Listening to: "Mirror" - GacktI had to miss some of last night's Skateboard Vert contest 'cuz I was shopping for cheap textbooks. When I tuned in, I knew I had missed out. Underrated Canadian skater Pierre-Luc Gagnon was tied for 1st w/ snowboarder-turned-skater teen sensation Shaun White. Sandro Dias wasn't far behind after throwing down a 900. Ah, that trick means so much to me: the 1st time I watched the X Games was when Tony Hawk did this 2.5 rotation trick for the 1st time in history. In the 3rd run, Bob Burnquist showed why many call him the ambidextrous skater by pulling a switch-stance, one-footed ollie. Skating switch is hard enough (it's like writing w/ your non-dominant hand), but taking one foot off the board? I swear, Burnquist has some weird mojo going. He always manages to land the most impossible looking things. White had the chance to snag the gold, but he crashed, letting PLG break the tie w/ a nollie heelflip indy 360 and switch heelflip frontside air . I was wondering where last year's winner Bucky Lasek was; he was down in last after crashing on his 2 previous runs. This was his 2nd time going for a 3-peat, and he could do it, considering how he beat PLG in last 2 years on his last run. Man, I bet PLG was nervous, but alas, Lasek fell again. Not that he seemed too disappointed; he just wanted to pull a switch frontside rodeo 540.
1) Pierre-Luc Gagnon
2) Shaun White
3) Sandro Dias
Random skateboarder quote: "I live in an airplane." —Sandro Diaz, when asked what country he calls home. (He's from Brazil.)
Moto-X Step-Up must be the least controversial event b/c no judges are needed. It's basically high jump w/ motorcycles. This event has exploded in the past 2 years thanks to its crazy competitors. In 2003, new guy Matt Buyten beat out 3-time champ Tommy Clowers. In 2004, Jeremy McGrath went from being Supercross king to the new Step-Up king, but Buyten put in a good fight, continuing to jump despite popping out his shoulder twice. :o This year, some of the big favorites were knocked out early after being unable to clear 31'6"; the group included Brian Deegan, McGrath, and Ronnie Renner (who had something to prove after scoring an invite only after another rider got hurt). McGrath and Renner were really bummed b/c they had the height, just not the "forward momentum" (last night's key word). Anyway, it was another great head-to-head contest w/ Buyten and Clowers, new school vs. old school. Clowers cleared 32' (the record height he set a couple years back) w/ ease. Buyten clipped the bar on both attempts and injured himself again. Poor guy he's already had 2 surgeries.
1) Tommy Clowers
2) Matt Buyten
3) tie-Deegan, McGrath, Renner
Random FMXer quote: "Nobody really talked to me or did interviews with me before the event. I didn't mind because it took some pressure off me." - Tommy Clowers on why it pays off to not be so popular