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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
I'm bored today! FAN ART! bah!!
Yo! I’ll submit my fan art today… Doesn’t look good but it’s okay I’m used to that… I got my grades today! ^_^ it’s okay! So happy don’t have to be scolded!! I’m bored! Dang still don’t have volume 5!! I’m listening to DNAngel True Light! kanashii hodo hikari dashita….shiroi yami kirisaku tsubasa ni nare!! *Buildings trembling* *Tsunami occurs in our sink* *Snow falls on summer* *Pasig River evaporates*… this is tragedy!! kuzure te yuku abe no mukou wa…zetsubou mo kibou mo onaji kao suru!! *cough cough*
I’m listening now to DNAngel – Yasashii Gogo… *singing in a flat tone* I like this song!! La la la la la la la…. haru wa soko ni ki te ita…! *I swallowed my tooth* I can’t open my diskette!! *There’s no virus* I think our computer is “”SLOW””… The only thing I recovered is my chibi chii! Is this a joke?! *Angry* *punching the wall*
Heard again Lacus’ voice *English dub* “”ASURAN! WHAT ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR… IS IT FOR THE MEDAL YOU RECEIVED?! OR YOUR FATHER’S ORDER?! I’M GOING TO BE YOUR ENEMY AND YOU MIGHT AS WELL SHOOT ME DOWN! ATHRUN ZALA SOLDIER OF ZAFT!!”” I like that part “””ATHRUN ZALA SOLDIER OF ZAFT!!””” Asuran looks shocked after hearing that! But anyway he always looks like that… *don’t forget the BIG forehead*
I watched Full Metal Panic today! Awesome!! Very funny! But I can’t understand the ending part! So fast! Kaname was uhm… acting like a bHaby! Damn her!! By the way no pic for today! My mum *mommy* will see me searching for a nice pic of *my* Dark-san and Risa Harada ehehe..ehe….hehe… okay see ya!!
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I borrowed CDs from my friend raisa.It's Gundam Seed and DNAngel... Ei! Thanks! Visit her site PsychoValkyrie ^_^ *I know you already know that site* because she has cool wallpapers!! go get 'em ^_^ I'm listening to Gundam Seed - Meteor right now. sooo nice ^_^ I want to buy some CD's too! But first thing is first, I need to buy DNAngel manga Volume 10. *Checks my wallet* needs more money! There's my donation box! It's Anna's Manga Foundation...
I'm not finished with my assignments... I'm always like this... I'll scan my fan art next time... I'm so lazy...
I want ot eat I'm soooo hungry. uhm... I bought Ragnarok manga Volume 6... Uhm, there's no volume 5! "I'll be back" *looking for Loki pics* Wah! He looked like a skeleton freak!! But he's cute! He's so excited for halloween party.
I watched Gundam SEED last night even though I already watched it several times HEY I heard Mwu la Fllaga's favorite dialogue, Mwu La Fllaga: "I can make the impossible possible". But I'm so sad when he died. His body crushed into small particles. His body parts are flying into space being crushed by meteors and comets, eaten by gigantic leprechauns, smashed by the gundams and turns to ashes. He's one of my favorite character in Gundam SEED because he can make the impossible possible. BUT he didn't! Why do he have to DIE like that! I hopr Cagalli dies! Her comrade ""FLLAY"" already died! Why don't you come with her?! I'm going to make another wallpaper... uhm maybe next time. After all they're in maintenance... My fan art still *sucks* I'll make one maybe on Saturday. *sigh* Well, because my classmate ask me to draw a gurlash with a long hair... But it's okay! I love drawing anyway... uhm... I'm soooo bored... maybe I'll update next time! See ya!
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Monday, January 17, 2005
Here's a poll!!

Ha! I finished my assignments! But not all! Ei! My mum bought me Ragnarok Manga Volume 3! Yey! Don't have to pay for it! Now I bought Volume 4! My mum said I'm just wasting my money... ^_^ But still she bought me. I finished making another wallpaper! Huh?! I'm tired, after this I'm going to sleep! I going to make another wallpaper tom! Also, I'm going to scan my fan art. *The chibis* One is chibi chii and the other... uhm DNAngel characters chibis. I threw away one of my fan art! *cramples* Don't like it. I think I need more effort. Anyway, even if i exert more effort... bah! There's no difference! My fan art still *sucks*!! Dang! When will I learn to draw!
