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Underground DJ Booth somewhere between New York and California
Member Since
Student. Just 3 more years
Real Name
Daniel...I know for a fact this time!
Making comic strips, completing GTA San Andreas, Winning science fair in 3rd Grade, Discovering what Techno is, Finding out about lots of music genres, Kicking small children, having Anger Control problems
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Fooly Cooly, Wolf's Rain, Evil City, Digital Devil Saga, Paranoia Agent, Excel Saga, Serial Experiments Lain
To Learn German, Japanese, Mandrin Chinese, French, British, Spanish, Russian, buying a kilt, meeting Jhonen Vasquez, buy old House records, and be able to implode, and backpack thought Europe
Drawing, Foregin Language, Metal, Punk, Hardcore Techno, Johnny the Homicidal Manic, beating up myself, watching paint dry, Shakespearian Literature, Playing Video Games, making comic book characters, Roy Lichtenstein and various Pop Artist of the 60's,
Can draw like noone's business, Master at SSX3, drool when anger (serioudly, I got anger control issues), laughing at the government, scaring people in the mall, and looking at things from an insane persons eyes
I’m bloggin' live from a underground remote location somewhere in the Midwest. I'm spreading my word of Anti-Racism and To Have as more fun then legally allowed in the US!! THIS IS DJ GRIND on MyOtaku!!!!
Dislikes: Tomatoes, Googly Eye booble head, right wing conservatives, left wing liberals, Politics in general, Moby, Minimal Techno, Progressive music, noise that trys to act like music, neo nazis, rascist, and alien movies.
What bands do I like?
Rammstein, Napalm Death, Gorguts, Carcass, Nirvana, L7, Mudhoney, Circa Survive, Garbage, James Brown, Ella Fitzgerald, Sloppy Seconds, The Berzerker, Neophyte, Paul Elstak, Mindless Self Indulgence, Atari Teenage Riot, EC8OR, Shizuo, The Morningside Excursion, The Smile Adventure, Alec Empire, VNV Nation, System of a Down, Static X, Rise Against, Siouxese and the Banshees, The Browns, Bikini Kill, Tommy Dorsey, Benny Goodman, Soundgarden, STP, Gorillaz, Lolita Storm, The Toliet, Dieselboy, Day Mar, Korsakoff, I:Gor, Adam X, DJ Venom, AK1200, DJ Grind (ME), The Ohio Players, Booker T and The MG's, Guy called Gerald, Marshall Jefferson, DJ Dara, Scott Brown, Slipmatt, Slipknot, Hixxy, Force & Styles, Twisted Indiviual, Dom and Roland, Kid Koala, MC5, Chattel House Crew, Chemical Brothers, Dresden Dolls, AFI, Sounds Of Horror, High School Bomb Squad, Audio Bullys, Edgey, and Angina P! What a cd collection I must own!
T-Minus 10, 9 ,8 , Aww Fuck this!!!!!!!!!!!

give DJGrind more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
Friday, September 9, 2005
Happy Fun Buns
I downloaded the demo verison of FL studio. It took me three hours to download them. I have dial up so, its going to take longer.
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
Hey everyone. I'm back after a little bit of a hiatus!
Anyways, I went to school football game last night. I crammed my backpack and biology book into my locker and I stayed after school. I get out of school at 3:20. But the game started at 7:00. So, I went to this convient store called Rosie's acroos the street. There I meet my friend Mongo's girlfriend, Cyrstal, Puppy (My jewish friend), and Rambo. Rambo can drive and he was going to go and take Cyrstal home and Puppy to cash his paycheck. I said I was going to just hang around there for a while. They invited me to go with them. Well, I went with them. We cash Puppy's check. He had 152 bucks on him. From there we went to Wendy's, they past wal-mart (gas was $2.99), we went to go get gas for Rambo's truck. Then we took Cyrstal back to her place so she could change. Rambo, Puppy, and I jumped on her tampoline with her brother. Then we drove passed Wal-Mart (gas was $2.89, be aware, this is 30 minutes later), then Rambo dropped Puppy, Cyrstal, and I off at Rosie's. Then I meet up with Puppy and his girlfriend. Cyrstal and I went and got 5 bucks from Puppy. Then the gates to the football field opened up and we went to game. And to think we blew 4 hours doing all of that! What and amazing friday night it was.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
My brother won't pick his stuff up. I get in trouble for correcting him or even asking him to clean up after himself. My mom finds it nessacry to constantly bitch about something. My sister, is about to hit something "Wink wink" head on. My dad is close-minded, and my friends are pissed off about something. The news sucks the biggest anus on the planet. So depressing. People are stupid and I'm about hit people with a baseball bat!Ummmmm, let's see what else! Nobody is aware of the friggin's world around them! Everybody thinks that have a problem! My brain feels like crap and my head is about to explode! I gotta travel! Far away from all of these idiots! Nobody can just shut up and take a good long hard look at themselves! They are all to busy living there quote unquote "LIVES" that they are oblivious to the world and the and the people braking! I hate people and I'm going to be reclusive when I grow up! People ook at me Like I'm a freak! THEY ARE THE FREAKS! THEY ARE HYPOCRITICAL, RUDE, CLOSE-MINDED, MEAN, and OBNIOXIUOS! DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OK!!!???
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
Check this Out (Insert Beatbox noise here)
I started an account with Quizilla. If you ever what to check out my quizzes, the'll be under DJGrind. I have two as of now.
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Friday, August 19, 2005
OHHHHHH!!! I got it finished.
Me and a friend of mine are putting together a collection of Hardcore Techno and Metal. It's called speaker Murder Vol. 2. I burned her a mix cd with stuff like this on it. I named it Speaker Murder becuase it was loud and angry techno. I asked her some questions and now I'm going to work on this cd with my friend (her name is Candace.) This newest installment "Speaker Murder Vol. 2" is a 2 disc set. I have on the first disc all hardcore and gabber techno. That one is named "HARDCORE HEAD RUSH!" And the second one has metal and D'n' B on it. And that one is called "METAL MAYHEM!" Such wonderful names, don't you think?
I have covers for them and it says Grinderadio FM presents: SPEAKER MURDER VOL.2 MIX BY: DJ GRIND!!! I love it and I wish I could me this a real CD set! IT would rock the house y'all!!!!
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