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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

i am just so...
if you know me at all, this is me and i think that more people could agree with me on this

You have Purple Wings! Lost and Confused, when your
wings are purple, its difficult to see ahead
because the fog is clouding your vision. You
can never decide easily, and even the simplest
choices are difficult to take. A quite, kind
person, you have a very sharp mind and can do
anything if you set your mind to it. But
something probably very sad happened in your
life, and now, you question anything. Lost in
your trance and afraid to peak outside your
box, right now your life is very frustrating.
But, dont forget this very important thing:
Purple is made from blue and red, and with just
a little bit of pushing, you can go back.

What Color are your wings?(Mainly for Girls)Beautiful Pix!
brought to you by Quizilla

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   that just happens to be me alright...

deus may explode without warning


From Go-Quiz.com

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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

i couldnt get anything out now, but tomarrow i defanatly will.
ha ha ha.

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i need an idea from any one of you peoples out there.
PM me for more information.
and no, it isnt anything bad or anything like that if you were wondering.
just an idea for something.

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Monday, October 18, 2004

i feel sick, and have a nast pain in my side.
it hurts and i want to die from it.
you know,...
one of those days.

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Friday, October 15, 2004

sory again
sorry, but i was doing other things and i couldnt get to type out nay maore today.
but if i could get on over the weekend, i could post more,
but i have to get to leaving now.


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Thursday, October 14, 2004

i have to leave, sorry about the so short post, but it was neccessray to have.
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   more story and the angel is because im not one
continuing from last time,....

The caller happened to be dressed in thick armour, which hindered the mobioity of the joints, but the armour had cuts through it, and through them leeched the wearer's blood. The holes in the armour caused exposure of the wearer's skin. The skin was pale white, but now was stained with blood. A blue silken garment had covered the poor victim. Big, nasty chunks of armour were missing, especially in the lower half of the armour, exposing the legs. They were nastily mangled, and it was a surpirze that they could even walk. From what wasnt torn and shredded, one could see that they were skinny legs, and could be classified as female legs.The same blue silken fabric was barely tracable to the legs, and jutting out of tattered shoes, women's shoes. They werre once red. It was now certain that this was a woman, or a girl now.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2004

the story
"No!" yelled a voice.
A bodywas laying on the ground, covered in blood. The body lay still and silent, like a statue, never moving from its spot on the gound.
Fate had already condemmed the the body and its caller out to it.
The caller was now running towords the body (mentioned before), occasionally almost tripping over the other bodies that littered the ground benithe the running feet several times. And, finally, two bodies away from the target body, those feet, riddled with many cuts and scrapes, tripped and fell, trying to fall towords the target body. Now the caller was much more revieled.

I have only a small time left in the class so thats your teaser in the first few paragraphers of this story.
stay tuned to find out more!(what am i? a tv show that never ends?)

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   im sleepy and i didnt get a good night in today.
i must sleep for gods sake.
and im going to get my Permit today!
yea for me! I ill get to drive and be happy!
Then i can flount into my sisters face and glote about it.
HA HA HA HA to her.
im evil!
oh, and i will start some of a story, but its not the same one.

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