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day dreamer, soccer player, pianoist, poet
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Katie (KT)
sports (soccer/running)& writing (poetry basically)
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somtime about 2 yrs. ago or so
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Inu yasha, Trigun, .hack//sign, witch hungter robin, salior moon, wolfs' reign,
to become a famous poet one day and travel the world
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socca, piano, writing, being nice to ppl(thts harder than it
| DisTant ProPhecy
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
the day of bleh
/sighs/ school...sux. the people there suck...(save a FEW of my only true friends) and love well tht made my day eh? ^^ /dies/ but mainly im pissed bc its just so STUPID to be bleh over such little probelms...argh, i need a life. lol welp, if any1 wants to leave a comment tht will cheer me up, i'd be grateful! bye now -KeighTz
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
school in general
lemmee just put this in, SCHOOL ALREADY SUX! lol i hate it bc i haveta get early, and i haveta sit there and not even kno wht the heck im learning and of course, the all traditional DrAmA! weee.. ../dies/ but at least i get my license this year! ^^ watch out ol' ladies!!! mwhah! lol well i haveta say the teachers r pretty cool, (cept when ima have alg. 2...oh lordie help me). well, i must put this here- *not stating ne names*- boys (defiantly not men) who do lil' breakups over AIM, cuse ppl out over AIM, and actual let out wht they feel (which is mostly bad) over AIM, and dont have the balls to say it in person, ARE IDIOTIC WEENIE HEADED COWARDS WHO NEED A FRIGGIN BACK BONE AND PERHAPS A LI-F-E-Z! lol yea...the ppl who kno this, kno whom i am talking and lemme just say, if u can't live w/ ure girlfriendz' friends, u dont deserve the girlfriend, AT ALL. geezus, boys r stupid....(if ure guy, take lil' insult to this ^^) lol. there. now, to contemplate, i luve me rammies! mucho! lol hes simple adorable (ironic how i was talking bout boys sucking and then go off all like wee...shoot me. lol) so yea. school = stupid boys= stupider. simple equations. well, byeeeeeee nowwwww! -KeighTz-

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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
the day of growlz
do i dare utter the words? /dies/ i DO NOT wanna go bak there! SOME1 KIDNAP ME PLZ! i will pay u money! well, today is my last summer vacational oh wht
haveta say, i have the bestest friends in tha world!! /sighs/ see yall at the open house 2nite...bye now! *waves* -KeighTz- (i wuve applehead ^^ lol)

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Sunday, August 15, 2004
lyric HELPZ!
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Saturday, August 14, 2004
the day of wind / bleh
i feel like killing some ppl! wht about u?
hurricane brought no power and a lot of bleh trees and windz...i got 30 bux though for cleaning the yard ^^ school starts in like 4 days....................some1 kidnap me....PLZ.
heather, may we wear those shirts HERE AND NOW?! ^_^ lol bye now
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Thursday, August 12, 2004
the day tht i got rained uponed
lol well 2day, was wet. lol yup, it was wet. i got up, drove on the highway for the first time in pathie, got RAINY bad...couldnt even see cars infront of me. got a bit ehh. lol but we all survived. got to town, bought A LOT of clothes -_-, only 1 black shirt man.../dies. some PUNK was trying to be perverted and tried to go in2 the fitting room...mother dear flicked him off :D lol he neckedz. so then we ate at the bestest place- chilis! weeeeee. i drove home and got home. i went outside and it raineeeeeeeeed! i got SoAkEdZ. but i like rain so i just stayed outside for an hour. lol then teh lightning came...heh. thts when i decided i was too wet indeed and went inside. from there, i talked on AIM and stuffz.
i haveta say these inside jokes-
b/t me and mallory-
SHOPPING CART DANCE /bends over to get kittie litter/ PLOP! sexah iness lol.
-weirdo 1.6
weird two
i got
heather- PISS ANTS
DITCH HIM! mwha! twin day is gonna be funneh! lol
bye now! -ktz-
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the day of drivingz
today was actual pretty lame. lol
to make it simplier, ima list wht happened today...a short list
1- got up, got SICK off of cocoa puffs man...
2- drove to piano...drove to youth group...drove to the beach...drove to Food Lion...drove home.....WEEEEEE
3- writing on here.
thts all tht happenedz today. lol
welp, we got 2 frigging hurricanes coming to eat us at the same time...
7 days /whispers/ (school starts bak...)
FRIDAY = SKATING FUN! ^^ lol ima fall on my arse. most of my friends are going! wee! its gonna be fun...and arse hurting. lol
i have the bestest guy in the worlds....^_^ and i am NOT a piggy.../growl/ nor am i retarded. and u aint gonna do shzzt to my feet so there :P lol.luv yaaaaaa Ramm!
well i do haveta do a dedication, and it's to Matthews' mother, (my youth group leader and a good mentor), Mrs. Teresa.
i have never seen someone so strong before, i look up to her for that, probably one of the biggest tragedies in her life has happened, but she still looks up and knows that her son is in a better place. I really can't see how she does it. So to her, i dedicated this to her! you're an awesome person, and rock on! :D
Random Quote->
"My soul is to to love..." (Kikyo: InuYasha)
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

