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Lurking in the shadows
Member Since
I attend School.
Real Name
Dicer. Meaning a person who rolls dice. Has nothing to do with chopping things up.
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Sailor Moon when I was... 3
Favorite Anime
Naruto,Eureka 7,The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Death Note,Inuyasha,Ouran High School Host Club,Fruits Basket,Rumbling Hearts, And I am going to start watching... Gunslinger Girl next.
Go to University, move to America, and get a job to pay for my obsession with Anime which I will ALWAYS have!
I like making wallpapers, roleplaying, watching anime, playing soccer, basketball, I love love love love love! LOVE! Movies.
I can Sing well, and I take pride in my ability to write. Oh! And I have this way of being totally amazing...
Saturday, November 17, 2007
End of our first term was yesterday and how happy I am about it! xD But erg, I forgot to hand in my Health work, so I'm hoping I can still hand it in on Monday...
I just finished painting my nails while finishing up with watching Interview with the Vampire. Louis is a hottie. And I am a freak of nature. When I paint my nails, I only paint one of my hands; my left hand actually, seeing as I CANNOT paint with it! :) I have it alternating between black and metallic silver. xD
My mom watched Death Note for the first time last night. She said she thought it was disturbing and I told her that that was why I liked it. Needless to say she just looked at me and shook her head, a response I am very used to getting from... everyone.
I also went to see the movie Beowulf last night; it was boring. But while I was there, I saw a trailer for Sweeney Tod, and I must say that if I don't go to see that movie I will die. It looks SOOOOOOO messed UP! And I love it! I will be going to see it when it comes to theaters.
The Naruto movie was on YTV last night, but I only watched the last little bit of it. But I love Sakura's outfit! It is sooooo adorable!
This morning I made Icons. Final Fantasy ones. What do you think? They're my first ones... so please don't laugh! xD

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