style, started my mangas (That is the true miracle!) and starting to get know where I live...
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Inu Yasha , Love Hina, Chobits, Kenshin , Ranma 1/2 , Sailor Moon , Ah! My Godess , Escaflowne , Gundam Wing and many more...
To be a Great Manga-ka someday and get published!
Draw, Chat whit my friends, chill out in one of my random anime fan-fic....
Great artist, pretty good writer, non-certefied gamerz... x3
| Deruku Sakura
I'm back!
Better, cuter, more ebil than ever!
Fear my comeback...
Thursday, November 2, 2006
My, my, my...
OH MY! What a week!
I'm so tired! I had soooooo much work! School is hard sometime... u_û
Oh well... At least I was able to work on some of my stuff! ^,^ My mangas is taking shape, soon I'll be able to put it on show for everyone to see! YAY! n_n
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Hey Hey Hey! ^^
This week if I'm lucky I'll get the last info's on my cosplay! ^^
What!? You didn,t know I was going to have a cosplay? O.o
I do! It's going to be a Robin Sena cosplay! ^^ The next step after will be to take pics and put them here no? In fact, talking of cosplay, I'm planning my next one! I'm still figuring witch one to choose, but it's probably going to ba a crossplay! xD
Of who? That is the question... My next to cosplay in line will be this or that?:
a) Sesshomaru from Inu yasha *Oh my... I wonder how I could look in that!*
b)Tear Grants from Tales of the Abyss *Gawd! Do I love that character's desing! O.O*
Choices, choices...
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Monday, October 23, 2006
Back... and this time I MEAN IT!
Hey! Hey! Hey!
I know I say this a lot, but gawd I'm back! ^^'
It's been like... OMG, soooo long that I can't telle HOW LONG it's been! ^^'
Man, do I feel bad... I gotta say, I had a lots of problems with my computer, and I totaly forgot my password, and each time I tried to get a new one IT NEVER WORKED! O___O
*Dramatic music*
But, like I said very often in the past, I'm back. But this time I mean it. Really.
And I'm very happy to be back, because there's a bunch of wonderfull people here and I reaaaaaaaaally missed ya all... Teehhe! n_n
SO NOW THIS IS MY RETURN! *fear me!? O.o*
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Monday, January 24, 2005
I'm a back!!!! ... Whit a flu...
Kof...Kof... Heyas! Znirfl! (Sound Gross...)
It's been a long time... I'll prented that that i din't got sick and had work...
GOOD NEWS!! I'm good in maths now! It's a miracle! Yay!
Yup I'm still hyper even whit a flu! Kofrflargh! (EEEW... dUN'T WANNA KNOW WHAT THAT WAS...)
Man I hate beeing sick... I hate winter... I hate cold... I want to live on an island in the Pacific...
And most of all... I WANT MY MOMMY!!! (Now I'm just imature.. ^.^)
I must be one of the most Lucky and Unlucky gal in world...
At my school we had a... a... A!!!
(I forgot the name in English!!! T...T no w8t I remember!) A money raise or something like that... (Not sure of how we call it Damn... T.T) For the Tsunami victims, I gave 10 box... (Can $) I wanted to give 20 but I'm broke right now... Sob... T_T
But I'll try to be positive!!
So 2day my last word will be:
(>^.^)> -(RAWR!!!!)
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Saturday, June 19, 2004
Rhaa... I had to much exam... There one last... AT LEAST IT WILL END SOON... My computer still have a little problèmo but i'm okay... Soon maybe i'll get a new one... Then i'll be able to do my Otaku pages dayly... until then, i'm sorry if i can't do it sometimes...
By the i've killed Ganondork in Wind Waker ( Easy battle...), i'm at the last boss in Metroïd Prime ( I'm still tryin' 2 beat that thing.. T.T )and finally it's my 5th year in Crystal Chronicles... Hey! If I cannot go on the comp I can play Gamecube nha? ^_^
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Featured Quiz Result:
Motoko rules!
 Your integrity and sense of morals are as strong as a steel wall. Your honesty and pride give you honour, and your haste to defend the honour of good people make you worthy of being called a friend. But you harbour deep feelings of unworthiness, and hide them beneath layers of outward strength and discipline. Because of this, you have a hard time allowing others to call you a friend, and find much of your discontentment turn into frustration. Try to understand that by letting others in, you eliminate much of your frustration and improve your true self-image. Which Love Hina Girl Are You?