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day dreamer, soccer player, pianoist, poet
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Katie (KT)
sports (soccer/running)& writing (poetry basically)
Anime Fan Since
somtime about 2 yrs. ago or so
Favorite Anime
Inu yasha, Trigun, .hack//sign, witch hungter robin, salior moon, wolfs' reign,
to become a famous poet one day and travel the world
writing/drawing/listening to music/imaginating/hanging w/ my buds
socca, piano, writing, being nice to ppl(thts harder than it
| DisTant ProPhecy
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
lol labeling quizzes...
I am 23% Emo. Okay... so I'm not emo at all.. I am probably not even goth, because goths are just messed up emo kids... I am probably a metal head... or into boy bands...
I am 36% Geek. You probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. You never really fit in with the "normal" crowd. But you have friends, and this is a good thing.
I am 19% White Trash. I, my friend, have class. I am so not white trash. . I am more than likely Democrat, and my place is neat, and there is a good chance I may never drink wine from a box.
I am 34% Hippie. I need to step away from the tie-dye. I smell too good to be a hippie and my dad is probably a cop. Being a hippie is not a fashion craze, man. It was a way of life, in the 60’s, man.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Escape with me (-Kt)
Escape with me
Katie -Lu
Come to me,
Oh vamp of the night.
Take me to your blood,
and thrist upon my life.
Sing to me,
dark angel from hell.
A voice of mesmorizing echoes,
from the depth of a lunar blanket.
Dance with me,
my puppet master of an etude.
A wooden heart with a vision,
in the woes of a sinking sea.
Run away with me,
through the horizon of a red sun.
A metallic puddle dripping,
reversing a teardrop.
Come in thought with me,
live my world of suicides.
Forget this reality madeup of prompts,
dying wihle in a lucid dream.
Cry with me,
stinging pain of disappointment.
Agnostic heavens pleaing,
a tear droipping full of glitter.
Burn with me,
a blue flame of ice.
Eating away the disease,
and educating the strong.
Leave me be,
I hate the care of love.
Ethereal lands come to my mind,
solitude is my key.
I wish to leave this emotion you show,
one where death now sounds like honey.
So let go of the strings...
--strings of the veins of my heart.
Escaping your powers,
temptation is too easy.
Spread my rotting feathers,
and fly into an oblivion.
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Monday, January 31, 2005
pathie can zoom ,lol ...(note: was pissy when writing this)
today was monday. therefore, right off the bat, it sucked. in civics, we studied economics. i fell asleep, then in chemistry I, we did some periodic table shit, i didn't pay attention tht much either, in algebra 2, i did a lot of problems, etc etc, who cares? well coming up to the point of the title of this entry, lol , pathie can zoom its ass pretty dang fast, (/kicked it up to 81 mph ^^;/) i was pissed u c...felt good to go fast...speed is awesome when u r in those moods...but other than that, and killing pathie, i saw ramm and we hung out some, some drama, some affection, etc. etc.
funny moment.
kt: hey there's a bird house!
*reads on side of house* put pooh here.
ramm-*walks away slowly*
The Used: All that I Got
"So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me
Off guard, red handed
Now I'm far from lonely
Asleep I still see you lying next to me
So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me I..
I need something else
Would someone please just give me
Hit me, knock me out
And let me go back to sleep
I can laugh
All I want inside I still am empty
So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me I...
I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got
I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got
I guess, I remember every glance you shot me
Un-harmed, I'm losing weight and some body heat
I squoze so hard
I stopped your heart from beating
So deep that I didn't even scream fuck me, I..
I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got
I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got
And it's all that I've got
Yeah, it's all that I've got
It's all that I've got
It's all that I've got
It's all that I've got!
So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me
So deep that I didn't even scream fuck me
I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got
I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got
And it's all that I've got
Yeah, it's all that I've got..."
