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day dreamer, soccer player, pianoist, poet
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Katie (KT)
sports (soccer/running)& writing (poetry basically)
Anime Fan Since
somtime about 2 yrs. ago or so
Favorite Anime
Inu yasha, Trigun, .hack//sign, witch hungter robin, salior moon, wolfs' reign,
to become a famous poet one day and travel the world
writing/drawing/listening to music/imaginating/hanging w/ my buds
socca, piano, writing, being nice to ppl(thts harder than it
| DisTant ProPhecy
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
lol 2day is now post quiz day for ktz!
 You should star in a fantasy!
What Genre Movie Should You Star In? (Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
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beachish quiz!
 You spend your day at the beach splashing in water! You love swimming and andventure.
How do you spend your day on the beach? (anime pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
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'nother quiz ^.^
 You are mystical!
What is your anime personality? brought to you by Quizilla
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my dream...2 BE free! lol
 You dream about freedom! You are very fun to be around, and you are very hyper. Hyperness is a good thing though, so keep being yourself!
What do you dream of? (anime pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
well i can say tht this quiz is true...i dream it, i desire it, but i dont have it.
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 You are the most important person in his life. He would do anything to see you smile. Actually, he would be the PERFECT boyfriend. Always getting lost in your eyes, always treating you like a princes and always saying a joke to make you laugh your head off while he smiles at your hysteric laughter. Yup, he is the person you were destined to fall in love with.
What kind of boyfriend would you have?(with pics and obviously for girls^^) brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are whipcunt!You are sassy and careless.Most people think you're a bitch but obviously you don't give a shit what other people think of you.You're certainly not afraid to kick some ass..A true bad ass..Good for you!
Which Gothic Powerpuff Girl Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
HA thts funneh! /is now bitchy/ dont mess w/ me..infact dont even come near me, lol *rawr*
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Coldplay: Clocks
Lights go out and I can't be saved
Tides that I tried to swim against
Put me down upon my knees
Oh I beg, I beg and plead
Singing come out of things unsaid
Shoot an apple off my head
And trouble that can't be named
Tigers waiting to be tamed
Singing you are...
You are...
Confusion that never stops
Closing walls and ticking clocks
Gonna come back and take you home
I could not stop but you now know
Singing come out upon my seas
Curse missed opportunities
Am I a part of the cure
Or am I part of the disease
Singing you are...
You are...
You are...
You are...
And nothing else compares...
Home, home
Where I wanted to go...
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Friday, October 8, 2004
Ever so tired...
well, i went to bed at about 1:30 last night, lol got up to go 2 school, it took the whole first period for me to realize tht i was in english, not biology. lol sad eh?
(/must put this in here/) Jesse (aka jewish boyeh), MY GOD LOOK WHT U GONE WENT AND DONE! u either converted ppl to jewish, buddhism, or just plain suicidal! and to all started w/ chocolate y DO we eat milk chocolate bunnies in celebration on jesus' death in easter? :/ lllllol! tht was halirous!
 " (me in biology)
well come journalism, we gots ze readys for the Cougar Town thing..we're ppl r poor and want money for their clubs and etc. lol, (basically a middle school gossip city) i still cant believe i spent half my friday night but it was pretty fun (i hugged a cow and jumped in ze bouncing place! ^_^, heather, keep ure thoughts 'private' lol) so ramm took me home and we got up tht god forbidden damn possessed dancing/karaoke skeleton -_-.....i hate it. we watched Aladdin! wootz! I love ramm so much! @(!.!)@ we r so going to stay 2gether for a long ggg time!MWHAZ! ^_^
well other than tht, i am writing this while trying not to pass out from exhaustion / migrane. lol so i shall departz...
