Sunday, October 3, 2004
What NOT to do on a bike ride...
I went for a motorcycle ride with Pim and Joe, the neighbor. If you like hanging on to the sissybar, if it's windy and you're going up hills, don't. It kills your back. Fighting against the wind, accelerating at 5MPH [and you're already going 45] and going up a hill, you feel like you're gonna die. I eventually got tired of fighting to stay upright, so I just grabbed onto Pim's sweater and it was so much easier after that. I don't know why I didn't do it in the first place. It was a nice ride though. We stopped down at Rabbit Hash, a tiny place that's just like 4 little stores, one of them is from like 1831, next to the river and out of the way where motorcyclists sort've crongregate themselves for a coke, hotdog and chat, I guess. We didn't stay long, just long enough for Pim to smoke his cigerette and a chance to rest. I wore my YGO shoes and I accidentally hit the back pipe [I can't remember what it's called now that I have to think about it] with my shoe and it melted some of the rubber on the bottom onto the pipe. Poor new shoes.
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