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wht type of date r u?

Take the Date quiz, and visit Castle Diqueria.
Ima fun date! wootz!
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teh mountain tripz!!!
well, it was a very cool trip! esp. w/ the dew sistah there! we made looking for houses fun! woots. lol well b4 i start on the whole trip here r probably bout 80ish % of the inside jokes just so yall will be entertain and try to find out wht they mean (but ya wont...thts y it is funneh >:D)-
DAMN Q!!!!!49-3 (beetles),mexicans checking us out yo...,umph i tripped...again, SPIDER! heather- /trips down stairs/,kt- go chase tht seed thing
heather- ok! /falls over railing/, THE PUFFIN BIRDS! (i bite butts), PIMP cellie,CONDOM-YELLOW/LUBRICATED, lets stalk Graham on URE street, spider town.../shudders/, rabies town ...uh oh, mountains= hott arse guys ;-)
jawbreaker lollie^^, Mighty Max, hardees old men r ...scary, JENNNNNNN! /head goes out window/
RAINBOW black allowed, igloos...hehe,
5 year old staring at ure arse in the girls' b-room, the pool ladder 0_0, my leg went numb from dew, i tried to flush the toliet w/ the light switch, PT BRUISER no BRUISE bak, dolly dearest...., playing=eating tongues=worms, stickers= FUN, /pretends to be heather/, hiccups, kt-/smacks lips/ he gets turned on by his own 2 feet.
etc. lol
well we went there, on the way the beetle game was the top playin! (/won 49-3) woots. lol, but on the way home, was the alphabet billboard thing game..we tied both Z's thanks to the BLOODEH Q! *growl.
i have come to the conclusion that...hardees is not safe nemore...old man hitting on us and stuff man...-_-. and i have also found tht the mts. r not cave men....but mexi-men tht aint rite. lol. heather and i getting stalked by em' allll over the place...(she got stalked by one in a blue leopard cowboy hat and i got stalked by a midget one.) whtcha chin?! lol hadta put tht in there. well, i bought some gifts for ramm...just bc..they were funneh (the shirt-> dick's hard wood floors! the sturdiest and longest around ^^) ha! lol. heathers got a sticker-(goodbye kittie /microwave/) and i got one w/ one of them 1950 show thingies-> Tom is a true Mack Daddy, Pimp Tom Pimp. lol i couldnt resist. we went gold mining, AL2ETHER-> 3 BUX WORTH I BET! weeeeee. lol i just threw mine in the friggin puddle thing.
we went to teh zoos. PUFFINS PUFFINS EVERYWHERE. PUFFINS PUFFINS IN MY HAIR! lol tht was random, but yes there were quite a bunch of puffins. ( i bite butts and heather plotted). i do haveta say tht me and heather r the most clumsiest ppl ive ever known...the fountain, the terriozing butterfly, the elevator, the stairs, the tripping, the down hill slopes, the uphill slopes, the apples, the grapes, the candeh, THE DEW (it was cold eh?), the pool side (my foot still hurts from tht :/), etc! lol but it was all in tha moneys. w/e the hell tht means.
so we got bak home and heathers been gone for oever 1/3 of the summer, lol. but it was a good experience and im sure glad im not moving to the mts. bc of the mexis and the scary real estate agents^^ there were a lot of hott men up there...../dies/ lol ah well, thts where Ireland comes in eh?
well, i quit sandfiddler bc they ''forgot'' bout im freeeee! lol damn place made me pissy. im going skating this friday w/ A LOT of my friends and am probably gonna fall on me arse. and .../sighs/ school starts next wed.....HELP ME. i hate tht place. oh and i would like to pray for brandon P. bc his house burnt down acouple of wks. ago and he lost everything.
Random Quote-> Trojan man commercial->
'Looks like you 2 were about to...bump that buoey."
BYE NOW! ^^*waves* -ktz-
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