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Saturday, January 29, 2005
the day of Myrtle Beach
i went to myrtle beach w/ rammie today, just to hang out and get him his soulfly tickets. we wetn down there, got the tickets and i got us lost trying to find Chili's! lol it was funny but ramm was all pissy about it, thts wht u get for listening to me ramm. lol well after we ate, we went by the mall and got lost in there 2. lol i swear we act like an old married couple, which is cute but funny none the less.
we got home and i drove to get 'Open Water' IT SUCKED! DONT' SEE THIS MOVIE, ...CUZ IT SUCKS! its basically a home vid of how these 2 idiots got lefted behind by a complete dumbass in the opened sea and so they think its right to drink salt water, right to bleed in water w/ sharks all around them, and in the end the guy gets eaten and the girl says ahh fck it and drowns herself and dies also, lol.
now we also saw, The Secret Window... FRIGGIN AWESOME! SEE THIS MOVIE@...CUZ ITS AWESOME! its like the main character (played by johnny,...which was basically jack sparrow) was a writer and his mind was so out of reality he created a person not really there, he murdered some ppl and shit, good suspense, but the best part was where he decapitated his ex-wife's head, and buries her in the corn field and her body fertilizes the corn and he eats the corn! lol ha!
so today was pretty awesome, got to hang out w/ rammie a lot since i only see him 3 times a week, which might be narrowed down a tweak bc of soccer coming in about 2 wks exactly... :/ but i love my rammie more than anything! ^^ mwha! thanks for today love
tomorrow i get to see dew sistah and go to the movies w/ ramm to see yet another movie, lol damn movie zone. lol but yea, yay fun! ^_^

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poetic mood again -Kt-
What about today?
just another teenage journal?
or one where nothing but pure drama condenses..
What about yesterday?
in the past left to be..
perhaps memories should be remembered.
What about tomorrow?
Nothing to be known,
your last day, or a new beginning?
Give me a hope to live off of, and i will show you what i am content of...that's right, my mind is back in the shop again, working and working..and working... i am thinking more than ever and what about? of course my poetic moods from pure saintly hell. Nothing is real. once again i am yelling this, once again i am burdening this w/ all of my babylonian tongue from which no thoughts but pure misery are created. I cannot escape this. of course i might grow out of it..but like tomorrow states, what's tomorrow but another unknown? I've tried to control these thoguhts but i give up, they have exploded underneath to my pressure of hot metalic earth. No gravity leaving endless possiblities to expand in an out of motion dance. Perhaps the human mind is one where it is it's own universe and each 'world' we visit is one that is actually a different planet in each different solar system of life. What am i talking about? good question. i think to much and do not allow the lightness of help to enter. nor do i wish it upon me. So let me be alone, and ignore these entrys that will leave you baffled. ~A teenage journal letting out drama...or to say..pure and unmurky thoughts~
-And to this, leave it up to the dreamer to describe the way they will live..if it be in reality, or in fantasy...different levels of the atmosphere or down to earth...tis your choice but to make sure you live life to the fullest-
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
emotion survey
.- Emotions -. | Created by KerianaWilliams and taken 129 times on bzoink! | .- Anger -. | If anger was a colour, what colour would it be? | black | Why would it be this colour? | because i believe it represents darkness, and when you're angry, you have a shadow of doubt following you | If you were to paint a picture of anger, what would it look like? | black/white figures of people | If anger was a person, would it be male or female? | female | What would he/she look like? | basically a dark being w/out a face, and just a very pissed off expression on her face | What would his/her personality be like? | lol pissy... | What would his/her name be? | err... claudia 0o | Are you often angry? | not really unless i'm pmsing or what not | What do you get angry about? | idiots, my own thoughts, basically anything that makes me irritated except petty things | How long do you stay angry? | i don't hold grudges that long so maybe at the most 2 hours | Do you have anger management problems? | not really | .- Sadness -. | What colour is sadness, and why? | either a twliight purple or a soft blue | If you were to go out and photograph sadness, what would you look for? | a lonely person sitting somewhere w/ grey skies and in winter just staring with a sad expression on her/his face | What makes you sad? | my thoughts and death | How often are you sad? | more often then you think i am.. | If sadness was a person, what would he/she look like? | grey and teary | What would he/she act like? | quiet | What would his/her name be? | lol err once again... how about, Iris | What song do you think best represents sadness? | a lot of choices...probably either our farewell: within temptation or my immortal: evanescence | .