myOtaku.com: DeViL InSiDe
Friday, February 24, 2006
ummm..hey guys!! ^^
well i got my hair DID yesterday LOL my mom said i'm gonna start getting it one EVERY thursday >.0
i downloaded more naruto and may i say... i have a totally different outlook on one of the characters...so sad..-_-...AND CHRIS!!!! >.o..FOOLS, eh? well i hope tito got you yesterday like he said he would!!! bwhahahahahhaha!...*question meant just for chris* what chapter are you on anyway? i'm on 142 ^^
i'm bored!!! bored bored bored bored bored bored bored!!!...ummm...let's see..
i have a quiz in science today of DA PLANT!!...i drew another pic of roy MUSTANG!! WOO HOO ROY!!! >.0
i don't really have much to psot today...hmmmm....
*hugs sam and michi* HI SAM!!! HI MICHI!!!
in math class we have been having an APSU student come teach us and she's sick.. REALLY REALLY sick ><..well no one likes her LOL
but we made a card for her and i was picked to draw the cover!!!! i drew this on there:
DAMN!! i can't find it >< i'll keep looking though
*sings shinjitsu no uta because it's on someone's site* THANK YOU FOR THE SONG NARUTOBLACKMAIL LOL
this weekend i plan on getting bleach 4,5,and 6 ^^ and sicne i found out about the pirce *thank you chris LOL* i may even ask for 8 ^^
I LOVE YOUR THEME SAM!!!! YAY SAM!!!! YAY KON *points to Chris* hey, Kon!!! XDDDDDDD
Well we did good on our project yesterday ^^ everypne and i mean everyone one of the periods loved my poster!! bwhahahahah!! anime is the way to go!!!!! hehe ^^
well i have a cheerleading competition in march...something... I'M NOT A FRIGG'N PREP!!!! I'M THE FARTHEST THING FROM IT!!
some of you said u would like to see "The Maruice Grant Show" LOLOL XDDDDDDDDDD i'll see if he can submit it to youtube and i''ll see if i can put it on here...*rolls on floor laughing* LOL
well i guess that it!!!
i leanered a new word on monday though..."Emo"...LOL
well nuff said!! xDDD bye bye guys!!
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