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| divinemistress
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, July 15, 2005
What do you think?
i got more fanclubs that i joined of fruitsbasket! YAY! this makes me so happy! made a lot of new friends!
oh, i hope everybody notices my chatterbox above-- hmm, rigth now i need help with my blog(oh well)
i'm tired yet energized, i'm not making any sense am i? i'm thirsty--i guess i'll make late and be right back
moments later...: i'm back! now i'm totally energized *yawn* anyways, i was wondering what's the next anime should i watch-- iread Fushigi Yugi Kaioden (i think that was the title, i don't remember, but its the new fushigi yugi made by yu watase)i find it very interesting! even the characters are so... so... different. but interesting otherwise
oh, tomorrow shi-chan has a party at his home (he said it's full of family members, the party is almost like a family gathering) he invited me to come... do you think i should go? he also said i could bring a friend if i wanted to, i'm not sure if i should go. this is a first for me! i'm kinda panicky cuz no guy has invited me like that out of no where to a family party thing (i'm not including my close friends) AAHH!! *sigh*
that's all for now, divi-chan out!
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
hello everybody-- the Gundams Seed fanclub stuff is being sent at the moment, so just wait a bit, they are on the way^.^ i'm happy t get a lot of requests for them!
-about the scroll codes, they take a while for me to make plus i'm waiting for a reply from a member that i gave a code to if it will work in her otaku (if it doesn't work i'll give out embed codes instead)-sorry if yah really wanted a scroll code but no worries, i'll improvise it if it doesn't work and send it out
i just came from work two hours ago so i'm a little tired. just one more week of summer classes then i'm done! Yipee!
oh check out this site please:
(i was going to put a picture link but next time)
when you get to the site: please to try to post in the myotaku section ( you'll see it on the right side of the first table)
i hope everybody's day is going just fine
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
thank you everybody who helped me out with the Marquee code! thank you, thank you!
i just came from work so just now i'm able to go to the internet... -phew- there was a lot of people this morning to go to the cafe! oh well, as long as i get paid! hehehe
i'm not sure if i'll be able to go to all of your sites today, so i'm sorry if i'm not able to comment
do you guys like my Gundam Seed fanclub? if you want one just tell me and i'll give out the url ^.^ speaking of fanclubs, i'm looking for fruitbasket ones (just for fun)
oh, last thing... if anybody wants a custom scroll bar code, i can get you one--just tell me the shades like: Dgreen, Lgreen, Dred, Lred...etc...
this is for the people who helped me out with the marquee code, and if you didn't i'll still give it to you ^.^
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
i totally felt good today(or yesterday-it's freakin late or early should isay right now)! i really don't know why but i just was! even if I did have class and work. but that means I have nothing to do later, i could totally sleep in! it's been so long since i've been able to do that... (even if it was just last month-heh-)
Shi-chan is such a sweety! i owe him a lot. he picked me up from school and took me to work -my car is working again but a cousin of mine that visited from london is borrowing it, right now she's at a different city-
oh, and after work... my ride home didn't come till a hour-n/a-half which meant i had to wait. good ol' shi-chan offered me a ride but i declined so instead he offered to stay till my ride came. he's so nice! (why can't more guys be like him?)
Kayla came to my work and she finally let me borrow her Lost Universe...i haven't finished watching the whole anime and she has the last episodes. that made my day! she came with a friend that i won't mention (he's a friend of mine too)what was interesting is, i introduced shi-chan to her and she said he was cute. now, the 'friend' secretly likes Kayla (luckily she doesn't have a myOtaku yet so she won't be able to read this) he became all jealous and asked me what's so great about the guy. i told him all the good qualities just to get him irritated! but i said Kayla's type is not shi-chan -i know cuz i know who she likes-
i like messin with my friends at time because they all get paranoid when it comes to the opposite gender (most of my guy friends are pretty dense at that area, especailly my childhood friend)
hey, sorry guys if i wasn't able to visit any of you before but i had some problems with my computer and i'll make sure to visit it now
so sorry... oh! can anybody help me with a code to make your pictures move across the page?
divi-chan signing out!
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
i have nothing to say...
only two more weeks of summer classes! YAY! but then school starts in about 2 months after that
worl is okay... hmmm... that's all
i'm watching His and Her Circumstances at the moment
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
man, it's been so long since i came here and updated... i've been busy cause of work and school! and the weekend's no help to me... grr! it irritates me that i can't update as often as everybody else. i'm staying up late to study but i decided to take a break so i came here instead.
anybody knows where i can find post styles again? the post styles i've been trying haven't been working properly. i guess it doesn't work on myotaku
you know, i spent most of my time at work trying to ignore the continous nagging of this one girl who found out i was a close friend of her *crush* -not mentioning who- it got on my nerves! i almost slammed my notebook at her but luckily one of my co-worker stopped me. -thank you Shi-kun- that's my nickname for him cuz he reminds me of Shigure in Fruitbasket except he's not a perv. i guess if you try to mix hatori and Shigure, it may turn out like my co-worker... oh who cares. i'm just glad he stopped me from getting into trouble. that irritating girl better not mess with me when i'm tired if she wants to live long enough to have a boyfriend!
