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myOtaku.com: Dicer

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

   The video games of d00meh
You know what I hate about video games? Getting stuck in a battle you can't win. Right now, I'm playing Final Fantasy X-2 and Final Fantasy 12 and in BOTH games I am completely at a loss as to how I'm supposed to win. In X-2 I'm messing with these Aeons, three of them, they're bugs, and they WILL NOT die. Then in Final Fantasy 12, I'm stuck with crappy weapons because I didn't have enough money to upgrade and then I had to go and get locked in this air ship hanger and run through this top security facility where if you touch the red lights you get attacked. XD Anywho, as if navigating through THAT wasn't enough as soon as I find the room I'm looking for, I get attacked and all my characters don't stand a chance and die. And if THAT isn't bad enough I can't remember what I'm supposed to be doing in Kingdom hearts OR Tales of Symphonia!!! :( Video games are rough...
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