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Thursday, January 27, 2005
Today! We... di-se-ct a frog... nice! Blood gush and his internal parts are soft and slimy. I didn't touch it eventhough I have gloves... I don't know... I'm afraid of those kind of animals/creatures!! And I don't want to kill one! Our teacher (codename: FIS) *no ""H""* was like a murderer!! Evil one! uhm,, not that evil! Well, because she didn't feel anything while disecting the froggy! (Well she is a teacher)It it was my dog, I will not just disect it! I will cook it and roast it and bake it and boil it..

Hey Akari-chan is cute!! Kawaii!
She is from To Heart, anime of course... Bought a CD of that, uhm last year... I can't tell that I like the story, well I like Akari,, and Hiroyuki is cute when HE WAS STILL A KID.
My RO was destroyed!! *yesterday* This computer really *stinks* (like a fart)
My mum kept all my CDs and I can't watch 'em!! My classmate was borrowing my Saber Mar. J (dunno if it's a movie) CD and Gravitation ova and my DNAngel CD... Well,, I can't my mum kept it all. (she saw me watching it again so blah blah) I got a Phobia when I let her borrow my Chobits CD... The sides almost crack... goshness!! Well, It's okay... I already watched those...
LAST: WHO HAVE A MP3 OF TO HEART - YELL?? ^_^ buhboosh!!
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Meh quizzez
 You are like the snow fairy, she is very beautiful, she has the power to make things beautiful, but She is sometimes quite selfish, and spends most of the time she should be using her magic staring at her self in the mirror. Other than the fact that she is vain and selfish. She is a nice person, when she IS actually using her magic, her powers are great, and she is very helpful. Well that's most of the tings about the snow fairy, can you relate to some of them? You probably can, because that is what this quiz is for!
**The ultimate Fairy quiz**(anime pics!) for girls, but if you are a guy you can take it too! !**being improved more**! brought to you by Quizilla
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I like snow!!
 You are a piano. You like to express your feelings indirectly like in lyrics, poems, and stories. You are careful in what you do and sometimes pull a stunt. You are calm and peaceful. But you usually don't talk to people first they have to talk to you.
(BEAUTIFUL anime pics) What is your soft toned intrument? brought to you by Quizilla
This is true (only some) and I like piano!!
Your angel seeks for serenity. Your angel is part of you. Thus, you are the kind of person who values peace and serenity more than most things in this world. You might not work well in hectic areas, but you most likely work well in quiet areas, or with soft music playing. You are calm and graceful, with a warm smile on your face a lot. In love, you seek someone who also manages to make you laugh, but can stay serious. Someone who can relate to you relaxed ways. You like to write, and read, you most likely will be a writer when you grow up! Writing a book? Message me, though I don't think I can help! =P
Please Rate and Message!
What's Your Angel Seeking For? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:. brought to you by Quizilla
What??? not familiar with the word!! *checks the dicyionary* oops! wrong dictionary!!
Well see ya!!
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I'm not yet finished with my fan art!! *searching for scanners*... Hey! There's no DNAngel manga in Comic Quest! Anyways, eventhough there is I don't have money to buy one... $.$ *drools* My DNAngel CD is still... not working! Stupid cd!! *I want my dog ""SHEENA"" to eat it*
I'm so happy! I think I’m not going to school tomorrow (not sure)! sooooo, more wallpapers! nyahaha!! Maybe I'll submit it all on Friday! My mum and dad was talking about hiding the modem!! So what I'm going to the cafe!! Nyahaha! I'm sooo good!
I bought Ragnarok Manga Volume 10 uhmm (Sunday)! My mum didn't noticed!! We went to the mall eventhough I'm sick, I don't want to be left at home with bunch of ghosts! *I'm afraid of ghosts* Well... Nothing special happened today... *cough cough*

Hey! I want to watch Naruto! I didn't finished the whole series! I like Sasuke... He's cool! I hate Naruto... Fartboy... *sniff cough* Waah! I want to buy a CD! Darn! don't have money!! Well, I'll stick with Full Metal Panic! first... Need more anime bishies! Hey kindly give me an anime with anime bishies? We have no CLASSES on Friday nyahahaha! That’s the haka-haka (chiswiz) whatever…
Speaking of haka-haka, While watching the tv I saw a commercial (Maalaala mo Kaya) *true story* About this guy telling everyone that he is a shokoy! As is merman <- don’t know!! Shouting to the sea Kunin nyo na ko!! (Take me away) AS in Grab me!! Anyways he look like one! (saw his pic) *aaaaaaahhhhh* scary!! Anyway my face is more horrible than his… yak yak yak… Well! I’m going to rest! Too tired! Hope I’ll not go to school tomorrow. *doesn’t know the spelling of tomorrow* <<<-- is this correct???
Soooooooooooo! Buhboosh!!
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
Argh! My....