*sigh* i'm so freaking tired! hmm, plus i want more anime pictures
i just had halo-halo made by my dad. (it's a beverage that's very sweet... made up of shaved ice, sweet beans, ube, coconut jelly, flan, ice-cream, plus more sweet stuff!) at least that made me feel better
it's really getting late but i'm wide awake! oh well... i have a million other things to do also. i still have to visit the rest of yah.
AAAHHH!!! i still have class today!
i should find a way to update more often
well... divi-chan signing out!
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
can't stay long
HEY! Guess what? i got the call on Monday to work in the internet cafe which is totally awesome! i'll be going to work a bit later so i can't stay too long here.
i was going to update monday and yesterday but i had to wait for the job call on monday and on tuesday, i started my summer classes- so technically i'm going to be busy again. too bad that i won't be able to update as often but i'll still go to MyO to see how's everybody doing
i finally read xXxHolic volume 5 which made me so happy! there was a touching story in it hich is so cool. anyways, anybody read tarot cafe? that has a lot of sad stories in it-well- it depends how you comprehend to it
tomorrow i'm invited to go to myfriends Birthday Bash! YAY! my problem is that my car broke down few days ago, so i have to ask my other friend(who's already gracious enough to drive me to school and work) if she can take me to the party but i think her BF is driving-i'm not sure- i already got my friend a great present! i bought from the internet & it just arrived yesterday (luckily) i really hope she likes it
hmm... anybody know where i could find an Athrun Fanclub pic? i want one...
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
oh man... its sunday and i'm completely tired! just friday i resigned from my last job and got my paycheck.(WOHOO!) after i got my paycheck, i immediately went job hunting again-i can be such a workaholic- i neede a new job with less stress and fits my schedule. i needed a job that wouldn't interfere with my summer classes. stupid subject i'm majoring in! grr... anyways, i found a job. ironicaly, it was the internet cafe. how typical but i needed it and it was the only job i could find which doesn't require a lot of stress and i get afternoon shift 3 days a week. YAY! gives me study time too. i applied yesterday for the job and they called me in immediately. my interview was to be held on Sunday(which is today) at 1:00! oh man, i just finished my interview a few hours ago... so i hope i get the job, wish me luck everybody!
i'll be starting my summer classes this tuesday and that might cut off my internet time for anime but i'll manage, somehow... *sigh* i make my life so complicating.
hmmm, i was at Suncoast yesterday and i couldn't decide whih anime to buy. so instead, i read mangas and lucky for me, they had xXxHolic volume 5 (YAY!) by the time i finish the book, Suncoast was already closing. that meant i didn't get to decide what anime to buy. oh well, i got to read. also, I read Tokyo MewMew ala Mode... a very interesting continueation of Tokyo MewMew.
i'm sleepy now... grr, i want to do something fun though! but i'm still tired
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Friday, June 24, 2005
 You marry Shigure! You like them silly and funny! You lucky dog! You like them older than you so they can take care of you, I mean, who wouldn't...hes honest and a bit cynical and he can get a lil weird now and then, but not to worry! He has a nice job, hes a novelist and gets a good pay! Just watch out for him, cuz hes a lil perverted...that doesn't mean that just because your merry to him that hes not gonna be flirting with other just need to show him whose boss around here, he'll understand...
Marry a Sohma hottie! brought to you by Quizilla
oohh.... i always did want to marry a novelist well, at least meet one. ;p
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
no particular sense!
hmm... i have no clue what to put today. man, i've been lookin for xXxHolic volume5 but i can't seem to find it. It should be out already! Grrr, this makes me mad. I wanna read it >.<
today, i went w/ Kayla to the store to get some supplies for the project she was doin and we came across a balloon. the balloon had a picture of a bunny w/strawberries n it looked so KAWAII! it reminded me of Wiz(With) from DNAngel. This makes me want a bunny and watch DNAngel at the same time.
Speaking of DNAngel... I'm gonna make demi-chan pay! one of he's stalker called me n wouldn't stop asking me about him. i don't know this person n she just called me saying the number she got was my # from demi-chan!!!
*sigh* i need to go to a place where i could just sit down under a quiet place listening to anime music while reading a manga.
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