Monday, January 17, 2005
Here's a poll!!

Ha! I finished my assignments! But not all! Ei! My mum bought me Ragnarok Manga Volume 3! Yey! Don't have to pay for it! Now I bought Volume 4! My mum said I'm just wasting my money... ^_^ But still she bought me. I finished making another wallpaper! Huh?! I'm tired, after this I'm going to sleep! I going to make another wallpaper tom! Also, I'm going to scan my fan art. *The chibis* One is chibi chii and the other... uhm DNAngel characters chibis. I threw away one of my fan art! *cramples* Don't like it. I think I need more effort. Anyway, even if i exert more effort... bah! There's no difference! My fan art still *sucks*!! Dang! When will I learn to draw!
I'm listening to my mp3 Gundam Seed - Shizukana Yoru ni and I'm singing! Guess everyone around me are looking at me... maybe because their eardrums already crushed into small particles. Shizukana...aaaaa...aa...aaa *breathes* a..a.aaa.aaa yoru ni..iii.iii!! *cough cough* Ei hear that? Sounds like Tanaka Rie but it was me! nyahaha! Oi just kidding... *In my nightmare dreams*
Ei see ya! Next tym! Gud bye minna-san! *My mom is already angry at me*
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