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myOtaku.com: destinedvampire

Thursday, August 12, 2004

   a survey ^"_^ i guess if u want to learn about meh lo
[Name] Cassandra Marie Carrillo
[Nicknames] Monkey, smurf, satain lol
[Screen name] kireiaoshinari00
[Birthday] June 14,1989
[Age] 15
[Weight] I ono, im thinkin 132
[Astrological sign?] Gemini
[Chinese zodiac sign?] I don’t know -tell me if you know waht June is-
[Location] Whitter,California (in la)
[Marital Status] Single
[Eye color] dark brown
[Height] 5'2
[Shoe size] 5-7
[Parents still together?] yes
[Siblings?] anthony, andre, adrian, christina
[Nieces/Nephews?] None
[Kids of your own?] not yet
[Grandkids?] not yet
[Pets?] one evil dog (taz), two rabbits (we use to have 16 loose in the back yard but some one stole them...), and a bird (pauile) ^^
[Education?] 10th
[Rent, lease, or own your home?] Nope.
[Have any credit cards?] Nope.
[What do you drive?] Nopes

[ Color] Black, red, blue, silver.
[ Number ] 10
[ Animal ] dragon/raven
[ Vehicle ] mustang XD
[ Flower ] Red roses, cherry blossoms
[ Scent ] this one cologne my friend wears, its called..ah damn it I forgot but it smells awesomely good lol
[ Shape ] none
[ Drinks ] Dr. Pepper, Orange soda, and the naked orange juice XD
[ Soda ] Dr. Pepper.
[ Book ] oo, thats a hard one...um..id have to say – Say You Love Me , by: Johanna Lindsey
[ Band ] System of a Down, Disturbed, Blink 182, Evanescence, Linkin Park, fuel, tatjiana bluanova (shes a russian singer), red hot chili peppers, malice mizer, and just random Jrock & music from animes I watch ^_^
[ Song ] Most of All , by Fuel
[ Food ] Japanese food XD

Do you...
[ Color your hair? ] I did b4 (light brown) but now im just letting it grow to my natural color, black
[ Twirl your hair? ] nope
[ Have tattoos? ] Nope.
[ Piercing? ] 2, my ears
[ Cheat on tests/homework? ] o yeah...me so lazy..lol
[ Drink/Smoke? ] Nope.
[ Like roller coasters? ] I love them, the thrill
[ Wish you could live somewhere else] Japan XD (somewhere in the forest )
[ Want more piercings? ] on my eye brow
[ Like cleaning? ] nuuuuuuu
[Write in cursive or print? ] both
[ Carry a donor card? ] Nope..
[ Swear a lot? ] nope, only on computer lol
[ Own a web cam? ] I lost it when I went camping ;_; (I had pictures of so many hot surfers too... ;_;)
[ Know how to drive? ] A little
[ Diet? ] Nope.
[ Own a cell phone? ] Hahahaha, thats funny...
[ Ever get off the damn computer? ] nope, the computer IS my life ::insane laugh::
[ Habla Espanol? ] I understand it but I cant speak it , im taking classes though

Have you ever...
[ Gotten a speeding ticket?] Nope
[ DUI? ] Nope.
[ Been in a wreck? ] nope
[ Been arrested? ] Nope
[ Been in a fist fight? ] almost, but the girl decided to tell the principle , and we both had to go in for counseling T.T . Personally I would have preferred the fight ^_^
[ Kicked someone in the nuts? ] my poor friends...it was an accident !! I swear!
[ Stolen anything? ] Candy, pens, pencils, erasers....um lol
[ Held a gun? ] nope
[ Drank? ] Nope.
[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?] Nope.
[Considered a life of crime? ] Nope.
[ Considered being a hooker? ] Hell no.
[ Cried over a girl? ] Nope
[ Cried over a boy? ] yes ;_; , damn him, DAMN HIM
[ Lied to someone? ] yeah, who doesnt?? Lol , but only little white lies
[ Been in love? ] no
[ Fallen for your best friend? ] unfortunately
[ Made out with JUST a friend? ] nope
[Been rejected? ] Yes..
[ Used someone? ] Nope.
[ Been used? ] If I have I didn't know it..
[ Been kissed? ] nope

[Current mood] tired (I just woke up), content
[Current music] For Real -extended version- Gensomaden Saiyuki
[Current taste] corn flakes
[Current hair] Black
[Current annoyance] stupid computer is going slow, I got kazaa again >< im downloading Requiem -the movie for saiyuki- XD, but its going to take like a week or more..can you believe that?
[Current smell] it smells awful, my cmoputer it right next to my backyard and my stupid dog makes it smell REALLY nad out there..::gag::
[Current thing I ought to be doing] aahh...drawin lol
[Current windows open?] DA window , TheOtaku window .
[Current desktop picture] The Saiyuki Boys XD
[Current book] None.
[Current cds in stereo] evanescence
[Current crush] ill never tell =P
[Current favorite celeb] o man..to many...johnny depp, heath leger, Elijah Woods, seth green, tom cruse, jet li, jackie chan
[Current hate] Stereotyping clueless idiots, racist ppl T.T
[Current job] None

The last time
[Last book you read] deadly desire ^_~
[Last movie you saw] I.Robot
[Last thing you had to drink] the naked orange juice ,oooyeah....it so good
[Last thing you ate] cereal
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Michael
[Do drugs?] Nope, never will.
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] yup, but im not saying what ^_~
[Play an instrument?] Guitar
[Believe there is life on other planets?] yeah, I mean do you actually think were the only living thing in this universe???
[Remember your first love?] ahh...
[Still love him/her?] n/a
[Read the newspaper?] Nope.
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] Yup
[Believe in miracles?] yes
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] Yeah.
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] Very.
[Consider love a mistake?] No.
[Have a favorite candy?] um...chocolate? Lol
[Do well in school?] yes, but I get lazy..you know how it is..
[Go to or plan to go to college] Yeah.
[Wear hats?] Nah.[Hate yourself?] Sometimes...
[Have an obsession?] yeah lol, anime & bishounen and YES THEY ARE REAL! ..::hugs plusies &dvds:: muahahhaa XD
[Have a secret crush?] Nope..wait...yeah
[Do they know yet?] Well, they don't exist, if you'll look at my answer to the last question. And one knows -but he doesnt care- bummer no? Lol but its cool
[Collect anything?] anime, anything anime, O and japanese stuff....AND anything from other cultures ^_^
[Have a best friend?] thats hard...michael ,alexa, and justin are tied
[Close friends?] same as above
[Like your handwriting?] Yeah, sometimes
[Care about looks?] Not that much, but sometimes...

=Love life=

[First crush] um..brandon, in kindergarden, cna you believe that???
[First kiss] not yet
[Single or attached?] Single :tear:
[Ever been in love?]um...you could say that.....
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] Not that much...
[Do you believe in "the one?"] I suppose, yes.
[Describe your ideal significant other] um, I don’t like guys that are like all muscular :shudders: ew.., um they should be fun ^^ , and make meh laugh ^^, they could be perverted I don’t mind that, any personallity is fine with me . The only thing I wouldnt like is if they were easily angered, or really serious.

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