Saturday, September 25, 2004
Explanation ? Please ?
Here's something I don't understand ... Cim and Pim went to Grandma's house for the day, 3-4 hours away. So they left me in charge of the house all day. Why didn't they put Ben in charge ? He's the oldest! Shouldn't he have to take that responsibility ? He gets all these privledges that I don't get, and yet I seem to have more responsibilities than him ?? What the hell is that? I wanted to go out on a walk today since it's only 70* out for a change but I can't cause I have to watch the house. GRR. What the $*^@ is wrong with that? Tell me, what the hell is wrong with this picture??
I hate life ... People. Everything. I can't ever do anything and then get in trouble for never going out and doing anything. [deep, irritated sigh] Wth does everyone do this to me ... I think I'll just draw a while. I'm gonna add my fan art to uhm, that anime submissions things on the side over there. Guess you can view it from here but if not I guess I'll post the links. [shrug]
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