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in a cold, dark place called reality..
Member Since
professional mooner.... hey, its a fun job! Just kidding!
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*nervous laugh* Achievements? I'll get back to you on that.
Anime Fan Since
Sailor Moon came on Toonami!!!!
Favorite Anime
That's a hard one: Inu Yasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Gundam Wing, Trigun, Witch Hunter Robin, Wolf's Rain, and a ton of others
I hope to become the best person that I am meant to become.
anything dealing with anime, mud-riding *devilish grin*, making new friends, and last but not least anything that is F-U-N!
making people laugh and feel good
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
Gundam Wing!!!!
Hiya everyone!
How is everyone's week going? Mine has gone pretty good. I got three new mangas; so yeah, it has been good.
As you can see I redid my site. I am in my Gundam wing phase right now..if you couldn't tell. I have decided that I am going to get all the gundam wing episodes so I can watch them anytime that I want. ^_^
Well, I'm off to watch endless waltz! Bye!

"Peace is nothing but a result of war."- Heero Yuy
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
'ello, my friends!
Pic of the week:

Song of the week: "When you say nothing at all"
"The smile on your face
Lets me know
That you need me
There's a truth
In your eyes
Saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says
You'll catch me
Whenever I fall
You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all."
Quiz of the week:
 You're like me! The intelligent loner. You're shy at times but friendly, and you are never weak and always independent. You are incredibly intelligent (wise beyond your years) and have a talent for many things (sports, music, art). You have a kind and warm personality and enjoy the simple things. Like hanging out with friends and watching movies at home. But you're sometimes quiet nature makes you a bit of an outcast and a mystery to people. No matter how pretty you are or smart or athletic, you just can't seem to break into the crowd and be noticed. Don't worry, try to be more outgoing and speak out when you have more to say. Don't hide behind your books and sports and computer, get out there and get noticed. You also have deep desires in life and feel vunerable and alone at times. Don't feel sad either, What helps me to express feelings and dreams that I can't say to people, is through my writting. Maybe you should try.
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!) brought to you by Quizilla
Quote of the week: "If you were me, and a girl cried for you, you would still kill yourself. I admire your strength." - Trowa Barton
For some strange reason, I have been happy_____not that its a bad thing but it's quite unusual considering the circumstances I have been through since I last posted. Well I went to bball camp on Monday and came back yesterday. All I can say is that it was Hell. I had fun most of the times but the bad times made me forget about the good ones. I'm just glad that I made it home in one piece! I did get closer to some of my friends while I was at camp. That's good! I got beat up in my last game though. I was dribbling the ball and a defender stuck her foot out in front of me and tripped me while I was running (full speed). I flipped a couple of times and slid across the court. It hurt like crap too.
I can't wait until Monday! July the 4th is going to be a blast; me and Ittoshi have everthing planned it's gonna be FUN!
Well I guess I'll let you go!
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
Post of the Week(end)
Pic of the week: 
Song of the week: "Where's your head at?!" by Basement Jaxx
Lyrics: "Where's your head at, at, at, at?
Where's your head at?
Where's your head at?
Where's your head at?" (comment: Now we know why it's called "where's your head at?")
Quiz of the week:
 ~*~Beautiful Soul~*~
You're the type of person who is loving, giving, sweet, generous, genuine, and optimistic. You see the beauty around you and you admire it for its faults, as well as perfections. Most likely a dreamer, you are highly respected and liked. People like to be around you because you make them happy. You have a wonderful personality and you're beautiful inside and out!
Please Rate or message me! Thank you for taking my quiz! XoXo <3 Lana
You're Beautiful...but why? ( PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
Quote of the week: "When nothing makes sense, I'll fight believing only in myself." - Heero Yuy
Okay, you may be wondering why everything says "of the week". Well I've decided that I will try to make only one or two post each week to keep you updated on my life. I am doing this because I am too busy this summer to do otherwise. I appreciate everyone's patiences with me; I know yall must be mad at me, but I am very sorry! *bows*
My life has been wild this summer! I have gone from a shy young girl to quite a audacious young woman.. some of my friends can't even believe this change in me. my own cousin told me that I used to be boring but now I'm more fun. I wonder if that's a good thing?
I have basketball camp Monday thru Wednesday so I won't be updating any those days. I really hope ya'll like my new theme. It's called "Silent Emotions". I need to find a new song and get a new avi. Does anyone know a good song that would fit my theme? Well, Inu Yasha's about to come one. I'll talk to you later! Byes!
