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day dreamer, soccer player, pianoist, poet
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Katie (KT)
sports (soccer/running)& writing (poetry basically)
Anime Fan Since
somtime about 2 yrs. ago or so
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Inu yasha, Trigun, .hack//sign, witch hungter robin, salior moon, wolfs' reign,
to become a famous poet one day and travel the world
writing/drawing/listening to music/imaginating/hanging w/ my buds
socca, piano, writing, being nice to ppl(thts harder than it
| DisTant ProPhecy
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Saturday, November 6, 2004
one of the bestest nights in my life(w/ mario kart involved ^.^)
Today, was completely awesome. if i had to rate 2day, it would get an uncountable number over 10 ^^, lol.Last night, i went to the fair w/ me dew sistah (tx for everything sistah! ^^ i had a blast), and ramm, i rode a lot of rides that went upside down, lol THE ZIPPER RULES! and the lil' boy in the mirror house, LMAO! poor dude...teee^^ I spend the night at heathz' and played some video games after being quite noisey around the house, lol >XD i woke up at heathz' house and we """played"""" mario kart (whereas in reality, we just spent 25 min. on one lap and killed other players..contiously) i drove home afterwards and Ramm came by and picked me up!^^, we went to wilmington and just hung out the whole day there, we saw The Incredibles, GO SEE IT! the lil' baby reminded me of Heath when she was all pissy (bc it was a demon that bite stuff 0o). We then went by the mall and i bought this coolio awesomez poster of my fav. poem -Road Not Taken : Robert Frost-. then we went and ate out, then went by his house and played Mario Kart, lol i lost...ONLY BC IT WAS ON GAME CUBE AND I WASNT USE TO THE CONTROLLER >< ..rawr. lol i got home and am in one of the bestest moods ever ^^. Thanks ramm for the evening out! :).
I never thought that my love for Jason could get any deeper than it already has, but my gosh, it has. I love you jason more than anything in the world and you are my perfect someone:) MWHA! <3
"...But i'm in so deep
You know i'm such a fool for you
You got me wrapped around your finger
Do you have to let it linger
Do you have to, do you have to
Do you have to let it linger?.." (The Cranberries)
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Friday, November 5, 2004
ONE last quiz, i promise ^_^
 Angel in Training! Unsure where you belong.
What kind of Angel are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
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 Bubble-Bath! Lay back and enjoy the power of water. Listen to music or have a drink during the bath and you'll feel like new person!
What 'Cheer-up Action' on a bad day do you need? brought to you by Quizilla
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hair color quiz thing
 Green Hair! Famous Green Heads: Setsuna from Sailor Moon & Lyserg from Shaman King!
~* What Anime Haircolor would you have? *~ brought to you by Quizilla
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well this week shall now be known as, wow this week has sucked - week. 2day was a bit better probably cuz i was expecting something bad to happen...nothing really rawr happened 2day...actually today was average, but yesterday...geeze0o tht was a BAD day. lol well i get 2 go 2 the fair w/ me dew sistah 2nite @^^@! IMA MAKE HER RIDE ZE ZIPPER AND THE OTHER THING THT GOES STRAIGHT UP AND DOWN >D! lol then i get 2 spend ze nitez at her house! yay! gonna get stoned off of dewwwwwww ^.^! well ima out cuz im bored, lol -Lu-
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
The days of this society kill me...
today SUCKED...this whole week has SUCKED...if it dont get any better, fck it all, ill move to some place better >< GOD i cant wait to graduate...idc wht ppl say bout memories, and how hard college is, I NEED A VACATION FROM THIS PIT HOLE...THANK THE FRIGGIN GOD THOUGH, next weekend, i get 3 whole days away from this county ^_^ cuz im going to pilgrimage! yay! gonna be awesome!
WTF IS WRONG W/ THIS NATION!?!? >< voting that idiot again....omg /shoots self/ well, no way this country will live w/ it,,,OH BUT THERE IS NO DRAFT, DEFIANTLY NOT! (/found this info) so no wrries about tht...but still those poor soliders over there dying w/out a cause...misery. bush=maniac w/ power and kerry= stupid jackass, lol so basically i hate them both, but i hate bush worse than kerry...GO NADAR! >:D! lol ah well, might as well get use to the fact that America is gonna be in debt for one hell of a century *shrugs* i was going to move out of this country soon anyway...
so other things that have gone wrong, my dew sistah is depressed as crap cuz of some idiotic pimp :/ (srry bout them following us...i didnt kno they would -_-) but i shall cheer u up somehow! ^-^!
-also, im really school cuz ive been doing really shitty on the last tests l8tly and therefore, i am quote scared bout my grade,lol
-btw..PESSTMISTIC THOUGHTS SUCK.- (cheers holly, lol)

"This nation is so going to go to hell..."
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Monday, November 1, 2004
 aww you are just so sweet no i mean it you are a hyper puff you just love sweets
what cute puff are you???????? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, October 31, 2004
"...I watch the sunlight dance across your face
And i've never been this swept away
All my thoughts just seem to settle on the breeze
When i'm lying wrapped up in your arms
The whole world just fades away
The only thing I hear
Is the beating of your heart..." (Faith Hill: Breathe)
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Saturday, October 30, 2004

Heather and her 20 minute lesson in espanol, LMAO! she snuck in2 a class she didnt have during 3rd period and just sat there while the sub stared at her and was like wtf..and it was LOL MAO! lol i love ze aim lingos >:D
lol random cute pic. i found. well this weekend so far is pretty cool, i went to the fair w/ ramm (fair warning, do NOT ride the straight up and down thingie...worst shzzt in the world ><) the fair was awesomes, we rode all these random different kinds of rides and yay! we ate out then i wents home
THE NEXT DAY! (tee) i had to get up at 7 f-ing 30 in the morning bc of a soccer game -_-, we won 4-0 but it was hot, a good friend of mine on there got really hurt and i now hate cherries ^_^, afterwards, i went by the mall, got some junk, then went out to eat, over buffered myself, and i DROVE HOME FROM WILMINGTON VERAH FIRST TIME! @^_^@ /dances/ i got home and decided to see if ramm could come over, he did and we watched ze Gothika. it was odd...but this is a really good weekend so yay!
HAPPY FRIGGIN HALLOWEEN!!!!!!! /dances/ >:D I LOVE ITZ! teee
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Friday, October 29, 2004
Green Day- Minority
"I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority
I pledge allegiance to the underworld
One nation under dog
There of which I stand alone
A face in the crowd
Unsung, against the mold
Without a doubt
Singled out
The only way I know
I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Casue I want to be the minority
Stepped out of the line
Like a sheep runs from the herd
Marching out of time
To my own beat now
The only way I know
One light, one mind
Flashing in the dark
Blinded by the silence of a thousand broken hearts
"For crying out loud" she screamed unto me
A free for all
Fuck 'em all
You are your own sight
I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority."
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