- Joy -. | What do you see joy as? | dancing, being without stress | What language do you think Joy would be? | lol drunk irish people language | What colour is joy? | a firey orange or yellow | What would joy look like, if it was a person? | very happy and smiliey | What would joy act like? | ...joyful | What would joy's name be? | JOY! lol nah err once again.... what about skylark...damn hippies | Describe joy in a sentance. | Joy is being happy. Hence the synonym. | .- Hope -. | HOPE! | What colour is hope? | a pearl white | How often are you hopeful? | most of the time | What words do you associate hope with? | determination, love, pray | If hope was a human, what would he/she look like? | geezus again? very pure looking | What would she/he act like? | very hopeful | What would he/she be named? | marria. | How would you describe hope? | always going towards the light side of things | .- Other -. | other | What sort of person would Dread be? | dark very fearful | Contentment? | like a priestess, someone with a calm mind | What about confusion? | crazy, like your thoughts have gone out of control and you can't think what to do or anything | If you were to paint confusion, what would it look like? | i couldn't describe it, probably different very abstract shapes | What's your favourite emotion? | depression i guess bc when i'm depressed, i think a lot | What's your least favourite? | confusion...i can't control my thoughts | What emotion are you feeling right now? | inbetween content and depression | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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random survey
About yourself | Created by marythemurderer and taken 41 times on bzoink! | What is your favorite: | movie? | lotr | song? | iris:goo goo dolls | food? | mt. dew (yes it is a food) | color? | black / dark purple | hobby? | piano, soccer, friends, driving | book/magazine? | fires of the faithful | subject? | biology | tv show? | inu yasha | band? | goo goo dolls | Romance & you | Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? | aye | Do you consider yourself romantic? | yea, when i'm in the mood | Are you loyal? | yup | Have you ever cheated? | hell no | Have you ever had a fling? | hell no | How many bf/gfs have you had? | maybe only like 2 real ones, and i'm in one right now ^^ | Have you ever: | Been drunk? | nope | Smoked? | nope | Been high? | nope | Had sex? | nope | Broken the law? | aye | Skipped school? | aye | Which is better? | Coke/Pepsi | dew! | Summer/Winter | winter | Fruits/Vegetables | fruit | Books/magazines | books | Vanilla/chocolate | chocolate | Coffee/tea | tea | Gold/silver | silver | Day/night | night | Dog/cat | cat | What is the: | Craziest thing you've ever done? | gotten a buzz, then sneak out of a house and gone skinny dipping at 2:30 at night | Dumbest thing you've ever done? | the lighter thing on my finger while driving...almost getting in a wreck while having a friend in the car | Smartest thing you've ever done? | make my own decisions | Most random thing you've ever done? | lol oh where shall i begin...i suppose randomly saying random things | Most romantic thing you've ever done? | write poetry for my love | Random | Where are you from? | supply, nc | Where do you live now? | bsl, nc | What are you wearing right now? | baggy black pants/ramm's sweat shirt | What is the last song you listened to? | open your eyes: Alter Bridge | What is the last movie you watched? | willie wanka and the chocolate factory | What color are your eyes? | blue | What color is your hair? | blonde | How tall are you? | 5'8'' | How much do you weigh? | 128 | What is your favorite memory? | 6/29/04 concert at the hob, ramm/mine first kiss location | What your worst memory? | a friend's death | Have you ever met a celebrity? | lol nope | Do you have any siblings? | yea, crystal | Your friends: | Who is your best friend? | heather | Preppiest friend? | *shrugs* most of my friends aren't tht preppy..if they r...they r just there | Weirdest friend? | probably connor | Nicest friend? | carla | Most annoying friend? | brian lol | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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random survey