I'm listening to my mp3 Gundam Seed - Shizukana Yoru ni and I'm singing! Guess everyone around me are looking at me... maybe because their eardrums already crushed into small particles. Shizukana...aaaaa...aa...aaa *breathes* a..a.aaa.aaa yoru ni..iii.iii!! *cough cough* Ei hear that? Sounds like Tanaka Rie but it was me! nyahaha! Oi just kidding... *In my nightmare dreams*
Ei see ya! Next tym! Gud bye minna-san! *My mom is already angry at me*
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
^_^ Back to the Future
Do you like robots? Do you want to live in the future where there are robots?? *maybe in your dreams* If you believe in reicarnation... *I hope it's true*
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Drunk Lacus... Again from that site @_@ I like her journal!
It was a clear and silent night.......
There was a distant sounds of thunder rumbling angrily and the sky was pitch black, not that it made any difference at this point for the skies was always dark at this hour.
However, in a particular household, two typical teenagers were happily rolling around the room, laughing over the latest MTV and other oh-so-hip teenage flicks.
Whatever they were high on, they were certainly making a din.
And this did not please the bored former captain of the Archangel living at the opposite block. She could clearly see the two goons jumping around like a pair of hyper druggies from her spot by her bedroom window.
At first, she wasn't too bothered by the squeals and screams.
But after a while, it proved to be extremely annoying. Especially when she was attempting to perform a very hard task - untangling a long pink wig which she borrowed from a friend to pose as Lacus Clyne.
Yeh, we all wonder why a famous lady like her would want to pose as a 16 year old pink haired pop idol.
But let's not ponder over that mystery, people.
Back to the current matter at hand.
She twitched, trying to restrain the urge to hurl her heavy grand piano out the window to shut the goons up.
15 mins passed...
The teenagers got even MORE noisier.
Gritting her teeth, she drew her curtains back, flick her window open and glared at the teens before taking a deep breath.
Meanwhile.....over at the Teenagers room.
(Let's give a nice name to the two goons. Pam and Sam.)
Pam and Sam were laughing over a random porn show when they heard the most perculiar sound in the world.
Someone singing in a horribly offkey tone.
"Kitto, itsumo...aeruno ni...." Sang the bored voice.
Sam raised an eyebrow and gave Pam a look.
"What?! I didn't do anything!!" Pam protested as she looked out the window and got a shock of her life.
A girl with long, unusually shiny pink hair, wearing a loose red T-shirt and jeans was leaning out the window boredly singing Mizu no Akashi in a bored, flat tone.
"Say....WTF is that..." Sam wondered as he and Pam stared at the mad woman with pink hair singing random Japanese songs by Lacus Clyne.
If a fan of Lacus Clyne were to be there, they would probably conclude that she was drunk.
Silence flooded as the pink haired girl happily waved and smiled sweetly at them. Sam blinked.
This woman was really drunk.
'Lacus' adjusted the weird, huge, puffy, white and purple arm covering/sleeves she was wearing on her arms before adjusting her hair. Pam and Sam just shrugged and was about to tune back in to whatever they were watching when 'Lacus' began to scream and shout out World Peace Slogans.
"WHO!?" Pam's eyes went wide.
".....O_O;;" The goons just stared at the pop idol of PLANT.
This was all too much for poor Pam and Sam who screamed bloody murder, shut the windows locked and drew the curtains back.
The night was once again calm and silent.
Shizukana Yoru Ni....
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Bishounen of the Year. (Found fr. taintedwings.blogspot) ^_^
Host: And now.....the sexiest bishounen of the year goes to....
Everyone: *fidgets*
Girls: *giggles and whispers*
Asuran: *flipping his hair and starts adjusting his uniform* I must impress...the photographers there.....who knows? One of them might be a photographer from Prada or Channel monthly fashion magazine!
Cagalli: Kuso...why is the baka host taking so long to annouce the winner's name?!
Lacus: Ara, I'm sure my dear Kira will win!
