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To be an Astrologer and Chef, also to get to my girlfriend and have sum fun in bed
Reading Anime, hanging with friends, talking and playing with my girlfriend online, ect
dancing, reading, having fun in bed, and other things
| DevilAngle315
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Monday, August 6, 2007
My dolly!

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Saturday, August 4, 2007
Poems for Taylor!!!!^^
Girl- lays in bed
Girl friend- lays in bed
Girl- close your eyes baby
Girl friend- i cant
Girl- are you tired
Girl friend- yes very
Girl- why cant you sleep
Girl friend- your too beautiful not to look at and i dont want to close my eyes cause I'd miss a thing and i don't want to miss a thing when it's spent with you
The wedding soon came
no one seen the bride or groom
the little girls drank tea
the little boys played cops and robbers
the groom came out
as the bride followed her
they mouthed the words
to each other
no one could hear
they kissed each other
they were now
girl and girl
~*~*~*~ Anna ~*~*~*~
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His love is all i wanted
his love is all i need
but the love i want from him is the love i'll never receive
he doesn't know wat it is
nor if this is it
but when our hearts come together
they make the perfect fit
if you saw it through my eyes
you will finally realize
i'm not a girl that would push you aside
in your time of need
care for you with out greed
i'll be there by you side
when no one hears you cry
i hate that i'm number one
b/c i juss wanna be your only one
with every girl and everyday
you push me further and further away
the sad thing is you don't even know
all i want for us is to grow
i know you'll keep doin your thang
juss doin you
but one of these days i'll scream
i'm through!!!!
You said you loved me
And I was so dumb
My stomach had butterflies
And my body was numb.
Once you were here
And then you were gone
I thought we would last
But I was oh so wrong.
You left me alone
To cry and cry
You said you would be back
But that was all a lie.
I trusted you
With all of my heart
And hen you left
And tore it apart.
You then told me
I should deserve more
But I disagreed
That's what you were for.
Then I moved on
And didn't hear from you
A month had past by
Then you called out of the blue.
You were back
And wanted to meet
I was so nervous
I had to take a seat.
I came into the room
And sat right down
You looked at me
I felt like I had to lie down
You said you didn't realize
What you once had
Until it was too late
And it made you sad.
You said you were stupid
And messed up everything
Wishing you could have me back
And would give up anything.
You told me you still loved me
And my heart skipped a beat
But knew it was too late
Those words were bitter sweet.
When I heard you say that
I was madder then mad
Because you finally realized
What you now could not have.
I hated you for leaving
You left me all alone
To think you had moved on
If only I had known.
But I got up and moved on
And found someone new
Someone who would be there
But never could replace you.
I have fallen for someone
Who I think is Mr. Right
But you I will never forget
Due to those lonely crying nights.
You are now out of my life
And I'm in love with someone new
I want you to know that
You lost the best thing that'll ever happen to you.
~*~*~*~ Anna ~*~*~*~
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This love that i'm feeling for you,
will last for all of eternity,
even though it's plain to see,
that you have forgotten me.
And to the many hearts that you may
to the many places that you may roam.
remember,at the end of your journey,
my heart will always be your home.
Even though in your life there's a new
each night,it's you that i still dream of.
and it matters not how many tears i
i will love you till the day i die.
No matter that you no longer call,
i'm willing to pick you up if again you
should fall,
and be be the catcher of your bad dreams,
stopping them them from making you
Now, in vain,i still look for you each day,
like a solitary beacon on a deserted bay,
And each night before i go to sleep,
for your happiness i pray the lord to keep.
so, it matters not who you may be with,
and it matters not where you may hide.
your final destiny my darling,
will always be right here by my side.
What voice have I to set your heart,
Embraced by Dream's desire,
With breath and breast deliciously
Ablaze in Longing's fire?
What touch have I to bring you warmth
And much desired peace
Which takes Love's madness from your soul
Where Longing has its lease?
How delicate your kiss must beat
Its moment moistly magic
From Passion's sacred luscious place
Apart from all so tragic.
What chance have I to have your love
Amidst your wondrous spirit?
What will it take to make you mine
And keep me ever near it?