About yourself | Created by marythemurderer and taken 41 times on bzoink! | What is your favorite: | movie? | lotr | song? | iris:goo goo dolls | food? | mt. dew (yes it is a food) | color? | black / dark purple | hobby? | piano, soccer, friends, driving | book/magazine? | fires of the faithful | subject? | biology | tv show? | inu yasha | band? | goo goo dolls | Romance & you | Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? | aye | Do you consider yourself romantic? | yea, when i'm in the mood | Are you loyal? | yup | Have you ever cheated? | hell no | Have you ever had a fling? | hell no | How many bf/gfs have you had? | maybe only like 2 real ones, and i'm in one right now ^^ | Have you ever: | Been drunk? | nope | Smoked? | nope | Been high? | nope | Had sex? | nope | Broken the law? | aye | Skipped school? | aye | Which is better? | Coke/Pepsi | dew! | Summer/Winter | winter | Fruits/Vegetables | fruit | Books/magazines | books | Vanilla/chocolate | chocolate | Coffee/tea | tea | Gold/silver | silver | Day/night | night | Dog/cat | cat | What is the: | Craziest thing you've ever done? | gotten a buzz, then sneak out of a house and gone skinny dipping at 2:30 at night | Dumbest thing you've ever done? | the lighter thing on my finger while driving...almost getting in a wreck while having a friend in the car | Smartest thing you've ever done? | make my own decisions | Most random thing you've ever done? | lol oh where shall i begin...i suppose randomly saying random things | Most romantic thing you've ever done? | write poetry for my love | Random | Where are you from? | supply, nc | Where do you live now? | bsl, nc | What are you wearing right now? | baggy black pants/ramm's sweat shirt | What is the last song you listened to? | open your eyes: Alter Bridge | What is the last movie you watched? | willie wanka and the chocolate factory | What color are your eyes? | blue | What color is your hair? | blonde | How tall are you? | 5'8'' | How much do you weigh? | 128 | What is your favorite memory? | 6/29/04 concert at the hob, ramm/mine first kiss location | What your worst memory? | a friend's death | Have you ever met a celebrity? | lol nope | Do you have any siblings? | yea, crystal | Your friends: | Who is your best friend? | heather | Preppiest friend? | *shrugs* most of my friends aren't tht preppy..if they r...they r just there | Weirdest friend? | probably connor | Nicest friend? | carla | Most annoying friend? | brian lol | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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Monday, January 24, 2005
Poetic Quote -kt-
If I could...I'd be the ethereal light of twilight and take us through that veil of fire that separates the sun's firey setting anger from the placidity of the world...that my love, is our escape...
well i sorta wrote this for acouple of reasons, one being i saw the most amazing sun set ever...i swear to god, i saw heaven's gates right there over the horizon of the ocean... the other reason is, i do believe i am deep in love. I've never felt this way before, that scene i saw at the beach with the sunset, just made me believe it symbolized both how my heart felt for a certain someone, and felt like if i were to walk towards that maginificent painting...I could escape...just be happy in life, just to live in a dream i suppose.. mind of a poet.
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
battle scars (Confliction/Not Yet Rated/If Not Winter/Parsad concert)
well today was a very interesting day. last night, we had a BSL Homie G Movie Night, w/ broiles,mal, and heath and we wrestled, got hurt, watched a movie, died..The next day! i got up, took heather home (which i think she thanked god for land after i dropped her off :P) so i got back and hung out w/ ramm some then got lost on a 3 mile nature trail and got cold then..came the free concert at the house of blues w/ Mallory, Ramm, kara, marissa, kaylan, thompson, and other ppl i 4got lol
this concert shall now be nicknamed, scar(and/or oww) concert. lol yes it equals to what the name says.. i fell down twice from damn crowd surfers everywhere...about 300 of them i of the times i fell, i got knocked out..literally, i couldn't rmb anything except, floor,blackness, stairs, head hurt, water, dizzy, and wtf? lol, freaked ramm out (thanks for pulling me out of there btw), lol i got a bit grr cuz i really had no clue wth was going on, but i went back to the lower deck and listened to not yet rated and confliction (which then i only bruised the shit out of my knee on the banister.. lol woot) the mosh piters were fcking crazy...ramm says it was almost as bad as slipknot..0o well i didn't get any picks or anything, i did 'knuck' Rollin's hand while he was on stage (Confliction singer) we went by the huddle house and then home...which was tiring lol
So yay! tht concert was fun / hard to remember, but i still loved it! got some great memories!
i do have to apologize to ramm though,,, i am REALLY REALLY sorry! i had no clue that i was doing tht while i was all dizzy and shit, i didn't mean w/e i said...:/ i feel soooo bad from it u have no idea...i appreciate u for helping me and everything! ^^ tht meant soo much to me! I AM SOOO SORRY again. lol. I love you more than anything and i have no clue y i got randomly angered but i guess i was just a bit dazed and out, lol, i love you huns! mwha! thanks for taking me/mal tonight!
go to these if you like rock or...just go damnit lol
(not yet rated)
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