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| divinemistress
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Yesterday was the first day back for me. It was hot that day! I already have tons to do and its the first day. Oh well, i'll do what i did last year, improvise. I have 2 out of 4 classes with Shi-chan. Hehehe...This will give me an advantage... Shi-chan offered to help so don't think i conned him or something. I won't be working for a while. Not until I get my whole schedule worked out for me.
this friday, demi-chan better wait for me! olus he promised me ice-cream and he better not have forgotten! Kayla got a tan while I was away, looks good on her but I don't think her guy-friend(mine also) likes it too much. he's the jealous type plus he's been having a thing for her for almost 2 years. i told him to go for it but he wanted to be extra sure. Oh well. At least Kayla is the type to wait.
I watched Zatch Bell few days ago and the episode was so awesome. I found it really funny. I got a hold of a xXxHolic pic i wanted so bad, finally! well, gtg now. still have work to do and my next class starts in 5 hours. need to get some sleep too.
divi-chan signing out!
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Friday, September 16, 2005
Woah... I'm tired. I just woke up. Came from work and there were a lot of people. Probably because school started already. I have still have to get everything ready, next week my classes start. At least I no longer have to worry about a ride. My car is fix and I can take myself but on my first day back, Shi-chan will be taking me.
My aunt just left yesterday to go back in Switzerland to work with a partner or something like that. She said I should come with her but I guess it slipped her mind that my classes are starting again.
I've been working hard trying to go to everybody's site but my computer is slow at the moment. Technically, there's too much memory in it at the moment. Gotta fix that too. It's too early... I'll go to sleep again later after I look over my some of my stuff.
Well, I'll be going for now but I'll try coming back later. *yawn* So freaking tired
Plus, if you guys were wondering what happened while I was at San Francisco, the entry is right below this.
divi-chan signing out!
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
I'm BACK!!!
Ehy everybody! I have so much to say but I'll start of saying how much I missed all of you guys... IT's been such a long time and I came back few weeks ago but I had tons of stuff to do when I got back. *sigh* I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to keep in contact with all of you.
Now... ABout my trip in San Francisco... Hmm, all my aunt and I did was shop, shop, shop and pass by the golden gate bridge a million times! It was all fun though and our hotel bellhopper was so cute! He was nice too so I made sure to give him a big tip for his services but actually, my aunt took care of that.
During my second week at San Fracisco, I was in for a total surprise! I bumped into Shi-chan! Can't you believe it? I had no clue he was going to San Francisco but i did know that he left on a trip to see his older cousin somewhere. I was with my aunt in this mall when all of a sudden i bumped into someone near the escalator and fell down. Luckily somebody caught me before I fell anymore down the escalators and die or something. The person that saved me was actually Shi-chan, which i'm so grateful he caught me. We were both shocked to see each other though and my aunt couldn't stop being all over him, thanking him for saving me and all...
So anyways... to wrap things up... My aunt ditched me in the middle of the city and she wouldn't answer her cell when i got lost. I was so frustrated. I saw Shi-chan again and we ended up hanging together and he showed me back to the hotel. So, half of my trip, my aunt left me with Shi-chan most of the time. Another thing is... Shi-chan told me he would be going to the same school as me this September! That shocked me...
I guess, I can finally introduce him to demi-chan!
Phew... I typed a lot... well, i still have stuff to do and i need to go to everybody's site to see what's going on.
divi-chan out!
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
Saying Farewells
Tomorrow I leave for the airport. Just this morning my aunt told me we would be going to San Francisco plus we're staying at a Sheraton Hotel. I was like woah, "How do you manage to afford these things?" Oh well. My aunt is pretty rich from her job plus from her late husband. He was my favorite uncle but he died long time ago.
Well, this means I won't be updating for a while but I'll still be visiting your sites! ^.^ Man, I still have work today. Sucks. At least I get to tell all my co-workers whats gonna happen to me.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
A lot has been happening and its getting hard to keeo track! Today is my forum's anniversary, it's been about 13-14 months since it has been first founded by me and demonic-archangel. Spread the joy!
Well, before I go to school in September... I'll be going to a trip for a while so this means it'll be a while till I post again. But this doesn't mean I won't visit other people's sites. My aunt is making me go and its very hard to refuse her. My parents were asking what she was up to again because my aunt always have an agenda when it comes to me. She says its because I'm her favorite niece. (yah right!)
