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Lurking in the shadows
Member Since
I attend School.
Real Name
Dicer. Meaning a person who rolls dice. Has nothing to do with chopping things up.
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Sailor Moon when I was... 3
Favorite Anime
Naruto,Eureka 7,The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Death Note,Inuyasha,Ouran High School Host Club,Fruits Basket,Rumbling Hearts, And I am going to start watching... Gunslinger Girl next.
Go to University, move to America, and get a job to pay for my obsession with Anime which I will ALWAYS have!
I like making wallpapers, roleplaying, watching anime, playing soccer, basketball, I love love love love love! LOVE! Movies.
I can Sing well, and I take pride in my ability to write. Oh! And I have this way of being totally amazing...
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
I don't know what's wrong with me! I've been trying to produce a good wallpaper for awhile now and I just can't bring myself to do it! I don't know what's wrong! I need help people! Which of my wallpaper styles are best and what Characters should I use?! I'm so lost!
I had a test today, Math, I failed and I know it. We have a test tomorrow, Social studies. Useless as the subject may be, I think I can manage a mark of 80-92%... maybe...
Icon of the day:

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Monday, April 23, 2007
Okay well today after school, me and my friend went over to another friend's house and we set up her trampoline when her mom wasn't home so we sort of got in trouble but not really because me and my friend ran off and went to my house. :)
Then my soccer coach calls and is like, "Hey, we're going to put you in nets for tonight's game because our regular keeper is injured." So now I'm freaking out because I'm like 13 and we're playing against senior women! SCARY!
Icon of the Day:

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Sunday, April 22, 2007
Farewell, Weekend, my beloved.
Well, there it's pretty much over, my beloved weekend has flew past and pushed me down in its hurry to get by. It didn't even help me up again... Anyways, so it's Sunday, Day of rest right? WRONG! I already had soccer this morning and in a little while I'll be heading out again. At least it's warm out today. I have a test sometime this week, tuesday or wednesday, I don't know which. I have soccer Monday night, tuesday after school, wedenesday night, thursday Night, Friday night, Saturday day, Sunday Morning and afternoon, and then I have to work sunday nights for two or three hours... X(
Icon of the day:

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Saturday, April 21, 2007
I really think it's time for me to have like a day of rest or something, because I feel like curling up in a ball and sleeping for a week. I'm sooooo tired. :(
I had to get up today at 7:30 and go sell potatoes as a fund raiser for my soccer team, I have Soccer practice at 2:00 and I have a soccer tryout at 6:00. And my parents don't think I'm over worked...
Icon of the day:

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Friday, April 20, 2007
The Bomb
Okay, so Today I released lots of... shall we say "emotion" towards two of my so called friends, that I'd been storing up for a few months ever since one of these "friends" called me a b@$t@rd child. (And really, my parents weren't married when they had me and they're still not together today), but anyways, so yeah. And my two "Friends" thought it was funny because they're little immature idiots and I just looked at them and being the freaking nice one, I just was like whatever. But then they kept getting more and more annoying as time passed. In lots of ways I was their leader and they were juts sheep who followed me around like animals. They laughed at what I laughed at, they wore what I wore, they said what I said, and basically copied me so much that I snapped like a twig today.
I was walking outside and they're following laughing at something and then I turn around and realize that they're making fun of some people I really like. So I turned around and said, "Alright! That's enough!" And My God, I have never seen anyone look so scared in all my life. I told them to -hemhem- 'F' off a lot and I told them they weren't funny at all and people thought they're really annoying, which is really the truth.
Then they walked off muttering stuff and all day they were like, "Why is she mad at us?" To all these people and they were like I dunno. It's funny, because everyone's glad that I told them off. No one likes them when they're together because they can't tell funny apart from taking it too far.
Oh yes and I was bored, and I'm obsessed with other people's icons so this is my favorite Icon of the day.

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Thursday, April 19, 2007
Diabolical schemes.
Today our school went on a little "field trip" to watch some play. Afterwards the teachers were like, okay go eat lunch and just walk back to school for 12:50. Well me and my friends were like. "They're begging us to skip..." So we did. And we watched The Tyra show at my friend's house. It has also been confirmed that I have 9 days of soccer this week, note that there are only 7 days in a week.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
And things just get worse...
RAWR! I just got word today that my boyfriend's trip has been extended and he won't be back until the 4th of May. He's pretty darn lucky that he'll be home for my birthday... But anyways. Other than that nothing exciting happened to me... except for in Sewing today, I finished my monkey! -Don't ask-
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Bye, Bye, Boyfriend
Wahhhhh! Guess what? My darling boyfriend is leaving me for two weeks, to go on a vacation, in Florida... Which makes me very sad. :( So I'll probably be glooming and dooming around for awhile until he comes back. Hopefully he brings me back something good... Lol, totally kidding. It would be good if he just brought himself back in one piece... knowing him he'll probably get beat up by a two year old for cutting in line... All my friends are happy that he's leaving because they said that since I started going out with the guy that I've become 35% more diabolical and 78% more likely to take over the planet... But anyways that's pretty much it. Good bye!
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