Listening to: Edgewater "Eyes Wired Shut"I'm still running off of the high from Saturday. I can't really describe the feeling, but that's what people mean when they say they're "high on life." You're so happy that nothing bad can ruin it b/c you're stuck in your own universe. It's like what William Wordsworth said in one of his poems the "bliss of solitude." However, being who I am and liking what I like can get lonesome b/c you wanna tell people all these great things that have happened, but they won't get it. Also, they might not be willing to be dragged into something crazy, like an FMX contest or a Dir en Grey concert. I guess the closest person to understanding every aspect of me is Eric, which is why I tell him practically everything.
Anyway, yesterday I had posted my little review of the IFMA contests on 2 freestyle motocross message boards I was a part of. Everyone was glad to see me back (since I had stopped posting for quite a while), and I even got compliments on my write-up. ^_^ How is it that I meet all these wonderful FMX fans, riders, and industry peeps on-line, but I can't ever find one in person? It's irritating especially since I know some of them live in Houston. I guess that's the down side of living in a big city. I'll eventually get my pictures up, but I don't think they turned out that well. Seriously, I need to get myself a good digicam.
Today I was down in the computer labs doing math homework, and guess who I saw? Mike-- yes, Mike as in the chem genius I had a crush on earlier this year. Yes, he did graduate, but he's hanging around b/c he's still looking for a job. I don't know whether to interpret this as a good thing or not. I was trying to get over him, but he's a cool guy.