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Lurking in the shadows
Member Since
I attend School.
Real Name
Dicer. Meaning a person who rolls dice. Has nothing to do with chopping things up.
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Sailor Moon when I was... 3
Favorite Anime
Naruto,Eureka 7,The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Death Note,Inuyasha,Ouran High School Host Club,Fruits Basket,Rumbling Hearts, And I am going to start watching... Gunslinger Girl next.
Go to University, move to America, and get a job to pay for my obsession with Anime which I will ALWAYS have!
I like making wallpapers, roleplaying, watching anime, playing soccer, basketball, I love love love love love! LOVE! Movies.
I can Sing well, and I take pride in my ability to write. Oh! And I have this way of being totally amazing...
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
In a better mood now! xD
Well I'm happy now so, that's a start! XD
Basketball has started again and I made the team (Surprise surprise) and with Basketball comes lots of running. Blech.
End of term is Friday and there's still a ton of work I haven't finished up. =/ So I better get on that too.
I just made a WHOLE bunch of Final Fantasy Wallpapers that I'm quite proud of. Expect for them to turn up in a few hours. :) As always, comments are loved and adored!
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Monday, November 12, 2007
So... dead...
My 4 day weekend is coming to its end and I wish it weren't so! I really do HATE going to school. It is such a waste of time! Like there is no effing way I'm going to do anything with Math, Science, Social Studies OR French when I'm older, so really how the hell is that going to help me?! Sorry... I just got up. I stayed up a little late and would have liked to sleep a lot longer.
So I have to go back to school tomorrow. Bleh. AND I have band practice tonight. Double super Bleh. Our band teacher is a rat and he can take his 56-year-old self, his 25-year-old wife, and newly born son and shove it! God he's an annoying man! -is cranky-
I'm HUNGRY! What the HELL does a girl have to do around here to get some FOOOOOODDDD?!!! :@
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Saturday, November 10, 2007
My face hurts...
Well, my face really hurts from last night and I won't say why; all I'll say is that it hurts and my lip is like bruised soooo bad. xD (No I didn't run into a wall... or anything for that matter!)
I have a four day weekend! Hooray! But right now I'm not at home, so no Photoshop... I only got around to making one wallpaper because we were being party animals yesterday and I haven't been home since Thursday evening. So please do comment on it! :)
Erm, I guess that's it for now... so uh, yeah. COMMENT MY MINIONS! ~.~
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Thursday, November 8, 2007
Slacker? Heh.
Well, yes I must appologize; for I, Dicer, am in fact a Slacker. xD I really MUST make wallpapers but because it takes SO much work (not really) I just haven't gotten around to it yet. "_"
I promise that soon, probably tonight even, I'll start on some new wallpapers; I promise! And I know I usually make promises and then braek them because I am like the most unreliable person ever... but I'm like seriously getting ready to open Photoshop and find some good screen shots! I think I'll use song lyrics in this one. What do you think? :3
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Monday, November 5, 2007
Obsession with Vampires? Me? No...
Okay well, you probably never knew this... but I am like a Vampire fanX like a billion! You will probably never meet ANYONE who loves Vampires as much as I do. When I was in like the 5th Grade I did a Research Project on Vladimir Tepes. And in case you don't know who he is... was; he was Vlad the Impaler, infamous for slowly spearing his victims on long pointy sticks as a means of torture. Dear Vladdy would then procede to sip on his Victim's blood in a pretty gold goblet! :) So you can only imagine what my teacher did when I wrote a four page research project on an insane pshycho path! Anyways, so my point is; I love Vampires.
I am currently looking for any good Vampire, Movies, Anime and/or Manga that has something to do with Vampires. Do not suggest Vampire Hunter D, Chibi Vampire, Millenium Snow, Interview with The Vampire (book or movie), John Carpenter's Vampires, Queen of the Damned (book or movie), 30 Days of Night, The Forsaken, The Lost Boys, Underworld, Blade, The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer, The Vampire Diaries, ANY really OLD Vampire movies (the black and white ones) or Dark Angel. Those are pretty much all the Vampire things I can possibly name that I know about at the moment. You'd like REALLY be helping me out if you knew where I could get my hands on some Vampire stuff... because I'll die if I don't find something else to read or to watch!
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Sunday, November 4, 2007
So I made a positively fantastic wallpaper of the BEST cosplay of Cloud Strife in the history of man kind, and submitted it, though I doubt it'll actually go through because lately... The Otaku despises me and secretly wishes that I would poof. But anyways here it is;

I hope you like it because I LOVE it and it's on my desktop right now! :P
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Going to bed.
I'm going to be sending myself to bed soon... but first I'll just tell you a few little things... for starters; I was sitting here, at my computer, the clock said 1:59 AM, and then I surf a little, look again, and it's 1:10 AM. Of course I had a little freak attack, but then I realized that Daylight Savings Time was today. xD
I suceeded in doing four things today; I rented and watched The Cat Returns, which is an adorable movie that should be way longer, I watched Episode one of Gunslinger Girl, Episode seven of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and I watched Episodes one and two of Rumbling Hearts. Rumbling Hearts is really sad so far... but that's okay! :P Anyways, I'm going to bed now so... Good night! :)
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Could it be?!
OMG! Could it be?! Dicer got a JOB?! Yes indeed folks. It is true. I am now working about 8 hours on the weekend at a job that pays 10 bucks an hour. Sweet, no? :P
I don't know where, but on somebody's site I read a post that mentioned a Manga called Millenium Snow, so I popped into a book store and guess what I found? Volume 1 of Millenium Snow, which is turning out to be quite promising. :P
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Monday, October 29, 2007
Moving On?
Ok, so I think I have done all I possibly can with Naruto Wallpapers... ideas are becoming harder and harder to come by and it's getting sort of frustrating. I need something new... but I don't know how or where to start like, it is so hard. Because I love making people happy, but ugh... I don't know what to do anymore! :(
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Trying to learn
Hey guys. As of late, I have been trying to learn new tricks and stuff for Photoshop. But I have a REALLY hard time doing that and an even harder time finding tutuorials that are helpful, useful, AND look good... It's pretty difficult stuff because I have no where to look! If anyone is even reading this! PLEASE tell me where I can find good tutorials! PLEASE!
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