If I get lost will you search heaven and earth
To put me back in your arms and show me what I'm really worth
Are you a dream or can it be real
A true man to make me love and really feel
Will you answer the phone when I call
Will you pick me up if I happen to fall
Can I count on you to hold me when I cry
Can I depend on you never to say goodbye
Will you be there to make me smile when I'm feeling blue
To put your arms around me and hold me close to you
I feel like I'm am floating on cloud 9
What do I have to do to make you mine
To my heart do you hold the key
Can you unlock it and set me free
You're an angel sent from heaven above
A man who makes me realize the true meaning of love
I want you to kiss me and make me see
That there are decent guys out there
And maybe there's one for me
~*~*~*~ Anna ~*~*~*~
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Monday, July 30, 2007
My Story: The Girl with The Gift.................. Part 7
Hi, I know it has been awhile, but not really anything has happened other than my Big Brother is now Dating My Best Friend Anais who is now the new character in my story. Also, Lapetus's age has now been changed to 22! Ok, On with the story!
We get up and get dressed into freshly cleaned clothes and brush our teeth and hair. Lapetus unlocks the door with a lock pick as we stand watching him. We slowly open the door and look out to see no men around. We quietly creep out and slowly tip toe through the halls. We finally make it down stairs and find the rooms for the workers to sleep in. We try to quietly get through the hall without making a sound. We make it to the next floor and find the room where everyone else is along with our advisors. Lapetus tries to silently pick the lock with him being 22 years old he is perfectly knowledgeable of how this works. He manages to pick the lock and we quietly open the door as the others stand there ready to go surprisingly. We all quietly creep down the halls trying not to make too much noise. We reach the exit, but accidentally trip the alarms. The alarms go off, we throw open the exit doors, the advisors get on our shoulders, and in a rush of huge wind we all jump into the air and take flight quickly before anyone sees us. Once we are far enough away into the mountains we all stop and float. Naiad and I take head count.
“One, two, three, four” we say in unison. We look at each other and nod meaning all ten of us are here and accounted for.
“Ok, so now what shall we do Larissa?” says Naiad lying back as he floats.
“Um, I do not know what we should do at this point.” I say looking at him as Asmaneh climbs into my arms from my shoulder.
“Well, I’m hungry.” chimes Zahira.
“Ok, so we need to find a place for food.” I say looking around.
“Oh, Larissa I know.” says Naiad coming over and whispering in my ear.
“Brother, we can’t. That would put us behind in our days and be a utter waste of valuable time.” I say sternly.
“Please, Larissa. I really want to. Please, just for a couple days. We will have a good safe place to stay, regain our strength, prioritize, and rest.” says Naiad pleadingly.
“Fine, I guess we can go then.” I say solemnly. “Ok, u all, we are heading for Seleucia. We are going there for food and rest.”
We all fly till we come to a small village on the side of a mountain near the mountain waterfall. We land in the village. As we look around a younger girl no more than 16 comes running up towards us screaming.
“Naiad, Naiad, Naiad, I’m so happy to see you.” she exclaims as she jumps and hugs Naiad.
“Hello, Sapphire.” says Naiad hugging her as the others stare in confusion.
“She is his friend from when we came to this village before. This is also her advisor Ruby the black leopard.” I say as a black leopard comes walking up by Sapphire.
“Ok, now to find someplace to eat Larissa.” says Naiad looking at me.
“I want ramen.” says Lapetus.
“Well, I want fish.” says Leda.
The two look at each other and start arguing. The other five join in with them. Davida, Belinda, and Carme join Lapetus’s side. Thuraya and Zahira join Leda’s side. I, Naiad, and Sapphire with the advisors stand and watch them all. Then Naiad joins in to stop them.
“Both of you need to calm down and stop bickering. We can always come to a reasonable compromise.” says Naiad.
Then they shove him to the ground and stomp off in different directions. I and Sapphire go over to Naiad kneeling down by him. We look at him as he opens his eyes staring up at us.
“Why do u think I always seem to be made into a doormat?” says Naiad sarcastically as we help him to his feet.
“That isn’t funny, brother.” I say helping him brush off.
“Yeah, u could have been hurt.” says Sapphire.
“Hey, at least I am good at something. I shall make a great doormat one day.” says Naiad as we look to make sure he has no marks. Then Sapphire and I slap him. He jumps back some saying “What did u two do that for?” as our hand prints appear in red marks on his face.
“We were worried about u.” says I and Sapphire in unison.
“U could have been seriously hurt and then u start making jokes.” says Sapphire.
“Well, if my being magic doesn’t work out I can always make a good doormat for somebody.” says Naiad as we laugh and he puts his arm around Sapphire as we all walk off to go find the others.