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
I just wanted to say hey!
HEY! I hope life is going great for everyone.. I'm sorry I won't be able to make it to everyone's sites.. but work calls!

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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
I want to apologize to all my friends!
Pic of the day:
Song of the day: I don't know the name.
Lyrics: "As I lay me down to sleep, this I pray that I will wake up happy. Though I fly away, I'll whisper your name into the sky."
Random thought: "When I grow up, I wanna be a kid!"
Hey ya'll! I know I haven't been on for a very (very very very...and so on...)long time, and I would like to apologize for it. Work is really tiring me out and I have no time what~so~ever! This is the first time I have been on the internet since I last POSTED! I have missed ya'll so much; but to make it up to ya'll, I have started to write my own little personally story. I haven't named it yet so I'll have to get back to you on that! LOL!
So here it is:
Chapter 1: “Rainy Nights”
It was a rainy night, as Katana trudged down the dark alley. She hated the rain; it always reminded her of that night. That night-it had been raining too. Her parents had just walked into her room to say goodnight when there was a knock at the door. Her father opened it and then… Katana pushed the memory to the back of her mind. Now ten years later, the memories of her parents murder were still burned into her mind. Katana closed her eyes against the wall of emotion that beckoned to be released. “I.. can’t cry.” she murmured to herself. The words seemed to comfort her as she continued her journey back to the dojo.
As she reached the door, the light outside came on ;and a little old man stepped out. “Katana-san, where have you been? I was becoming very worried.” Katana bowed quickly before she replied, “I’m sorry, Master Jin! I lost track of time while I was walking.” Master Jin smiled, “It’s all right, Katana; I was just worried, that’s all. Now come inside and get warm. You must be cold in that wet kimono!” She allowed herself to be dragged in side the dojo and then into her room.
Once she was alone, Katana changed into her sleep gown and grabbed her robe before heading to the kitchen. There she found Master Jin making tea. he looked up when he had sensed her presence. “I thought some tea might help to warm you up more.” He said taking the tea pot away from the fire. He had begun to pour Katana some tea when she asked, “How was class today, Master?” He stopped pouring the tea and looked up at her. “Umm.. it was fine.” Master Jin quickly averted his gaze and finished pouring her tea. “Now drink it before it gets cold.” Katana took the tea and began to drink it. ‘Something must have happened. He has never been so high-strung over me being late before.’ Katana thought as she looked across the table to her Master who was fidgeting. “I guess I’m going to turn in now. Goodnight, Katana.” Katana watched him closely as he retreated to his room; then, she did the same.
Katana tried to go to sleep, but it would not come. Her spirit seemed troubled. *Bump* Katana sat up from her bed roll. *Bump* There was that noise again. She silently crept to her door and peered out of it. Darkness was all she saw. *Clash* She jerked her head in the direction of the training room. *Clash* It sounded like two swords against each other. Katana tiptoed towards the noise as it became louder and more intense. That’s when Katana saw Master Jin and some other man fighting. The other man pulled a hidden dagger from inside his robe and with one swift motion stabbed Master Jin. Katana gasped and ran towards her master who was now breathing very heavily; but she had been so intent on getting to him that Katana didn’t notice the other swordsman disappear out the door.
“Master Jin! Don’t leave me!” Katana cried. She ripped her gown into shreds trying to make bandages to help stop the bleeding. Master Jin caught her hand and held it between his own. “Ka-tana..” he gasped. “You must leave…before the Kobayashi find out who.. you are. They will.. kill you.” “Hang on, Master!” Katana began to wrap the wound again. He again grabbed her hands. “It’s over…Katana, my life is over. Take this.” He pulled out a necklace with a small dagger charm on it. Katana took it and put it around her neck. “You must remember, Katana, that which is sealed… must….never be opened.” With those words, Master Jin closed his eyes and passed on.
So did you like it? I thought of it then I asked Ittoshi to help me with some details. Well I've gotta go. Talk to you guys later..hopefully I'll have another chapter by then!
Ps: Here's something funny that happened to me yesterday: I was walking up to the house where I babysit. It was like 6:45am and I was still half asleep so I didn't notice that part of the garage door was down. I walked right into it. Thank God, it didn't hit anywhere important. Just my head! lol! I have a bruise and a little circle where I hit a bolt on the door.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Still Sick..