Ouch! My tonsil hurts! I hate this! And I hate sneezing! *sniff sniff* I have colds yesterday... Don't know it's gone!! Maybe my dog ate it... I watch Ah! My Goddess a while ago... it was... sniff sniff... happy?! And I hate it! I hate happy endings! They are like fairy tales "and they live happily ever after* bah! Eat your tongue you Cinderella!
Last night my parents laughed at me... *while I'm typing my post* They said, Parang kakainin mo na yang keyboard ah! (You're going to eat the keyboard) well, because I'm typing too hard and our keyboard is shaking... *trembles* Guess I need to ""PLAY"" typing test... (I don't know if you can consider it as a game)
Well, last night I saw a neew character in DNAngel, He was not that cute... He kidnapped Risa in the ferris wheel and said that Risa is the Black Wing's Holy Maiden! Yey! I'm going to buy that manga whatever happens!! And there you can see that Dark-san cares for Risa... He became berserk and hunts down that Arge***************** blah blah... *don't remember the name* Nyahaha!! I'll kick your arses you'll kiss the ""moons"" <<---Kid said that!!***sorry about the grammar*** Hey I remembered his name! It was Argentine! *sound like Argentina* Well gotta go!! I'm going to check my assignments!! ^_^ See ya! buhboosh!!
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Advance notice! Affirmative!!
I watched my CD's again!! (DNAngel) I'm bored today... Hey! I want DNAngel manga volume 10!! Argh! Who has one?! I forgot what I'm searching... Something's on my mind... It's bothering me since yesterday! Could it be?! No it can't!! He... No way!! Well... uhm... bah it was nothing...
I watched Inu Yasha uhm... 12 hours ago... My fan art... still... was... not... in... our STUPID ""SLOW"" computer! dang this computer!! It wants to format my "STUPID" diskette! And you know what?! I paid for scanning my fan art and this computer can't even read this stupid diskette!! WTH! I'm soooo A-an-g-ry! *don't want to say or type bad words* (What the Hell) I'm goin' to nail down this computer to HELL! dammit!
Grr... Sigh! %.% I'm outnumbered... Hey don't have money $.$ I'm bankrupt!!No money! No zenny! No Internet! (almost) I have nothing to spend...
My life is soooo boring!! I want supernatural powers! Nyahahaha! That's why I want to study karate... I want to fight and fight until I die help...less...ly?? I want powers! I want wings!! *Angel Wings* That's also why I want to be an anime... *Daydreams* And I want to be a ninja! Hey! ninjas out there PM me! I want you to train me!! Shuriken!! Wapak! When I was a kid a have shurikens... My cousin gave me those... It was... sharp... *they are real* but I don't know who made those... NARUTO! and SASUKE! I challenge you to a xiaolin showdown!! Here's the rule: No farting! and no transforming to a freaky monster! I hate those! hiyaaaa~~!! wapaa-aak! Boom! Kahboosh!! And the winner is ME!! nyahaha! *woke up from that silly daydream* Dammit! I think when I grow up... I will not have any husband!! You know why?? My ideal guy is... is... an anime character like Dark-san!! Well... I'm hungry... I'm going to eat... so buhboosh!!
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Friday, January 21, 2005
Wake up you sleepy head!!

Hey! Zzzz I'm still sleepy... I'm going to watch Shaman King today... I don't know... I think it already end last last last last Saturday or Sunday *I think* Hey who put that *Monopoly Money* in my Foundation?!! hmmm... Maybe I can use that... (because the one who sells in the store across our house is now old) I'll used that during Brown-out or *Black-out* He will not notice that!! Nyahahaha! I'm so evil!!
I'm listening to Chobits - Raison D'etre!! I'm searching for more Dark-san pictures... Wahhh! I'm so bored!! Wait I saw a Dark-san Fan Art and it's coool! Hey Sugisaki Yukiru! Please make a Season 2 with the same characters and same uhm almost the same age! puhleaze??!! Hey they say taht Sugisaki is a petite lady... In some autographs... And ""SHE"" always draw ""HERSELF"" as a man... Man!! My mum's shouting at me again!! Tigilan mo na nga yan (Stop that!)<
Hey I found a pic of Sugisaki!! Hope it's her though...

