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Member Since
student, art person lol
Real Name
Cassandra carrillo
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
yuu yuu hakusho, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, naruto, saiyuki, outlaw star, hellsing,gravitation,fushigi yugi,naruto,model,samurai deeper kyo, Fullmetal Alchemist, Inu yasha
get betta at drawin, learn japanese, Go to japan bizatches
drawin, computer, reading, playing/listenin to music, sleepin lol
twirl a stick ^^; o and i guess drawing
| destinedvampire
Thursday, August 12, 2004
a survey ^"_^ i guess if u want to learn about meh lo
[Name] Cassandra Marie Carrillo
[Nicknames] Monkey, smurf, satain lol
[Screen name] kireiaoshinari00
[Birthday] June 14,1989
[Age] 15
[Weight] I ono, im thinkin 132
[Astrological sign?] Gemini
[Chinese zodiac sign?] I don’t know -tell me if you know waht June is-
[Location] Whitter,California (in la)
[Marital Status] Single
[Eye color] dark brown
[Height] 5'2
[Shoe size] 5-7
[Parents still together?] yes
[Siblings?] anthony, andre, adrian, christina
[Nieces/Nephews?] None
[Kids of your own?] not yet
[Grandkids?] not yet
[Pets?] one evil dog (taz), two rabbits (we use to have 16 loose in the back yard but some one stole them...), and a bird (pauile) ^^
[Education?] 10th
[Rent, lease, or own your home?] Nope.
[Have any credit cards?] Nope.
[What do you drive?] Nopes
[ Color] Black, red, blue, silver.
[ Number ] 10
[ Animal ] dragon/raven
[ Vehicle ] mustang XD
[ Flower ] Red roses, cherry blossoms
[ Scent ] this one cologne my friend wears, its called..ah damn it I forgot but it smells awesomely good lol
[ Shape ] none
[ Drinks ] Dr. Pepper, Orange soda, and the naked orange juice XD
[ Soda ] Dr. Pepper.
[ Book ] oo, thats a hard have to say – Say You Love Me , by: Johanna Lindsey
[ Band ] System of a Down, Disturbed, Blink 182, Evanescence, Linkin Park, fuel, tatjiana bluanova (shes a russian singer), red hot chili peppers, malice mizer, and just random Jrock & music from animes I watch ^_^
[ Song ] Most of All , by Fuel
[ Food ] Japanese food XD
Do you...
[ Color your hair? ] I did b4 (light brown) but now im just letting it grow to my natural color, black
[ Twirl your hair? ] nope
[ Have tattoos? ] Nope.
[ Piercing? ] 2, my ears
[ Cheat on tests/homework? ] o so
[ Drink/Smoke? ] Nope.
[ Like roller coasters? ] I love them, the thrill
[ Wish you could live somewhere else] Japan XD (somewhere in the forest )
[ Want more piercings? ] on my eye brow
[ Like cleaning? ] nuuuuuuu
[Write in cursive or print? ] both
[ Carry a donor card? ] Nope..
[ Swear a lot? ] nope, only on computer lol
[ Own a web cam? ] I lost it when I went camping ;_; (I had pictures of so many hot surfers too... ;_;)
[ Know how to drive? ] A little
[ Diet? ] Nope.
[ Own a cell phone? ] Hahahaha, thats funny...
[ Ever get off the damn computer? ] nope, the computer IS my life ::insane laugh::
[ Habla Espanol? ] I understand it but I cant speak it , im taking classes though
Have you ever...
[ Gotten a speeding ticket?] Nope
[ DUI? ] Nope.
[ Been in a wreck? ] nope
[ Been arrested? ] Nope
[ Been in a fist fight? ] almost, but the girl decided to tell the principle , and we both had to go in for counseling T.T . Personally I would have preferred the fight ^_^
[ Kicked someone in the nuts? ] my poor was an accident !! I swear!
[ Stolen anything? ] Candy, pens, pencils, lol
[ Held a gun? ] nope
[ Drank? ] Nope.
[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?] Nope.
[Considered a life of crime? ] Nope.
[ Considered being a hooker? ] Hell no.
[ Cried over a girl? ] Nope
[ Cried over a boy? ] yes ;_; , damn him, DAMN HIM
[ Lied to someone? ] yeah, who doesnt?? Lol , but only little white lies
[ Been in love? ] no
[ Fallen for your best friend? ] unfortunately
[ Made out with JUST a friend? ] nope
[Been rejected? ] Yes..
[ Used someone? ] Nope.
[ Been used? ] If I have I didn't know it..
[ Been kissed? ] nope
[Current mood] tired (I just woke up), content
[Current music] For Real -extended version- Gensomaden Saiyuki
[Current taste] corn flakes
[Current hair] Black
[Current annoyance] stupid computer is going slow, I got kazaa again >< im downloading Requiem -the movie for saiyuki- XD, but its going to take like a week or more..can you believe that?
[Current smell] it smells awful, my cmoputer it right next to my backyard and my stupid dog makes it smell REALLY nad out there..::gag::
[Current thing I ought to be doing] aahh...drawin lol
[Current windows open?] DA window , TheOtaku window .
[Current desktop picture] The Saiyuki Boys XD
[Current book] None.
[Current cds in stereo] evanescence
[Current crush] ill never tell =P
[Current favorite celeb] o many...johnny depp, heath leger, Elijah Woods, seth green, tom cruse, jet li, jackie chan
[Current hate] Stereotyping clueless idiots, racist ppl T.T
[Current job] None
The last time
[Last book you read] deadly desire ^_~
[Last movie you saw] I.Robot
[Last thing you had to drink] the naked orange juice , so good
[Last thing you ate] cereal
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Michael
[Do drugs?] Nope, never will.
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] yup, but im not saying what ^_~
[Play an instrument?] Guitar
[Believe there is life on other planets?] yeah, I mean do you actually think were the only living thing in this universe???
[Remember your first love?] ahh...
[Still love him/her?] n/a
[Read the newspaper?] Nope.
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] Yup
[Believe in miracles?] yes
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] Yeah.
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] Very.
[Consider love a mistake?] No.
[Have a favorite candy?] um...chocolate? Lol
[Do well in school?] yes, but I get know how it is..
[Go to or plan to go to college] Yeah.
[Wear hats?] Nah.[Hate yourself?] Sometimes...
[Have an obsession?] yeah lol, anime & bishounen and YES THEY ARE REAL! ..::hugs plusies &dvds:: muahahhaa XD
[Have a secret crush?] Nope..wait...yeah
[Do they know yet?] Well, they don't exist, if you'll look at my answer to the last question. And one knows -but he doesnt care- bummer no? Lol but its cool
[Collect anything?] anime, anything anime, O and japanese stuff....AND anything from other cultures ^_^
[Have a best friend?] thats hard...michael ,alexa, and justin are tied
[Close friends?] same as above
[Like your handwriting?] Yeah, sometimes
[Care about looks?] Not that much, but sometimes...
=Love life=
[First crush] um..brandon, in kindergarden, cna you believe that???
[First kiss] not yet
[Single or attached?] Single :tear:
[Ever been in love?] could say that.....
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] Not that much...
[Do you believe in "the one?"] I suppose, yes.
[Describe your ideal significant other] um, I don’t like guys that are like all muscular :shudders: ew.., um they should be fun ^^ , and make meh laugh ^^, they could be perverted I don’t mind that, any personallity is fine with me . The only thing I wouldnt like is if they were easily angered, or really serious.
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