Fllaga: Ahhh to heck with all these guys! They're taking such a long time because they can't have enough of Mwu La Fllaga's beauty! *preens*
Ramius: *Sweatdrops*
Asuran: *stands proudly* ahh.....!!
Fllaga: *practically hyperventilates*
Kira: *Stoned*
Kira: *still stoned*
+++ Camera play #5 +++
And now...for some crappy snap shots of the OH SO elegant captain of the Archangel. (((Insert Sarcastic Tone in here)))
Ah...yeh...standing on stage all day with the cameras surrounding you can make you sleepy.
Looks like she's not that happy with the idea of being squished up by a bunch of psychos...!
Asuran, being a bad boy he is, invited everyone to join the Dark Side.
Hence, that's why we see everyone here doing the traditional ZAFT salute.
Yeh, ZAFT is ruler of the world.
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Yey! ^_^
I finished my first ever wallpaper!(DNAngel) Doesn't look good, course it's my first time ^_^ While searching the net I came across a pic of Daisuke kissing a... a... dalmatian! or maybe sniffing*checking the dictionary* ^_^ sorry 'bout my grammar? owke?! Don't care 'bout Daisuke... uhm maybe a little ^_^ And here's another one! A yaoi wallpaper of Hiwatari-kun and Krad! I don't really like yaoi esp. uhm you know, but it's owke!
I'm not yet finished with my drawing... I'm soooo slow ^_^' Check out my pic of the day! Dark-san is sooo cute with his shades! He looks like a cockroach!... I mean he's sooo cute! Noticed anything? My pictures are BIG.
My classmate went at my house today. She borrowed my Gravitation OVA cd. Hope she likes it! ^_^ I want to buy DNAngel manga volume 10! wahhh! Also Ragnarok! Don't have any money! "Dark-san, I order you to steal money from the bank and give it to me" I want to say those words!! Hmm...
Let's talk about Gundam SEED. Have you noticed that Asuran's forehead is BIG? well sometimes! But he's my favorite character in Gundam SEED. Next is Lacus then Kira then Sai and then Dessert Tiger then Mwu La then blah blah blah blah! I like them all except for... Cagalli and Fllay! I hate those brats! They're soooo kikay *gurlash*.
You know what's on my mind? It's my teacher in Science! you know FIS? But she's good! not like Bambi! Speaking in English and then if she's mad she'll talk in Tagalog! She's teaching us how hard to live in other countries and then She wants us to speak English every minute, every second, every time!! Well, What I only hear while she's speaking is ROAR... ROOOOAAR! because she's a combination of Tiger, Lion, and Panda. You know why I'm mad?! because she made an example 'bout my classm8!! That's why.... ^_^ Well see ya... ^_^
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Friday, January 14, 2005
Uhm... ^_^

Today, I'm busy drawing my most favorite anime EVER! Guess what?! DNAngel nyahahaha! I'll post it uhm... I don't know when! I want to know how to make a WALLPAPER!!! I'm soooooo... boring! I search the internet today and I saw a CUTE^_^ anime character! He's Shiro Kamui! He has these wings also^_^ *both devil and angel* I want to watch that! Someday! Someday... Anyway, I bought this Manga Ragnarok Volume 2!! *CUTE* Loki! ^_^ ey?! I'm searching a mp3... It's Invoke from Gundam SEED! I already have that but it was... taken away from me!! *OA* Ei, who can teach me how to make a wallpaper out out recycled pictures?! or how to color in photoshop^_^ Sorry I'm so Ignorant! BB! see ya!
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Thursday, January 13, 2005

Nothing special happened today EXCEPT for one! '.'# That evil bloodsucker! He thinks he's good! WELL he's not! amf!! He challange me in a pvp and said JUST ONE Asura Strike will kill me! whatta?! Argh if I am not a FS I'll... I'll...!! He is just 50+ hmm I think 59 and He acts like a... a... lvl 99! that PAKWAN! I'm stronger than him! amf! so angryyyyyyy! Dang! Anyway, I watched full metal panic! today... *don't know what to say* I'll just update 2morow! I'm going to watch Gundam SEED eh. ^_^ BB
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