Listening to: "Vanilla" - Gackt I've discovered the later I stay up, the longer it takes me to fall asleep. It's strange b/c the opposite used to happen to me. My body must be telling me to go to bed earlier. Anyway, what could I be doing in the wee hours of the night? Well, that's usually when I feel inspired/productive, and I stayed up late posting up my Full Moon wo Sagashite fanfic. It's just a poem, but I plan on writing a lot more. Here's the link: My fanfictionThere's also my Fullmetal Alchemist fanfiction, on none other than the great (and totally hot) Roy Mustang.
On a different note, I cast my 1st spell yesterday. Well, it was more of an invocation, but I did an actual Wiccan ritual. It was really cool b/c when I was invoking the element of water, a fish jumped in my pond (I was doing this outside). Then, as I called upon the Southern quarter, a heron flew by from that direction.
I've decided that the next time I go to Taiwan, I'm going pop star stalking. It's a small country; it shouldn't be too difficult. I came up w/ the idea after discovering that one of my recent crushes, Darren from K-One, owns a cafe in Taipei.
Random quote of the day:
"Nerd violence." - Kurama (I forgot which episode # of YYH, but it's the one where he goes up against Kaitou. I just thought it was a funny thing to say.)