The ironic thing is that the title is at the top of the post. . . .
You know what I did today? I worked my butt off. And that's something I rarely do, because it's hard to put back on, you know? . . . Yeah. But anyway, both the front and back lawns needed mowing, so I did that. And in the very back of the back yard, around the raised flower beds, some of the weeds had grown as tall as I am, so that also had to be taken care of. It was a real bugger, clearing out all that grass.
First off, our weed whacker wasn't quite up to the task. I'd put it down at the base of a big patch of grass, move it in to try and cut it down . . . and it would jam. There were that many weeds. So I had to make several passes over each area, cutting off the tallest blades and then working my way down a couple inches at a time. That wouldn't have been so bad, except it got to the point where there was so much cut grass on top of what still needed to be cut, that it would jam the weed whacker. So I had to go and get a garden rake, and remove the cut blades of grass every now and then.
All in all, everything ended up taking about two and a half hours. All the while, it was about 90 degrees out, and most of the time I was in direct sunlight. So why did I do it? Cash -- it can make people do a lot of things they wouldn't otherwise do. Am I crazy? Yeah, probably. Am I still all sweaty and smelling of dirt and grass? No, I took a shower afterward, so don't worry about that.
After all that was done, though, I played still more Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. In fact, I beat the game for the third time just a little while ago. I don't think I'll be going for a fourth time, though. . . . Well, except for playing through in multiplayer mode with a friend. That'll make four, but I don't think I'll be playing the game in single player mode for a while. The first time, it was an absolute blast; the second time, it was still a lot of fun because I hadn't played in single player mode much before that; the third time, it was pretty fun, but I was glad to finish it up today. I think if I tried playing through in single player mode again, I'd stop part way through and not have the motivation to continue.
As for web site news, I've started rewriting my Zelda: A Link to the Past boss strategies to put up on It's All About the Rupees. And when I say "rewriting," what I really mean is "starting again from scratch." The old ones give good info -- almost as good as the new ones will have, since I haven't come up with too many new tricks since writing the old ones -- but they're horribly written compared to what I can do now. Looking back at any of my early writings really puts into focus how much I've improved over the years.
I'm not sure when they'll be finished, but hopefully it won't take me longer than a week or so to get them done. I remember I wrote all the old ones in a single day, so I know I can do it in as short a time as I want . . . I just have to actually want to do it, heh. And in addition to those, I'm going to be doing some editing on a few other old articles. I don't really want to put up an A Link to the Past strategy page and have nothing on it but the boss strategies.
I also want to do a review of Four Swords Adventures, if I can ever get some people together for a few games of Shadow Battle. I know pretty much all there is to know about Hyrulean Adventure, but I've barely gotten to play Shadow Battle, so I still need to get more experience with it before I write a review. Maybe people will be free this Friday. . . .