To Be Continued....
Your Friend,
~*~*~*~ Anna ~*~*~*~
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Thursday, July 26, 2007
My Story: The Girl with The Gift................. Part 6 **** This Part Contains A Yuri Sex Scene In It****
Well, not much to really say since I have said most everything and I just woke up! So, here is my story:
“They are Naiad and mine godparents” I say.
Leda and Lapetus look shocked at me and Naiad. We sit there embarrassed.
“They are Rosa and Erik.” says Naiad.
“They took us in when our parents died, but Rosa said that one day I could rule Collisto, but she wanted to make me a cruel and power hungry leader and I don’t want to be that.” I say sadly.
"U will never be that Larissa." says Leda hugging me." Ur too nic to be that."
I hug her back. Then we all decide to go to sleep for tonight and think of a way of escaping in the morning. I crawl into bed as the others do as well. Then in the middle of the night Leda comes crawling into my bed saying she heard some weird noises. I let her sleep in my bed.
"It was probably just ur fears Leda. Go to sleep now." I say kissing her forehead.
She kisses my lips saying "I love you Larissa."
I look at her then she kisses my neck softly. She slides off my shirt kissing me and rubbing my breasts. I slide off her shirt and play with her breasts. She kisses down my stomach, sliding my bra off, and sucking on my breasts. I slide my hand down those pants hiding something wonderful and rub it as she moans. She removes my bottoms and hers. Turning around so we can please each other as we moan. I love the taste of her sweet juices and cum. She then turns back around, putting one leg over mine and under my other, we begin to fuck each other moaning and loving it til we both are through. She lays next to me smiling happily because of the length in time since we had done this. We hold each other as we fall asleep. Listening to each other breathe into the night. Drifting into a world where anything u want can be so real and happiness is always there.
To Be Continued....
~*~*~*~ Anna ~*~*~*~
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
My Story: The Girl with The Gift............ Part 5
Ok, I am required by my own morals to warn u all THERE IS A YURI SEX PART COMING UP IN THIS STORY WITHIN THE NEXT COUPLE PARTS!!!! IF U DO NOT LIKE YURI THEN I SUGGEST U SKIP THAT PART!!!!! I will tell u in the post title if it is that part! This part is Yuri free part!
When I wake up I look around at where I am. I try to move while my vision is blurry and realize I have been strapped to a table with Velcro straps. I look around to see everyone else strapped down as well. I see all the advisors in cages. Then without hesitation I try to wet the straps with my water to try and get them off me, but it doesn’t work. The others start to wake up. I look at them.
“Leda, do u think u can use a fire ball and burn the strap off me?” I say laying there on a bed just a couple inches away from her.
“I think I –“ says Leda getting cut off by a man and woman walking into the room.
The man and woman send another man over to get my bed thing and push me over in front of them. I keep a stern and angered look on my face as I look up at them.
“Well, this seems to be quite a little predicament u have gotten yourself into, Larissa” the woman says running her fingers over my stomach as I quiver.” To think u have also gotten your love and friends into this situation as well.”
“And I will get them out of it as well.” I snap at her.
“No, u won’t since u won’t be here. We shall just leave u with this final site of them.” says the man as a bunch of men with boxes come in and I get a very uneasy feeling about what is about to happen. The men that came in attach wires with pads on the end to everyone’s bodies and then turn on the boxes as they all start screaming and I start crying.
“Leave them alone!” I scream. “Leave them alone and I will give u what u want.”
“We want you. We want you to unlock the secrets behind your locket. U can take us to Collisto, Larissa.” says the woman.
“No way I would die if I tried to break the secrets of the locket instead of letting them come to me.” I say. She nods and the men up the power of the boxes making everyone scream louder. “Stop it! They will die if u don’t stop!” I scream.
“Say u’ll do it and they will stop.” the woman says.
“Bring Leda, Naiad, and Lapetus and I will do it.” I say.
“Fine, Release them and bring them three. Lock the others in the chamber room that is for them.” says the woman.
Then men stop the boxes and let them relax finally. Three men get Naiad, Leda, and Lapetus and follow the man, woman, and me to another room with four beds, a bathroom, and a couple small windows in it. They release us from the beds and leave. I sit down on the bottom bunk of one set of bunk beds. Leda sits next to me and kisses my cheek and I kiss her back. Naiad and Lapetus sit on the bottom bunk of the other beds.
