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Lurking in the shadows
Member Since
I attend School.
Real Name
Dicer. Meaning a person who rolls dice. Has nothing to do with chopping things up.
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Sailor Moon when I was... 3
Favorite Anime
Naruto,Eureka 7,The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Death Note,Inuyasha,Ouran High School Host Club,Fruits Basket,Rumbling Hearts, And I am going to start watching... Gunslinger Girl next.
Go to University, move to America, and get a job to pay for my obsession with Anime which I will ALWAYS have!
I like making wallpapers, roleplaying, watching anime, playing soccer, basketball, I love love love love love! LOVE! Movies.
I can Sing well, and I take pride in my ability to write. Oh! And I have this way of being totally amazing...
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I submitted three new wallpapers! One Death Note and Two Naruto! One features Kisame and the other Sasuke! While the Death Note one features Light! So I hope they'll all get accepted and everything and I hope you'll tell me what you think of them!
I'm like soooo tired; I need to get more sleep or else I'm going to stung my growth! Or at least that's what my Science teacher told me today... of course she was also talking about the reproduction of cells and got talking about Clone Babies and she said this
"Once the child is conceived, you wait nine months and then pop, Baby clone of you!"
It was so funny the way she said it... xD
I probably won't be on much on the weekends because of my excessive NEED to see my Boyfriend who doesn't go to my school and lives in a different area than me... but by not on much, I just mean I won't be on all day!
Please request and comment and favorite my wallpapers! Thank you!
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Monday, October 22, 2007
Hey guys. It's morning and I have to be out of the house, on my way to school in exactly four minutes, so I'll make this quick. It states officially in the Rules of submitting wallpapers that no fanart is to be used unless it is made by you. And seeing as one of my wallpapers was just deleted and I don't know which one it was, for plagiarism. I'm not going to be making wallpapers featuring fanmade pics. I hate stealing and I won't do it anymore. I will however make you wallpapers featuring drawings by other artists for personnal use ONLY. I will not submit them to the Otaku though...
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Sunday, October 21, 2007
Tired but...
I'm really tired but because I'm a rotten loser; I updated my site because I promised an update weeks ago. Don't worry I haven't died, I've just been busy. -coughs- New boyfriend -coughs-
I'm really hoping people will start requesting more because it makes me ever so happy to do requests! Because then at least I know for sure SOMEBODY will hopefully appreciate and at least like my work. :)
I'm dead tired and I don't think I did my homework anytime during my 4 day weekend... but I guess that's fine for now.
I hope you like my site. xD I love the cupcakes, they're so cute and I dunno, Pink? And pink reminds me of Sakura! :) Anyways, That's it for now; REQUEST THROUGHT THE GUESTBOOK OR PM IF YOU WANT ME TO PRODUCE WALLPAPERS QUICKER! ;)
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Monday, October 1, 2007
Liar? Maybe.
Ok so I sort of lied, I'm too tired to update now, but soon, I promise I will try to update this stupid site soon and add some more wallpapers while I'm at it. I will get around to it... just not tonight. Heh'
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So I'm gonna update my site, but I need a good color... what color should it be this time?! XD I'm thinking it's going to be maybe pink or maybe purple, but I'm not sure. I'll get started on it later tonight after I get home from band Practice. :( I hate band; worst thing I could have ever done to myself... EVER. -.-
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Sunday, September 23, 2007
So I have to babysit REALLY late tonight which means I'm going to get LOTS of money! Yay! Oh yeah! Look at this picture! It's my little Stuffed Totoro Baby! Actually... it might not actually be Totoro, because Totoro is Grey and this guy looks more like the Cat Bus ate him... Anyways, take a look!

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Saturday, September 22, 2007
I was bored...
I was bored so I took the liberty of taking pictures of every anime/kawaii/hello kitty object I owned... Here's a poster of Domo-kun I have in my bedroom! XD

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Saturday, September 15, 2007
So Bored...
I need something to do soooo badly! -.- I'm like really, really bored. I want something to do. So if you guys know of any good songs I can download or a good Anime to watch, or even an AMV tell me. I'm really, really, bored and I need someone to tell me what to do! XD
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Thursday, September 13, 2007
Ouran High School Host Club!
Omg! So I was bored of Naruto... so I started watching Ouran High School Host Club instead... AND I LOVE IT! IT'S SO AWESOME! -squees- It's sooooooooo cute! I love Honey he's so precious! YAY! So anyways, I'm gonna go finish watching it! Buh bye!
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I suck don't I?!
Hahaha well I do. I haven't opened my photoshop in a LONG time and I keep meaning to go out and find more fonts and more brushes... but uh... well... I need some help. Where can I get good brushes and fonts? Don't say or google or Deviant art. I need NEW places people. Help me out would ya?! XD
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