Okay, so I'm stupid tired right now and listening to Weird Al songs. Some macaroni and cheese also happened a bit ago. A wonderful combination. ... Really.
Thanksgiving was nice. We had family over -- namely, my older brother up from the bay area and my cousin, her husband, and two kids down from the Seattle area -- which was fun. It's always nice to visit with them and catch up on notable happenings. Not that I usually have many to contribute, but it's nice to hear about them nonetheless.
My first cousins, once removed, or whatever the heck her kids technically are in relation to me, seem to love me. There's an eight-year-old girl (soon to be nine -- pretty sure that's right) and a seven-year-old boy. He always bugs me to let him play my GameCube whenever they come for a visit, heh. They have one, as well as an Xbox, at home, but apparently I've got a substantially larger game library. Which I guess makes sense, since I've had mine since its release and they only got one this year I think.
So anyway, I let them play Animal Crossing on Friday night after dinner. (Leftover turkey = yum.) They each got a thirty minute turn before they had to leave and I let them start new characters, taking the two remaining houses in my village. Only having a half hour to play, neither made it past the little starting jobs Nook puts you through, but they seemed to have a lot of fun with it. Which kind of surprised me, since I wasn't sure the boy would have the attention span necessary for following Nook's instructions; yeah, he's kinda hyper, heh.
That gave me an idea. Maybe, just maybe, I can kill two birds with one stone this Christmas. Both of them seemed to really enjoy the game and you can get it for only $20 since it's a player's choice title. $10 for each of them isn't bad.
Yes, it's after Thanksgiving and I am thinking about Christmas shopping now. No, I didn't go out shopping on Friday, however. The obsessive people who get up at 4:00 AM just to save a few dollars scare me. Freaks. Yeah, you heard me. You know who you are!
Personally, I'm looking for a new TV this year. Probably not anything fancy (read: no widescreen or HD support) since it has to actually be affordable to the rest of the family. But, at this point, anything would be better than the piece of crap I have now. Seriously, I've no doubt that the thing is older than I am. It doesn't even have AV ports; hell, it doesn't even have a real coax port. It has two screws that you can hook a coax-horseshoe converter onto. Oh, and the wires between the actual converter bit and the horseshoes broke, so I had to rig it up so that the bare wires are wrapped around the screws. If you can't see by now why I want a new TV, you're either an idiot or you're stuck in a closet with Vanna White.
And did I mention that my current TV causes interference with my brother's PC monitor, which is just on the other side of the wall? Yeah, that pisses him off. And he's about ten times the annoying idiot he is normally when he's pissed off. Not in a violent way, no, more the "I'm going to drive you freaking insane" kind of way. Damn I need a lock on my bedroom door.
Okay, let's just forget about TVs for a bit, then. On the handheld scene, I'm back to playing MKDS now that people are no longer visiting and I can crawl back into my hole -- er, room. Today I went through and got 3 Star rankings on all the 50cc cups and tomorrow I'll be starting on the 100cc cups. Most of the cups, in any engine class, I haven't had any trouble getting 1 or 2 Stars on, so getting 3 Stars isn't as hard for me as I first thought. It's still hard on 150cc and 150cc Mirror, of course, just not that "I'm going to crap on this game and then burn it" level of difficulty. Which, you know, is fine with me, since I'm not especially fond of stupidly hard games. And I do mean stupid, seeing as all it takes to screw your 3 Star ranking in MKDS is an ill-timed spike shell.
Remember, everything you know is wrong.