~OCTOBER 6th, CORN ZE DOG DAY! How many people can YOU corn?~
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Thursday, October 7, 2004
trench coats, wally world, and corn dogs....oh my!..
lol ayyyye i got this cool awesome groovy coat thing from express and look like a spy man ^_^ yeshz, just realized tht these years of the best years of my life and i can be living them more idk how though, just feels like it. broiles is being.....broiles. which is NOT good...lil' fart ass. lol is it me, or r me and broiles blood not the same? meaning, HE'S NOT MY DAMN BIG BROTHER. /dies/ lol well in gooder news, we have an assembly 2mororw (woots, no class) and a 3 day weekend whereas, I once again GET NO REST... i am so friggin stressed right now /dies/ idk y either, lol just everything making a big bowl of soup in my head...i need a hug . -_- ahh fudge it allz,
well 2day at scchool is now nicknamed- corn the dog day- my butt is we all looked like drunken hyper active retards doing the 'yoink' knee thing in2 ze i lost badly...damn coat.../rumblez/ went to piano, went past restruant, drove round places, went to the beach, it was purdy! the water was like gold cuz of the sunset and purple cuz of twilight /glamours/ ^_^ i went to wally world and holeh hell! it was the 'place to be' after congregating there till 8:30ish...broiles had 2 call and ruin my not so perfect thoughts...i want to kick him so bad :) well, yay! sweetness by jimmy eat world is on ze radios /dances/
doesnt look like i get 2 c me rammz this weekend...:/ well at least...MY DAD KNOWS I LIKE HIM NOW...0.o yea, i choked on my drink when my mom told me she todl him, damnt ive lost so many yrs of life due to fright ima die age 33... lol yea, i guess he sorta understands, just wants to kno him bettahz. i want to give ramm a biggg hug just cuz i need one, lol. well, i guess ima get a friggin shower...TGIF 2morrow...i guess..../dies/ bye peppiez. -keightz
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
last thoughts about matthew...
yea yea....i kno its been over 2 months since Matthew, not that long at all, when you really think about it, it feels like it only happened a week ago. i hope this is the last time ill have those lil' 'saddened'' times about it...i feel sorta pathetic,being all depressed still and such ...esp. when telling it out like out to the world, but hell this is a journal right?
i guess i started thinking about him again 2day while i was walking up my road...i was thinking about other smaller probelms like w/ ramm and my parents and shzzt, then i looked on my street sign, and there was the old silly string i strung up there July 22, 2004..the very last time i ever saw matt...i stared at it for what seemed for hours...then i just leaned against the street sign and just looked up at the sky and said "God...may he be in the stars." I didnt cry, nor was i sad...just...letting go. At that moment, i realized i had let go of the fact that he is gone...i can say it now aloud w/out being bothered by it...
But it hurts, mrs. teresa espically, god i look up to her so much...shes so strong, i want to be like her. If you can get through ure own child's death, while the next day, giving off an aura of smiles and laughs, showing people that it was god's will...that is the strongest karma i have ever witnessed...god bless her.
if only i stayed for that lulou(sp?) party......argh, i need to stop saying that, but yea, if i only took the time to look him in the face and say good bye one final time...noone thought of it, that he would be gone in a little bit more than a week from that one. guilt is a resigned and most strongest'll never dissappear...never. I miss him, oh lordie i do, ill always miss the austrailian pipe sounds he would make w/ very random water pipes at church 0.o(/still doesnt kno where he got a hold of em'), and whenever he would attack ppl w/ water balloons, lol hose nozzles aren't efficent at all w/ blowing up balloons...thts why i always lost...-_-, damn balloon would break on myself instead of other ppl...bah humbug. lol, i luve remembering the happy times moreoever than the sad times, feels way much better... like this quote says: "Dont cry because bad stuff happen, smile because it happened in the first place." :)
so, ill keep the pictures, the memories, the mixed cd, the advice, the laughs, the mistakes, the coffee spills in sunday school, and the pirate party, and the young boy who made such positive changes in not only his life, but everyone elses' life around him, he was certainly an angel sent by god, and he is up there now being as free as the innocent child that is in his eyes, surfing with the angels in an Austrialian carribean blue.
~*Living it Up for MD!~*

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