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Lurking in the shadows
Member Since
I attend School.
Real Name
Dicer. Meaning a person who rolls dice. Has nothing to do with chopping things up.
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Sailor Moon when I was... 3
Favorite Anime
Naruto,Eureka 7,The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Death Note,Inuyasha,Ouran High School Host Club,Fruits Basket,Rumbling Hearts, And I am going to start watching... Gunslinger Girl next.
Go to University, move to America, and get a job to pay for my obsession with Anime which I will ALWAYS have!
I like making wallpapers, roleplaying, watching anime, playing soccer, basketball, I love love love love love! LOVE! Movies.
I can Sing well, and I take pride in my ability to write. Oh! And I have this way of being totally amazing...
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Okay people, we have a large situation. Dicer is known to be a bit of a perfectionist. She can't leave things alone unless she finds them 100% to her liking.
What I'm trying to say is, I got mad at my site and its Html codes and I deleted everything off of it. Maybe not such a great idea... But anyways.
I need help choosing a theme for my site. PLEASE HELP ME!
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
Hello Lovelies, I exist.
-Giggle- I guess it would have been nice to warn people that I would be busy this weekend... but then again I guess I did... sort of... not really.
So I stayed the night at my friend's house, and we stayed up until like 3 in the morning. Then her spawn of satan kitty woke us up at like 7, 4 hours later.
We pretty much played Pokemon Diamond on DS all night and watched Spiderman. We also snuck into the garage in the middle of the night to swipe pop.
We also played Eragon; The board game. And her kitty jumped into the middle of the board game and sent cards, sword thingers, and dragon eggs all over the place.
Then I basically played Pokemon and soccer and ate food all weekend. :)
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Thursday, May 3, 2007
I am so excited because my boyfriend gets home tomorrow! YAY! WOOOOOO! I know, you're probably thinking that Dicer is a bit of a crazy stalker girl because she can't go very long without her darling Cupcake boyfriend... XD
I'm also really excited because I get to go to my friend's house for a sleepover! YES! Sleepovers are something I don't get to do very often because of early morning soccer practice's on the weekend. But because there is no school tomorrow, I am a free chick!
I have to go play a quick game of soccer! Bye!
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
I had a perfectly normal day today. I did perfectly normal things, and I talked to everyone in a perfectly normal way. There was nothing intriguing about my day at all... But I GOT A NINTENDO DS LITE! IN PINK! MY FAVORITE COLOR EVER! Ok, no more caps I swear. Yeah, and my Grandmother paid for it too... So if I disappear, I'm off in the world of Pokemon Diamond.
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007
The Great Depression
So I had this friend right? And he was perhaps one of the greatest friends I have ever had... and he moved to Edmonton a few months ago. I don't really like letting people know this, because I don't like them telling me it's okay... because it's not, but I really miss him and I've been crying a lot about him being gone lately... He was the greatest person I've ever met and I really miss him. He's a complete anime nut and the only one of my friends who could give me a run for my money when playing Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2... I don't know how much longer I can go without having a mental breakdown, in front of everyone. (And that would be embaressing)
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Monday, April 30, 2007
A change!
I changed the layout of my site. I hope you like it. :)
I'm feeling a little sick, so I don't really feel like telling you much about my day... So Good Night.
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Sunday, April 29, 2007
Again, I'm exhausted!
So the weekend has passed once more and I am again really tired from a 9-days-worth of soccer crammed into 7 days. I finally found time to seee the 4th Inuyasha movie, I'm slow I know. I've seen them all now, but I'm gonna have to say that the 3rd is still my favorite. :P
I'm eating oreo cookies right now... Oh and I got a haircut! Guess who has bangs and looks cuter now?! Me would be a good guess. -.-'
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
Sorry for missing yesterday's post. I was at a birthday party from 3:00-10:00 and went straight to bed when I got seeing as I was exhausted. But anyways, yeah.
I painted my nails hot pink and they sure are snazzy. It's 10:55 and I've already been to soccer practice once and I'm going again later today. I'm getting reall excited because my Boyfriend will be coming home this friday, so whoop! That is all! :)
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Thursday, April 26, 2007
So today me and two of my friends went out for lunch, to Dairy Queen actually, anyways, so we get there and I get fries and a chocolate milkshake. I dip my french fries into the milkshake because I think it tastes good! :)
After we were done, I had only finished half my milk shake so we went to throw out our food. I handed my milkshake to one of my friends so I could dump my stuff into the garbage can and I was like, "Hold this for a sec please." Then the guy who works there comes over and is like, don't bother just toss your stuff all into one garbage can, because here we have to sort like waste, compost. Then my friend's like okay and throws my precious darling milkshake into the garbage. I look at her for a second and then FREAK OUT! MY MILKSHAKE! She then was like, "Oops!" I said I wasn't done and the guy laughs to himself and says, "Guess you are now!"
So we leave and I beat the stuffing out of my friend! And that's my tale of one less milkshake I'll never have.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Nothing really.
Normal day. I did alright on my social studies test I think... I also got hit in the head with a dusty chalk brush, not good.
I created a quiz, "Which Naruto Girl are you?" I really like people looking at my stuff, so check it out!
I have soccer now, so I have to go now, that is all.
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