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myOtaku.com: devonkaiba

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

heh just went and played laser tag with people from school that was on my academic team. It was pretty fun actually, except that my science teacher ganged up on me and my friend and kept shooting us XD. lol it was really fun, except my teacher made me drink the large pop BEFORE i got on the bus so i had to go to the bathroom really bad, and of course we got stuck in a traffic jam, so i nearly burst! other than that it was a cool day. At school i took a friend's agenda, and wrote i love seto!!! on every page and my best friend took it and wrote i love bakura.we also took her science book and reading book, and they are curently in our lockers :D ill laugh if she needs them tomorrow. Wow am i evil hmmm? *hugs Seto* doesnt matter as long as i have my seto-chan and he isnt dead, right Seto? *Seto nods* Feeling a little hyper again, my aunt and uncle are visiting so im down here in the basement to get away from the cigarette fumes as well as get on the internet. Hopefully my parents will forget im on and give me extra time, since they did ban me fora day after smashing a lightbulb XD
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