“Who are those two?” says Lapetus.
“They are Naiad and I’s…..
To be continued....
~*~*~*~ Anna ~*~*~*~
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Ok, here is the list for the characters in my story and who exactly is who!!!!
Character Line up!
Anna(Lieghanne Me)- Larissa age 17/ Asmaneh- Cat
(Brown hair braided, blue eyes, and black dress)
Big Brother (Chris Kidd)- Naiad age 17/ Adar- Cat
(Brown Hair, Blue eyes, and black button shirt and pants)
Tay Tay- Leda age 17/ Zabana- Monkey
(Brown hair, hazel eyes, and dark red dress)
Chris- Lapetus age 19/ Atisheh- Owl
(Black hair, brown eyes, and dark blue button shirt and pants)
Britty- Zahira age 15/ Warda- Tiger cub
(Light brown hair, grayish blue eyes, and maroon dress)
Ryan- Thuraya age 17/ Sahar- Mountain Lion
(grayish blue eyes, dark brown hair, and dark green button up shirt and pants)
Lordsesshomaru- Davida age 20/ Rand- Wolf
(Silver hair, gray eyes, and white cloak)
Charlie- Belinda age 15/Jumaana- Snow Tiger cub
(green eyes, brown hair to her shoulders, and dark purple dress)
Britt- Carme age 15/Swansan- Bald Eagle
(long brown hair, silver eyes, and white dress)
Ok, thats the line up for you of whom are in the story! Okey Dokey Seeya!
~*~*~*~ Anna ~*~*~*~
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Plus Im so confused and upset. Ya see I dunno if any of u have had a problem where u know what u want, but u don't know how to tell the other thing that without hurting it. It is so hard and frustrating. U want to be happy, but u don't want to be the cause of somethings demise either. I feel so horrible like I want to die. It is just no good and I feel so dirty and icky. I don't want to upset anyone and I don't want to feel bad. Its just so hard lately. I just want to dissapear forever, so then I won't have to feel like this.
~*~*~*~ Anna :( ~*~*~*~
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My Story: The Girl with The Gift.............. Part 4
Hey, my update for today is I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GET ON AFTER MIDNIGHT NEXT WEEK!!!!! My mother is tired of me being up late, so those of my friends that I talk to late at night we will have to conversate over some earlier times during the day and such to talk with each other! Here is my story:
I panic and start racing thoughts through my head of how to escape I finally think of a way by remembering what we all did a long time ago to escape some bad men when we were all young. I take Leda and Naiad’s hands and look at them. They nod remembering and everyone starts taking hands and linking together. The advisors all take spots on the right shoulders of their charge. We all bow our heads and concentrate our spiritual energy getting it to the power of everyone around us and then release it creating a giant wave of power knocking Davida and the council back to the ground hard. I look to make sure that was good and start racing off quickly north. Leda comes up fast next to me and takes my hand; I look at her, and smile. Zahira and Carme come up. The two youngest girls in our group, both at only 15 years old. I look at them and smile thanking God that Zahira is safe now. I was happy everyone is safe for now and I intended to keep them safe. We finally reach an area that we could probably find a safe place to hide in the small town below. We flew down and landed letting the advisors get off us. I look at my big brother, Naiad, and see his worried look.
“Brother, is everything ok?” I say looking at my brother.
“I don’t like the feeling of this place.” he says looking at me.
“Well, this is the only town for miles brother. The younger ones are tired. We need to rest and regain our strength.” I say looking at Zahira and Carme.
“I guess you are correct about that sister.” he says looking at me. “Keep on full alert though.”
We walk through the pretty much deserted town. We are on full alert our sense ready to strike at any time. We see some shadows coming around the side of an old building and heading towards us and we get into attack formation quickly as others start appearing before us.
“Get ready everyone.” I say readying myself.
Everyone brings out their powers. Then someone jumps me from behind and I hit the ground hard screaming. A man is on top of me will a needle gun full of liquid. I start struggling with him to get up. He pins me down as Leda and Naiad start running for me, but the other men around us grab everyone and hold them back. As I struggle with the man another woman and man come out from the building.
“This is for your own good, Larissa.” says the man.
I look at them as the man I am struggling with pins me down and injects the stuff into my arm. I pass out looking around at the others and hearing their faint screams as I pass out.
To be continued....
~*~*~*~ Anna ~*~*~*~
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