Listening to: "Early Morning Phone Call" - Zack MalloyStrange things that happen throughout our lives. Call it fate, destiny, God, Goddess, The Powers that Be, or mere coincidence. The events can wind up having a huge impact. This is one example.
4 years ago on this day, a freestyle motocross rider named Adam "The Highlighter" Pierce died in a car accident. The driver was drunk, and he didn't wear a seatbelt. As a member of the FMX community, I was saddened by the news. It hurt me even more to hear that in addition to the friends, family, and fans from all over the world, he left behind his unborn son. I felt the need to post the news on a Yahoo! group that didn't know. A month later, I got an email from someone who knew him. This was a time when I was struggling w/ my own inner demons, and to learn that a seemingly insignificant action of mine can bring me to someone miles away from where I lived was inspiring. The same year I wrote 2 poems in his memory to send to a contest w/ the theme "Signs of Courage."
On the anniversary of Adam's death, things came full circle. We members of the message boards were doing various things to commemorate his legacy. I posted a reworking of the 2 poems called "Hero." Adam's stepmother saw it, and she emailed me asking if she could read it during the driver's trial. The family was fighting to put the man behind bars. I cried b/c I never thought my writing would have an impact on someone.
The moral of this story is don't drive drunk; always wear your seatbelt; live life to the fullest; and don't ever think that you have no worth. One person can make a difference, and people will miss and remember you. I lost "Hero," but I still have the 2 original poems. This is one of them.
Lessons of the Highlighter
With a personality brighter than your yellow-green hair,
You rode your dirt bike everywhere.
�The Highlighter� I wish I had the chance to know
Before it was time for you to go.
You showed me�
It�s okay to be caught between teenage angst and adult responsibility.
Dreams do come true.
That we all get lost, but eventually we�ll find ourselves.
The impact one person can have on many.
How a little mistake, like not wearing a seatbelt, can claim the life on someone who defied death daily.
It�s not cowardly to cry for your strong girlfriend and unborn child.
Life is only what you let it be.
You showed me what it feels like to miss someone.
You gave me�
Strength to continue despite the pain.
Confidence in myself, even after defeat.
Love for the world, even when I�m mad.
Appreciation for family and friends because they�ve got my back.
Eyes that look past the rough exterior and see the heart.
Inspiration to step up to challenges.
Fortitude to inspire others.
Determination to be somebody.
Courage to stand up for my beliefs and stop petty conflicts.
A way to find meaning amidst the chaos.
You gave me life.
In a cloud of dust, you rode away.
My freestyle motocross angel, you will stay
In my heart. You shielded me when I fell.
I know you�re in Heaven because we�ve made it through Hell.
In those dark, gloomy times of strife,
�The Highlighter� shone, giving me the courage to make something of this life.