Song: "Big Big World" by Emilia
"I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing
If u leave me
But I do
Feel I will
Miss u much
miss u much."
It's getting worse instead of better! I can barely talk and not to mention the fact that I have a humongous headache. Why do I have to go to work?! Those little kids will bug me to death..I barely made it through my job this morning. I fell asleep on the couch while I was supposed to be watching these two little boys. Thank God that they didn't burn the house down.
Well, I hope everyone has had a good day. Ttyl Sayanara!
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Monday, May 23, 2005
Song:"Love is Strange"
Lyrics: "Love is strange. Lot of people mistake it for a game. Once you get it it never wants to quit. Once you have it, you're in an awful fit."
Saying: "You can fool some of the people some of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." ~Abraham Lincoln
My friend (Heero Yuy) got me thinking about my purpose in life, and I really would like to know if anyone of you have found your purpose because I haven't.. I don't even know what I'm supposed to look for or ask myself.
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
Chicken and Stars soup- that's what I'm eating right now.
Song: "I wish I was an Oscar Mayer weiner!" lol-this post might as well be about FOOD!
Lyrics: "Oh I wish I was an Oscar Mayer weiner that is what I truly want to be. I wish I was an Oscar Mayer weiner because everyone would be in love with me!"
Saying: "Do as your heart tells you." ~ Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing
Yum! I love to eat! I need to add it to My Hobbies on here. Food always makes a person feel better. Or at least that is what makes me feel better. ^__^
Well, today I missed church. I basically slept until 11:00 am. That is the first time I have slept that late all summer. (I hate sleeping late because it makes me feel horrible for the rest o the day) The only reason I slept late is because again I didn't get any sleep last night. I took two tylenol pms and it still didn't help. I woke up at 3:45 am because I couldn't breath. Ugh..I hate it.
Right now, I need to apologize to my friend Ittoshi. I was a real bitch to her last night when she returned my call. I was down-right rude to her and I just want her to know that I am extrememly sorry.
I'm also updating my site today. I think I found the perfect bg that I want to use. I'll be talking to ya'll later. BYES!
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in awhile..
Song: "Beauty Song" from the Motion Picture "House of Flying Daggers"
An extraordinary beauty in the North...
The most beautiful being of the world
From her first glance the city bows before her
From her second glance the empire falls into ruins
But there aren't such an empire or a city
what we can laud more than this beauty.
Saying: nothing at the moment
I've had a rough week...and it's taking its toll out on me too. I've caught some sorta sinus infection. -__-; I am not feeling well at the moment. *ME NODE ES STOBBED UP* It was so bad last night that I couldn't even sleep. I tossed and turned the *ENTIRE* night. Ugh.. I feel a sneeze coming on...*achoooo* Ewww! Nasty! I think I'm about to go get drugged up on Tylenol pm.. LOL! Maybe I'll feel better then.
AnYwAyZ! How is everyone's weekend? Mine is going pretty good. I went shopping today and bought the House of Flying Daggers soundtrack and a really cute outfit. ^_^
I can't wait until tonight! Inu Yasha the Movie: Affections Touching Across Time is coming on tonight on Cartoon Network. The Second movie is better but they are both really good. You don't wanna miss it!
Well, I'll see you guys later! Bye
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
^__^ I'm sooooo happy right now!
Pic of the day:
Song of the day: "You are my sunshine"
Lyrics: "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear how much I love you..Please don't take my sunshine away!"
Saying of the day: "There are two types of people in this world: those that play hopscotch and sing in the shower ,and those that lie alone at night with tears in their eyes."
How is everyone today? Okay, I hope. My day has gone by so fast.
Here's the summary of it:
Got up around 6:30 this morning to go to school and take my last two final exams, which I finished around 9:30. After that, I went to my cousin's house and woke her up (I find it humorous to wake her up in the mornings). I took her out to lunch. We took our fast-food bacto her place and we watched movies until 2 pm.
You might be wondering why I am so happy. In fact, I myself have no clue! I guess it's because I no longer have to go to school until August.. Yeah, I think that's it. ^__^
I just want to say thanks to all of my friends that came and signed my guestbook yesterday and today. THANK YOU BUNCHES! *muah*
Well, I've gotta go. Talk to ya'll soon!
=^.^= *meow*
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