She's drawing Niwa-kun *Daisuke* (Don't want to mention the name) *He has the same name with my japanese classmate "first yr hs"* ack!! Sugisaki is my NO1 idol!! Okay see ya! My mum is shouting at me again! Bah! *I don't listen to her* I have my own dreams and that is!!! To be an animator someday!! buhboosh! I'll update tonight! *Advance notice* from -------->>> Anna
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^_^ I'm home!! ^_^

Nyahaha! I watched Full Metal Panic! today!!! It was funny!! course it was the 2nd season!! Hey! DNAngel has only 26 epi?? I need more! more episodes! Nyahahaha!! I really like Risa uhm because she so kawaii! and she likes Dark-san!! Well see ya! I'm tired... Need to Sleep...
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School! Boring! Duh?!
I'm at school right now! well we're already dismissed! I'm at ITC. Yak yak yak! <<*that's a laugh* EVIL laugh! How come my dark wallpaper still not approved? Uhm maybe I'll send it again. You know? Errors! Our computer is like an abacus! Just compare if a calculator add, sub,div, blah blah just in a click then a abacus add blah blah killing your time! *you're fast if your a Chinese* That's how our computer work! Yak Yak yak! I'll submit my fan art maybe on Saturday... But it's not Dark-san! *need more effort*
My Gravitation wallpaper *sucks*!! I don't know why I added it! Uhm! Maybe because I'm out of recycled pictures... *NEED MORE RECYCLED ANIME PICTURES* Hey my Anna's Manga Foundation still empty. (only P200) Well better not say it.
Cool! The Wallpaper page is now open!! Gotta send my stucked wallpapers! *if there is* I only got 6 wallpapers... Boring ne? And I need to scan my fan arts... They're stucked in my clearbook... Hey I found yesterday my Lacus fan art! great! But I don't know! The size is HUGE and need to edit it... bah! Boring!
I borrowed my friend's *Iris* CD uhm... Ah! Megami-sama (Ah! My Goddess) Volume 3!I already watched the whole series but I want to watch it again!! Nyahahahaha! Ei I'm going home now Buhbye!
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Duh?! I'm finished with my assignments!!

Argh! My mum is scolding me right now and she wants me to turn of my computer. I answered: Ano?! Tapos na nga ako e! (What?! I'm already finished!) And here's what's on my mind: Epal naman o! kakabukas ko palang ng computer pinapapatay agad! Ba yan?! (Damn! I just opened the computer and she wants me to turn it off!) Grrr... Hey my fan art is already approved (if that's how you spell it) Bah! I need to study more japanese *whatever you call that* I don't want english! Err... because I'm not good at it! Notice??
I need to make another wallpaper!! Hey! I went to my friend's house and eat! It's fiesta there! Their house is BIG and nice! Full of wallpapers! And I like 'em! I watched Full Metal Panic! in their house... Funny! It was uhm... When Sagara was picked to be their model! Their teacher was like OA as in Over Acting. *Oh the nature blah blah blah but no one is listening* Bah! And Sagara followed what their stupid teacher told him to be one wiht nature! He has no common sense and I like him! But not that like "like". I like Dark-san!! Well, back to the topic and Sagara planted these traps and string and whatevers... and then Kaboom!! All of Kaname's group *ressurected* like undead *zombies* And the next day or week or month *I don't know* Kaname had this date thingy. With this guy thingy. They were being attack by this *lasingero* (beer freak) people! And Sagara stole this Bear *if it was a bear* (I'm blind) costume and saved Kaname with her date... then blah blah blah blah... And this *unknown* horrible bear Costume freak fired his gun with this beer freak. and this bear freek and beer freak fight blah blah blah... as usual the bear freak won. And the police hunt this bear freak down (Sagara) want to break his vertebrae into kidneys. and at the end Chidori helped him and they talk. *Chidori already know that bear freak is Sagara* Duh?! And blah blah blah... Ending song with credits and blah blah...
Now about this anime news in the Philippines! I hate this! Gatekeepers will be aired in our local channel with Tagalog dubbed wanna be's! Bah! I hate it when they change their names! It's okay for me if it is tagalog but their voice! It's like an old type anime whatever like th old type astroboy... And sometimes they pronounce the names with different accent like Yui in Fushigi Yuugi (curious play) as JULIE! Whatta! I think they read it literaly. Okay my mum's goind back I need to go! buh bye!
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
 Purple! You have purple eyes! You're a dreamer, artist, poet, whatever. You enjoy all forms of art and literature, and tend to be quite good at creating them as well.
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla
Ei I got purple eyes! Just like Dark-san! cool! nyahahaha! I'm so happy. Dark-san is my favorite character ever! including risa! And I like Dark-san so much! I wish I was an anime character! None of these happened even in my dreams! Maybe daydreams! You know what here's a secret: I'm always daydreaming in school about anime! *But I'm not included* Daydreaming what will happen in the next episode! and so... blah blah blah
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