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day dreamer, soccer player, pianoist, poet
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Katie (KT)
sports (soccer/running)& writing (poetry basically)
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somtime about 2 yrs. ago or so
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Inu yasha, Trigun, .hack//sign, witch hungter robin, salior moon, wolfs' reign,
to become a famous poet one day and travel the world
writing/drawing/listening to music/imaginating/hanging w/ my buds
socca, piano, writing, being nice to ppl(thts harder than it
| DisTant ProPhecy
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
yay! dayz!!
today at school sucked cept for the fact tht SBHS almost got blown away (lol heather) by a friggin random tornado! i got home, felt extremely dizzy, for some reason...damn low blood pressurez -_-, lol so then i went to san felipe to meet up w/ me friends! yay! lol it was fun, then we all went and watch, down a river w/out a paddle or w/e its called? lol yeaaaaa, GOOD MOVIE GO SEE IT! ^^ (ps dont go to surf cinemas, the celing was falling apart cuz of the rain...brunswick county pride! hooha!)
<--isnt single nemore- i go out w/ the bestest guy evahz! I lurve yas jason! yay ^^ September 10, 04', lol like wht? after a friggin year of trying to date? ahh well, but we finally r offical and i luve yas so much! @(!.!)@
kt: ya make me fall in lovez! ^^
(/\ tht is true. i can promise ya w/ all my heart)
well, TGIF and im outtie, lol -ktz-

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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
Random Questions
hey yall, here are some random questions i randomly made up for a sorta 'poll' thingie! answer them if ya wanna! ^^
-Do you think if you cry infront of anyone, it is a sign of weakness? Do you think if you show any emotion at all it is a sign of weakness?-
~In my opinion, to myself, not for everyone, but to see myself cry is one of the biggest weaknesses i have...just makes me feel insecure and tht i think i make ppl uncomfortable whenever i cry infront of ppl...just bc im one of those types tht r always cheering the sad ones up, its not usually the opposite..~
-What is your lifes' goal? like to travel, to educate, etc.-
~I actually started to ponder this one random night. and i concluded tht i would like to travel and see the world. Life is plain and dull without seeing new places. In dreams u can see new places, y not make dreams a reality? this is one of my goals, tht nothing will hold going to work as hard as i can to see as many places as i can in this world!~
-Do you think it is healthy to ponder over something that has happened in the past? Do you think it is healthy to just forget about it?-
~To me, depends on what it is, wht i am refering to is one of my friends died and i keep on having periods of bleh towards it...but other things like breaking up w/ ure bf/gf or stuff like tht, thts sorta stupid.(if u stay over it for a long time) but death...idk. some1 help me out here? :/ ~
-How do you look at life in general? Do you follow it day by day with optimistic spirts, or do you think of the days ahead and have worries in your head about what the future might bring?-
~I TRY to live day by day with a smile on my face, and i do, it seems. but i cant help but think, where will i be in 3 yrs? at college? married? will i ever see any of my friends again? will i lose touch w/ all these ppl tht mean so much to me? and i guess its not really DEPRESSION depression, just sorta sad...but i kno tht if i lived day by day and quite thinking of whts to come, i'd be having the time of my life, which i am now though! >:D lol~
~answer these w/ ure own opinions if ya wanna! tya for ure time! ^^~
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Smashing Pumpkins: Landslide
"I took my love, I took down
I climbed a mountain, I turned around
And I saw my reflection in a snow covered hill
'Til the landslide brought it down
Mirror in the sky, what is love
Can the child within my heart rise above
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides
Can I handle the seasons of my life, oh
Well, I've been afraid of changing
'Cause I've built my life around you
Time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I'm getting older, too
Well, I've been afraid of changing
'Cause I've built my life around you
Time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I'm getting older, too
I get older, too
Oh, I took my love and I took down
Oh, I climbed a mountain, I turned around
And if you see my reflection in a snow covered hill
The landslide brought it down
The landslide brought it down
Oh, oh, oh "
/\this song is sad! but good! meh..:'(
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Monday, September 6, 2004

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random thought
yea, this is just one of my many random thoughts...:/. i am usually never intimidated by anyone, unless on a soccer field, but thts a different story, lol. but (/isnt naming names) there is this person, and idk, i guess i cant compare w/ them...its hard to explain. dont get me wrong, i think good of myself and i usually have a lot of self confidence, but whenever this person passes me in the hall or something likewise, i just look down and juts think to myself, man, how can i compare? they had something perfect and let it go, but she had been there in the past and everything.."
lol yup confusing eh? yea, random thoughts...idk, ehhhhh bleh -_-
well other than tht, life is gewwwwwd ^^ lol bye now -KeighTz-
She Will Be Loved: Maroon 5
.."I dont mind spending everyday, out on your corner in the pouring rain. Look for the girl with the broken smile, ask her if she wants to stay a while..and she willl be loved..."
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Saturday, September 4, 2004
Take the quiz: "What type of attitude problem do you have? (pics)"
 Your Scary Your probably goth (good for you). But this also makes most of the things you say creepy to others. Your probably trying to be mean but your slighty twisted so you end up scaring people. But who cares they still go away which is what you wanted. Try creeping people out by saying....
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Friday, September 3, 2004
/chuckles/ my friend, ramm, got 2 see orlando bloom and the rest of the pirates of the carribean cast and talk to i didnt. lol. /grambles/ MY GOD i envy u! /dies/ this isnt fair, u got 2 see the guy tht i think is hot! lol waa. bleh! ill meet him one day i swear ><
other than tht- this days been purdy gewd! dew sistah gonna spend the nite and we shall go and let out chaos...somewhere...yes lol! beware ure windows, for we might just be there!!!!0_0 bye now -KeighTz-
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

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Saturday, August 28, 2004
 You have Blue Wings! You are artistic and highly creative. Others are amazed by your imaginative ideas, and the way you speak so smoothly. You are very social, but you like talking face-to-face, instead of the phone. You love dancing, Writing, acting, drawing, singing, anything that requires artistic style. You have many friends, and are popular because of your unique style. Though your jokes crack up everyone around you, you often daydream about many different things, lost in your own world. Even though, you are optimistic, and remain friendly and loved by others in reality, you always like to visit your fantasy world for some peace from the hectic world.
What Color are your wings?(Mainly for Girls)Beautiful Pix! brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, August 27, 2004
to Amanda Holland
we luve ya girlz! u can make it through this! ure strong:), I luves yas sooooooooo mucho! ure my wittle sistah! (middle school style, lol) i kno u can make it through this, and ill be by ure side every step of the way girlie! lol from -Kittie-

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