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myOtaku.com: deus

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

the story
"No!" yelled a voice.
A bodywas laying on the ground, covered in blood. The body lay still and silent, like a statue, never moving from its spot on the gound.
Fate had already condemmed the the body and its caller out to it.
The caller was now running towords the body (mentioned before), occasionally almost tripping over the other bodies that littered the ground benithe the running feet several times. And, finally, two bodies away from the target body, those feet, riddled with many cuts and scrapes, tripped and fell, trying to fall towords the target body. Now the caller was much more revieled.

I have only a small time left in the class so thats your teaser in the first few paragraphers of this story.
stay tuned to find out more!(what am i? a tv show that never ends?)

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