My aunt won't even tell me where we are going for the trip! Ugh... Last time she took me to Chicago then New York City. One time she planned to go to Hawaii but it got cancelled because of a storm so we ended up going to Jamaica. What's next?
I'm going to watch anime to bury my soul....
Divi-chan signing out!
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
What's up everybody? I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to visit anybody's site for the past few days! It's just because I've been busy with a lot of things. *sigh* DAMN IT ALL! j/k ^.^ BUt still, I feel bad not able to come to your sites but all of you are able to come to mine. No worries! I'll try to visit each one of you the best I can with the time I have now! ~x~
All I've been doing is work, work, work! Plus helping an aunt of do certain stuff, here and there. My aunt should I say it? Different? She's the type of aunt that's loose and very, very independent! I got away with a lot of stuff back when I was a kid(i still do ^o^')
She came by my work one day and all of a sudden she's all over shi-chan. I have no clue why but then again, she gets like that with any guy she thinks is cute. For example, demi-chan(demonic archangel) My aunt immediately hangs all over him the minute he comes with me to visit her.
Anyways... My aunt pulled away Shi-chan for some reason and neither of them would tell me what they were talking about. Aunt just gave me this I-know-something-that-you-don't-know smile with a good-luck-with-sertain-people-around-you wink. It gets annoying sometimes. After that, I realized that Shi-chan seemed a bit sick(cuz he looked pale). I felt his face and it was all warm. I hope he feels better. He just said that he was caught in a light shower the night before.
Well, now I'm off with the time I have left to look at your sites! >x< GO ME!
divi-chan signing out
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Moshi, moshi ^.^
do you like what i did to the site? the strawberries makes me hungry... i'm not quite done. i'll be changing the site again sometime later and that's when i'll be using SunderedYingYang's blog she made for me(thanks so much again Sundered^^)
the past day...nothing mush happened. oh! Kayla did wear the dress and she said for some unknown reason, guys kept asking her to dance. "I wonder why?"
work was same ole same ole... my manager slipped today! hehehe, it was so funny but of course i didn't laugh, it might just cause me my job but he's okay(i have two managers, male and female, cool!)
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Say hi to the camera!
How is everybody? I'm thinkin of doing of a new theme. I don't know what yet, do you guys have any suggestions? hmm... maybe i should do CCS or Tsubasa
i have a quote: "Don't let your mind be clouded by meaningful thoughts but meaningfuls memories for they will keep you going..." -unknown-
work is same ol' same ol'... Kayla is having her crisis as in, Kayla can't decide what to wear to this fancy-pancy party which is totally hilarious! i told her she should wear this dress we found just two days ago that was peach color wich has a v-neck and sleeveless with drooping threads clasped together by a pearl... it looks so cute on her! but she says its a bit too much (not the price but the way the dress looks) in my opinion, it was classy yet simple
i want some caffeine right now... hmm, a mocha/java chip frapucciano might do
well, till next time!
divi-chan out!
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
i really have nothing to say except: MY SUMMER CLASSES ARE OVER!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!!! i'm so happy about that! but that doesn't mean i'm done with work *sigh* it okay to, i have friends now to work with. after all, after meeting shi-chan--it's not lonely anymore working at the counter ^.^heh^.^
Kayla and I were planning to catch a movie tomorrow but now we're not sure... we might do someting else. who knows-well i sure don't!
i feel like playing a game and i don't know why-i'll be trying to visit your sites now
Cya,divi-chan out!
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Monday, July 18, 2005
Hi and forgive me
hello everybody! i've been busy all weekend *phew* i'm tired... oh! i did go to the party and it was great! i mean i met a lot of shi-chan's family members, his cousins were so nice(oh, i went by myself-all my friends were busy except kayla but she forced me to go by myself- some friend!)shi-chan's lil cousin was so adorable!!! he would always come follow me and when i look down on him-he gives me such a cute smile! KAWAII!!! i practically met all of shi-chan's family, all of them were so nice to me...
oh everybody---forgive me for not being able to go to your sites this weekend! i'm so sorry and i'll make it up for you guys this week. so, please forgive me!
this week is my last week of school! YIPEE!!! oh, i get to join more fanclubs!!! i'm so happy about that! this week, i need to work on my forum... i need to see if more people joined, i hope more otaku people join also.
divi-chan out!
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